月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。
Q1 What is inside of the speaker?
a) A plastic pot
b) A power outlet
c) A simple keyboard
d) A metal pot
Q2 Where is the speaker?
a) In the United States
b) In a kitchen
c) In a pot
d) In a shop
Q3 Who is speaking?
「➊High-Tech Homemaker」
Oh, goodness. Is it morning again? I feel like I've ➋barely closed my eyes, and now here I am back to work. Honestly, I ➌could use a break. This family keeps me working ➍day in and day out all year round. And I'm not that young anymore.
Well, I'm not that old either. In fact, to look at me, you'd probably think I look quite modern. After all, I'm rather high-tech — especially considering the very basic function I serve. I've got a little ➎LED ➏readout with all kinds of lights and a few buttons. And inside this rounded plastic body, I have some very clever sensors and timers and ➐routines, all hooked up to a handy computer ➑chip. Naturally, I have to stay ➒plugged into a power outlet, otherwise none of it would work and I'd ➓be of no use at all. Oh, and of course I have a nice metal pot inside, too. That ⓫makes sense. My grandmother was a simple pot, after all. She did her job, just like I do, but her kind need their owners to ⓬keep a watchful eye on them. I can do the job all by myself.
You know, if I'd been bought anywhere but Japan, I probably wouldn't have to work this hard. My cousins in the U.S. sometimes only get used once or twice a week. And then, only for an hour or two at dinnertime. Almost never for breakfast. ⓭Apparently, people prefer bread in the morning over there. But here in Japan, it's day in, day out, work, work, work. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I spend my whole life in the kitchen. But ⓮it's only fitting, I suppose. After all, my kind were invented here in Japan. We help make the most important part of almost every Japanese meal. And we make it white and ⓯aromatic, warm and delicious, every time.
➊ high-tech ハイテク、先端技術
➋ barely やっと、辛うじて
➌ could use a break 休憩したい ★could use ~で「~があるとよい、~したい」の意。
➍ day in and day out 毎日毎日
➎ LED ★ light-emitting diode(発光ダイオード)の略
➏ readout 表示器
➐ routine 手順、ルーチン(プログラムの一部)
➑ chip チップ(集積回路を搭載した半導体の小さな素子)
➒ plug ~ into a power outlet ~のプラグをコンセントに差し込む
➓ be of no use 役に立たない
⓫ make sense もっともである、理にかなっている、当然である
⓬ keep a watchful eye on ~ ~を注意深く見張る
⓭ apparently どうも~らしい
⓮ it’s only fitting 当然だ
⓯ aromatic 香りのよい
Q1 What is inside of the speaker?
a) A plastic pot(プラスチック製の鍋)
b) A power outlet(コンセント)
c) A simple keyboard(簡単なキーボード)
d) A metal pot(金属製の鍋)→ 正解
Q2 Where is the speaker?
a) In the United States(アメリカ)
b) In a kitchen(台所)→ 正解
c) In a pot(鍋の中)
d) In a shop(店内)
Q3. Who is speaking?
A rice cooker / maker(炊飯器)
画像:Arek Socha from Pixabay、Jonathan J. Castellon from Unsplash 、PhotoAC
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!