月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a doctor’s office
b) In a toolshed
c) In a restaurant
d) In an electronics shop
Q2 What does the speaker not like?
a) Being close to people
b) Being hung around his owner’s neck
c) Being put in his owner’s ears
d) Being cold
Q3 Who is speaking?
「A Friendly Tool」
Well, hello, there. Come on in. How are you feeling? Well, ➊never mind. We’re here to help ➋sort that out — my owner and I, that is. Mostly him, if I’m being fair. But I’m certainly here to help. I suppose that ➌not too many people are happy to see me. After all, they’re usually not that happy to be in this office ➍in the first place. And some of my owner’s tools can be a little scary. But, to be honest, I’m probably the least scary of them all. I think that’s why my owner hangs me around his neck most of the time.
Most people think that ➎I’m only concerned with people’s hearts. But the truth is that I can check the health of your lungs, your ➏gastrointestinal system — that’s your stomach and ➐intestines — and, ➑believe it or not, I can even check the size of your ➒liver. Not bad for a few tubes and a simple kind of microphone. I don’t even need electricity!
I’m made of a little bit of rubber, a little bit of metal and a tiny little bit of plastic inside. That’s it. Simple, ➓right? Of course, you and I are going to have to get close for me to do my job. It won’t hurt or ⓫pinch, although it might be a little bit cold. Usually, my owner will press me up close to your ⓬ribs and ask you to breathe. At the same time, he sticks my other ends into his ears — which, I ⓭have to admit, is a little ⓮gross. But, hey, it’s all ⓯in the name of helping people.
So, don’t worry. I ⓰don’t bite. Just tell my owner what the problem is (he is a doctor after all!), and I’m sure we can help make it better.
➊ never mind 心配するな、気にするな
➋ sort ~ out ~を解決する
➌ not too ~ あまり~でない
➍ in the first place 最初に、そもそも
➎ be concerned with ~ ~に関心がある
➏ gastrointestinal system 消化器系
➐ intestine 腸
➑ believe it or not 信じられないような話ですが、まさかと思うでしょうが
➒ liver 肝臓
➓ , right? ~だね? ★念を押す言い方。
⓫ pinch つまむ、締め付ける
⓬ rib 肋骨
⓭ have to admit . . . ・・・と認めざるを得ない、正直に言うと・・・だ
⓮ gross 気持ちが悪い、嫌な
⓯ in the name of ~ ~という名目で
⓰ don’t bite ★「かみつかない」から転じて「近くに寄っても大丈夫だ」の意。
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a doctor’s office(診察室)→ 正解
b) In a toolshed(物置小屋)
c) In a restaurant(レストラン)
d) In an electronics shop(電子機器店)
Q2 What does the speaker not like?
a) Being close to people(人のそばにいること)
b) Being hung around his owner’s neck(ご主人の首にぶら下げられること)
c) Being put in his owner’s ears(ご主人の耳に押し込まれること) → 正解
d) Being cold(冷たいこと)
Q3. Who is speaking?
A stethoscope(聴診器)
画像:Arek Socha from Pixabay、Jonathan J. Castellon from Unsplash 、Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!