ヒントは「machines、blades、yard」。私は何でしょう?【Mystery Speakers~音声を聞いて当てよう】

月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。





Q1 Why is the speaker so heavy?

a) He has eaten a lot of food.
b) He is dragging a long cord.
c) He has a gas-powered engine.
d) He is carrying other machines.

Q2 Where does the speaker usually live?

a) In a shed
b) In a field
c) In a restaurant
d) In a factory

Q3 Who is speaking?



「A Summertime Lunch」

❶Good grief, will you get ➋moving please? I’m ➌starving! I mean, it feels like I haven’t had anything to ➍munch on for days. And ❺come to think of it, it’s true! Five days ➏as a matter of fact. Are you about ready?

I mean, it’s been worse, right? Like every single winter? It’s not your fault, I know. When there’s nothing to eat, there’s nothing to eat. So there I sit, ➐stuck in a dark ➑shed for months ➒on end, dreaming of warmer temperatures and spring flowers and all that.

Man, if I was a human or an animal or something, I’d have ➓wasted away by now! At least, I can’t lose any weight. I mean, I’m mostly made of steel and a bit of plastic, like most of the machines in this shed. So, I’m pretty heavy. And a gas-powered motor will put a few pounds on you, you know? A few of us are electric, ugh, but those guys are lightweights. When you push them around, they’re always ⓫dragging that long cord behind them, like a tail between their legs…uh, wheels. And if they ⓬run over it ⓭by accident? — ha, well, it’s all over for them. But me? Mm, give me a little gas, and I’ll spin these steel ⓮blades all day. As long as you’re pushing, of course.

I suppose it’s strange that I ⓯spit out everything I eat. I guess that’s what keeps me so hungry all the time. I mean…where would I put it anyway? ⓰Raking that stuff up and getting rid of it is your job, buddy. And if you want to keep this little yard from looking like a field of wheat, I’m the guy that’s gotta ⓱gobble down the grass. So, let’s get out there and ⓲chow down!


➊ Good grief やれやれ、おやまあ
➋ moving ★話者の発音では、~ingのgが聞き取りづらくなっている。
➌ starve 腹ぺこの
➍ munch on ~ ~をむしゃむしゃ食べる
➎ come to think of it 考えてみると
➏ as a matter of fact 実際のところ
➐ stick (無造作に)~を置く
➑ shed 物置、小屋
➒ on end 立て続けに
➓ waste away 衰弱する
⓫ drag ~を引きずる
⓬ run over ~ ~(人など)をひく
⓭ by accident 偶然に、うっかりして
⓮ blade 翼、羽根、平たい部分
⓯ spit out ~ ~を吐き出す
⓰ rake ~ up ~をかき集める
⓱ gobble down ~ ~を丸飲みする
⓲ chow down 食べる、食卓につく









Q1 Why is the speaker so heavy?


a) He has eaten a lot of food. (彼はたくさん食べた)
b) He is dragging a long cord. (彼は長いコードを引きずっている)
c) He has a gas-powered engine.(彼はガソリンで動くエンジンを持っている) → 正解
d) He is carrying other machines. (彼はほかの機械を運んでいる)

Q2 Where does the speaker usually live?


a) In a shed(物置小屋)→ 正解
b) In a field(畑)
c) In a restaurant(レストラン)
d) In a factory(工場)

Q3. Who is speaking?


A lawn mower([手押し]芝刈り機)


テキスト:Owen Shaefer
ナレーション:Jack Merluzz

画像:Arek Socha from PixabayJonathan J. Castellon from UnsplashRudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay


語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発

  • スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
  • 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
  • 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!


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