ヒントは「stainless、container、soup」。さて、私は何でしょう?【Mystery Speakers】

月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。





Q1 Where is the speaker?

a) In the countryside
b) In a restaurant
c) In someone’s pocket
d) In an office

Q2 What is currently inside the speaker’s belly?

a) Plastic
b) Air
c) Soup
d) Coffee

Q3 Who is speaking?



「Just ➊Hollow if You Need Me」

➋Boy, it’s ➌chilly out there. You’re going to be glad you brought me along, right? Especially since we’re out here in the countryside. I mean, that’s the only time you bring me out. That sounds like a complaint. I’m sorry. It’s fine! Even if some people bring my kind to work every day. It would be good for the environment and save money, too! Sorry.

Sure, I can be a little bit ➍bulky. I’m made of ➎stainless steel, although some of my kind are plastic on the outside and steel on the inside. But at least I’m a nice simple ➏cylinder that you can hold in one hand. I know I don’t exactly ➐fit in your back pocket, but I have to be built that way. Sure, I’m a ➑container — but I also need an outside skin and an inside skin, both made of metal. And there’s nothing in between. No, really! Nothing! Not even air.

See, it’s ➒all about physics. ➓Heat transference, actually. See, the reason that hot things become cold is because heat passes into anything that touches it. Even air. That’s why your soup gets cold if you don’t eat it quickly. But if there’s nothing touching it, the heat has nowhere to go! So, my makers ⓫suck all the air out from between my inside and outside skins, and anything you put into my ⓬belly stays the same temperature for hours!

I guess that’s all just a long way of saying I keep hot things hot and keep cold things cold — especially liquids. So, after you’ve been out in this chilly weather, you can ⓭twist open my lid and ⓮pour out that nice, hot cup of coffee. Although I wish you’d made hot chocolate. I enjoy a good hot chocolate.


➊ hollow くりぬく、空洞、うつろ ★タイトルは Just holler if you need me.(必要なら呼んで)という意味の決まり文句のもじり。
➋ boy わあ、ああ ★驚きや落胆などを表す。
➌ chilly ひんやりする、肌寒い
➍ bulky かさばった
➎ stainless steel ステンレス鋼こう ★略称ステンレス。
➏ cylinder 円筒
➐ fit in ~ ~に入る、~に収まる
➑ container 容器
➒ all about ~ 要は~で、すべて~次第で
➓ heat transference 熱伝達
⓫ suck A out from B AをBから吸い出す
⓬ belly 腹
⓭ twist open ~ ~をねじって開ける
⓮ pour out ~ ~を注ぎ出す




ああ、外はひんやりするねえ。僕を連れて来てよかったと思いそうだろ? ことに僕たちは田舎に来てるからね。何しろ、こんなときしか連れ出してくれないんだから。今のは文句を言ってるみたいか。すまなかったね。まあいいさ!僕のような仲間を、毎日、仕事に連れて行く人だっているんだけどね。そうすれば、環境にも優しいし、節約にもなるんだが!すまない。





Q1 Where is the speaker?


a) In the countryside(田舎)→ 正解
b) In a restaurant(レストラン)
c) In someone’s pocket(ポケットの中)
d) In an office

Q2 What is currently inside the speaker’s belly?


a) Plastic(プラスチック)
b) Air(空気)
c) Soup(スープ)
d) Coffee(コーヒー)→ 正解

Q3. Who is speaking?


A thermos / A vacuum flask (bottle) ([ステンレス製/真空断熱]魔法瓶)


テキスト:Owen Shaefer
ナレーション:Jon Mudry

トップ写真: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels  本文写真:Arek Socha from PixabayJonathan J. Castellon from UnsplashArtem Podrez from Pexels


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