月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。

Q1 What is the speaker made of?
a) PVC
b) Concrete
c) Grass
d) Cloth
Q2 What does the speaker have to do?
a) Stand upright by herself
b) Twist into complicated poses
c) Protect her owner’s knees
d) Clean dirt off of the floor
Q3 Who is speaking?

「➊Lying Down ➋on the Job」
You want me to talk about this, like, now? I mean, sure, but look at me! I’m all sweaty! Well, no. Obviously, it’s not my sweat — it’s my owner’s. But anyway ...
I know, I know. I make it look easy. I mean, all I have to do is lie around and relax, right? But it’s not all ➌fun and games. I mean, my owner just, like, literally walks all over me, OK? So I have to be tough. Most people would probably say I’m made of rubber. I mean, ➍for real. But actually, I’m a specially ➎engineered ➏PVC. (The V stands for vinyl.) You know why? Well, first, I need to be thin and flat but soft enough for her to ➐kneel on me without hurting her knees on the concrete floor. Second, I’m easy to clean. So when she — Hello! — ➑wipes all this sweat off me, I don’t get smelly. I mean, ➒ew! And third, PVC doesn’t get so ➓slippery when it’s wet. So if my owner is doing some kind of, like, ⓫complicated pose, she won’t ⓬fall over ⓭or whatever.
You know, the funny thing is that even though the poses my owner is doing are, like, thousands of years old, my kind totally isn’t. Back in India, where this started, most people just practiced on the ground or on, like, grass! ⓮Gross, right? I’m much cleaner. And I protect your knees! And if you want to practice somewhere else, you can just, like, ⓯roll me up and take me with you!
Oh, OK. This is the part of the practice I like best! — the last few minutes, when my owner just lies down, like, all the way across me to relax and meditate. Ah. Now this, this is totally easy. ⓰Namaste, everybody.
➊ lie down 横になる ★本文3行目のlie aroundは「寝そべる」の意。
➋ on the job 仕事中に
➌ fun and games 楽しいこと、ごく簡単なこと
➍ for real 本気で、まじで
➎ engineer (技術を使って)~を作る
➏ PVC ★=polyvinyl chloride(ポリ塩化ビニル)。
➐ kneel on ~ ~の上にひざまずく
➑ wipe A off B AをBから拭き取る
➒ ew おえ、げっ ★生理的嫌悪感を表す。
➓ slippery 滑りやすい
⓫ complicated 複雑な
⓬ fall over 倒れる
⓭ or whatever ~ ~とかそういうこと
⓮ gross 気持ち悪い、ぞっとする
⓯ roll ~ up ~を巻き上げる、~を丸める
⓰ namaste ナマステ ★インド系の人々が会ったときや別れるときのあいさつ。
Q1 What is the speaker made of?
a) PVC(ポリ塩化ビニル)→○正解
b) Concrete(コンクリート)
c) Grass(草)
d) Cloth(布)
Q2 What does the speaker have to do?
a) Stand upright by herself(独りで立つ)
b) Twist into complicated poses (体をねじって複雑なポーズをとる)
c) Protect her owner’s knees (ご主人様の膝を守る)→○正解
d) Clean dirt off of the floor (床のほこりを掃除する)
Q3. Who is speaking?
A yoga mat (ヨガマット)

トップ写真:Elena Kloppenburg from Unsplash、本文写真:EnergieDeVie from Unsplash 、cfarnsworth from pixaby
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!