


「きゃぱい」は「キャパシティーがいっぱい」の短縮形です。つまり、誰かの「容量」が「満杯」であることを意味します。この言葉は、EGGモデルの古川ゆなさんが、年配の女性が「キャパオーバー」(つまり「キャパシティー オーバー」)と言っているのを聞いたことから広まったそうです。彼女はこのフレーズを気に入りましたが、少し長すぎると思い、「きゃぱい」という略語にしました。彼女が考案したこの言葉は大ヒットし、2021年にはギャル雑誌『EGG』で最もポピュラーなスラングにもなっています。




きゃぱい is a shortening of キャパシティーいっぱい. That is, someone or something’s “capacity” is “full”. The term was popularized by the EGG model Kogawa Yuna, who heard some older woman in Osaka say she was キャパオーバー (that is キャパシティーオーバー). Yuna liked the phrase, but thought it was a bit too long, so shortened it. Her coining – which she has actually said should be written entirely in hiragana – was a hit, and became popular enough to become EGG’s #1 slang term for 2021.

If you’re at your near limits emotionally, physically, or mentally, you are きゃぱい. I suppose its worth stressing that this is pre rather than post going to full on “overload”, as きゃぱい puts you at the border. The ぱい is from いっぱい not オーバー. いっぱい means at the maximum, not at overflowing.

There are uses of きゃぱい which don’t relate to stress. When you are full of joy, you can also call it/them きゃぱい. For example, the person below uses the term to express joy and appreciation at receiving some presents in a game. The repetition of アガー and ありがとうございます shows clearly that this is not a stressful situation, but rather one that tests their capacity for joy.






  • 無理ゲーを勝利する:「無理ゲーを打ち負かす」
  • 無理ゲーを続ける:「無理ゲーな状況を続ける」
  • 無理ゲーを攻略する:「無理ゲーな状況に勝とうとする」
  • 無理ゲーを強いられる:「無理ゲーな状況に強制的に置かれる」
  • 無理ゲーを立ち向かう:「無理ゲーな状況に立ち向かう」
  • 無理ゲーを感じる:「何かが無理ゲーの雰囲気を醸し出している」



A 無理ゲー is literally a game that is impossible. Or at least really difficult. By extension, calling something in real life a 無理ゲー is simply a way of saying that it’s really hard. For example, write 10,000 words by tomorrow? 無理ゲーだ!

There’s no real difference between 無理 and 無理ゲー in terms of the literal meaning of the expression, but the latter is of course more slangy and helps evoke the idea of impossible video game stage rather than just, well, being impossible. So maybe it makes the crushing impossibility sound a bit more lighthearted and fun.

As you can see from the examples above and below, 無理ゲー is most commonly used as some kind of complaint. It’s basically a noun, and can modify other nouns via the 無理ゲーの construction. The person below uses this form to mean “an impossible day”.

The noun is also used in a few collocations, such as:

  • 無理ゲーを勝利する:「無理ゲーを打ち負かす」
  • 無理ゲーを続ける:「無理ゲーな状況を続ける」
  • 無理ゲーを攻略する:「無理ゲーな状況に勝とうとする」
  • 無理ゲーを強いられる:「無理ゲーな状況に強制的に置かれる」
  • 無理ゲーを立ち向かう:「無理ゲーな状況に立ち向かう」

So 無理ゲー is a pretty straightforward term, but has a lot of interesting uses via combination with a range of verbs.

メンケア:ハッシュタグ #メンケアとは?



「DMやLINEを通じてメンケアをしてくれたみなさんに感謝」などの投稿に、ハッシュタグ #メンケア を添えて、人々に真剣なメンタルケアや助けを求めるような使い方もされていますが、またもっと広範に日常的な元気づけを指すために使用されるようになっています。たとえば、ここでは「メンケア」という言葉で、褒め言葉を求めたり、投稿者を元気づけるコメントを求めたりしています。



メンケア kind of reminds me of phrases like アイケア and メンヘラ, as メンケア is clearly drawing on the well-established “ケア=care” and “メン=mental” forms that we see in other Japanese words.

As you probably guessed already then, メンケア is just a shortening of “mental health care”. The verb form of メンケアする also exists, and indicates that someone takes care of someone( else)’s mental wellbeing.

The hashtag #メンケア is also used as kind of a cry for help when you want or need people to メンケアしてくれる you.

More broadly though, メンケア has begin to refer to a variety of more everyday positivity boosters and pick-me-ups. For instance, here メンケア seems to refer to a request for compliments, or comments that make the poster feel better…

By extension, a メンケア担当 is someone who takes care of other people’s mental heath by cheering them up, taking them out, etc. You can also “do” メンケア担当 just by adding する to it as well.




マッコーリー大学講師。言語学者。著書に”Scripting Japan: Orthography, Variation, and the Creation of Meaning in Written Japanese”。HP : https://wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com


語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発

  • スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
  • 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
  • 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!


2025 01
言いたい!をかなえる 韓国語レッスン【入門編】

