Thoughts on Nadeshiko Japan(なでしこジャパンについて思うこと)
FIFA World Cup 2023
These days, all eyes are on the Rugby World Cup. Did you know that Japan’s national team has competed in every one of those tournaments since the first one in 1987? Go Japan!
Speaking of World Cups, I was so impressed with Nadeshiko Japan’s performance at the FIFA World Cup 2023. With their fantastic footwork and superb teamwork, those amazing women managed to bring the country into the quarterfinals. They played with class and they played with heart!
I love how when a player fell down, she just popped right up again! No whining, no rolling on the grass pretending to be in agony ... Japan had actually thrashed the eventual champions, Spain, 4-0 earlier in the tournament, so there is a good chance they will be coming back with the trophy next time! The World Cup’s Golden Boot – the award for the top scorer – went to Hinata Miyazawa for her five goals. Winning that coveted trophy is the dream of every soccer player. I wonder how many goals No. 7 would have had if Japan hadn’t been knocked out ...
Smashing Records

Overall, it was an amazing tournament. Many records were broken, including those for ticket sales, attendance and broadcast figures. Co-hosted by New Zealand and Australia, around 2 million people passed through the gates of the 10 venues. Stadium Australia was used five times and hosted an aggregate 378,920 fans, with sell-out crowds at every game staged there. By the way, New Zealand and Australia refer to the sport as “soccer” – as do Canada, the United States and several other countries – but it is known as “football” in most countries around the world.
Another record that was broken at this Cup was the sheer number of volunteers. Approximately 5,000 volunteers from 68 countries participated, including from such diverse nations as Tonga, Jordan, Egypt, Poland, Peru and Costa Rica. The world came together in support of women’s sport!
In August 2007, my husband and I watched Nadeshiko play at the Kirin Challenge Cup, just ahead of their participation at the FIFA Women’s World Cup in China. We were surprised to see so many empty seats at the National Stadium! Things certainly changed after Japan won against the United States in the final at the 2011 World Cup in Germany. The sport jumped in popularity, and Sawa-senshu (Homare Sawa) became a household name.
Yes, “WE“ Can
The WE League, Japan’s first fully professional women’s soccer league, is about to kick off its third season. Officially called Japan Women’s Empowerment Professional Football League, organizers have emphasized that WE also stands for “we” – meaning anyone interested in soccer. With the addition of Cerezo Osaka this season, the league now boasts 12 teams. A number of Japan’s World Cup stars gained their expertise playing in the league.
I sure am looking forward to watching those stars shine again at the Paris Olympics next year!
イエス、“WE” キャン
日本初の女子プロサッカーリーグ、「WEリーグ」が3シーズン目を迎えます。正式にはJapan Women’s Empowerment Professional Football Leagueと呼ばれ、主催者はWEが「私たち」、つまりサッカーに興味のある全ての人を意味すると強調しました。今季からセレッソ大阪が加わり、リーグは現在12チームとなっています。W杯のスター選手の多くがWEリーグでプレーしながら技に磨きをかけました。
FIFA World Cup 2023
語句 | 意味 |
class | 気品、上品さ |
whining | 泣き言 |
in agony | 苦悩して |
thrash | ~を打ち負かす |
coveted | 誰もが欲しがる[待ち望む] |
Smashing Records
語句 | 意味 |
smashing(見出し) | 素晴らしい |
attendance | 観客動員(数) |
co-host | ~を共催する |
venue | 開催地、会場 |
aggregate | 集まった、総計の |
sell-out crowd | 満員札止めの観客 |
sheer number of ~ | 非常に多くの~ |
household name | 誰でもよく知っている名前、有名人 |
Yes, “WE“ Can
語句 | 意味 |
boast | ~を誇る、持つ |
expertise | 専門知識、技術、技能 |
Kick off(始まる、開幕する)
This is used to signify the start of an event or project. “Our campaign will kick off in October.”
Move the goalposts(規則[条件]を変える)
This means to change the rules or conditions of a situation to make it harder for someone to achieve their goal. “The client kept moving the goalposts as to what he wanted, and I finally gave up on him.”
Keep one’s eye on the ball(油断しない、注意を怠らない)
This expression is used to advise someone to remain focused on their objective. “If you want that promotion, you have to keep your eye on the ball and improve sales.”
Get the ball rolling(事を始める、口火を切る、軌道に乗せる)
This means to get something started. “We only have a week to complete this project, so lets get the ball rolling!”
Be on the ball(注意が行き届いている、警戒している、油断がない)
This means to be alert and have a quick understanding of a situation. “During the meeting, the company president was on the ball, addressing questions and issues with confidence and clarity.”
To blow the whistle(内部告発[通報]をする、密告する)
This means to expose something scandalous or illegal. “The employee blew the whistle on her boss when she discovered he was taking bribes.”
Out of someone’s league(高根の花だ、手が出せない)
This expression implies that something or someone is unobtainable. “I wanted to ask her out, but she’s way out of my league.”
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