
9月が始まり、心温まる秋の訪れを感じ始めている方も多いでしょう。アルクのカナダ人スタッフが執筆する連載「Small Talk」で、9月にまつわる知識や文化、言葉の面白エピソードをひも解いていきます。9月が出生率の最も高い月で、株を売ってはいけない月だってご存じでしたか?
英語エッセイ Thoughts on September(9月について思うこと)
A Little History
Quick! How many days are in September?
Thirty days has September, April, June and November. This is the first sentence of what is likely the very first rhyme memorized by schoolchildren in English-speaking countries around the world. Used for remembering which months have which number of days, it reminds us just how crazy our calendar is! Sometimes I see September 31 on a letter or report, and it makes me pause. “Hold on ...”
In the old Roman calendar, September only had 29 days. At that time, the month was called “Mensis September” – Latin for “the seventh month.” The Roman calendar originally started in March but was later adjusted to include the months of January and February, moving September to the ninth month. In the year 46 B.C., Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar system, the Julian calendar. He added 10 days to the year and September was expanded to 30 days. The Julian calendar was later replaced by the calendar we use today – the Gregorian calendar – because it didn’t accurately reflect the time it takes our planet to orbit once around the sun.
Speaking of the sun, the autumnal equinox falls on September 23 this year. (An equinox occurs when the sun is directly above the equator and day and night are nearly of equal length.) Goodbye summer, hello fall – at least here in the Northern Hemisphere. The full moon that occurs around this time is often called the "Harvest Moon." Traditionally, farmers used the moon’s bright appearance to help them gather their crops late into the night.
古代のローマ暦では、9月は29日間しかありませんでした。当時、この月は「Mensis September」と呼ばれていました――ラテン語で「7番目の月」という意味です。ローマ暦はもともと3月から始まっていましたが、後に1月と2月を含めるよう変更され、9月は9番目の月となりました。紀元前46年、ジュリアス・シーザーが新しい暦体系であるユリウス暦を導入しました。彼は1年に10日を加え、9月を30日間へと拡大したのです。ユリウス暦はのちに、私たちが今日使用しているグレゴリオ暦に取って代わられました――なぜなら、ユリウス暦は、地球が太陽の周りを1周するのにかかる時間を正確に反映していなかったからです。
And Now, a Little Trivia
According to some studies, September ranks as the most common birth month of the year. It could be because September falls nine months after the holiday season in many countries! (In most countries, a full-term pregnancy is considered to be nine months. Japan uses a different way of counting.) My husband’s birthday often falls on “Respect for the Aged Day” here in Japan, but I have finally stopped teasing him about it. (He is only a couple of years older than I am.)
Perhaps you should wait a little before selling your stocks. According to some research, September has been the worst-performing month for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 index over the past 50 years.
September’s role as the gateway to autumn has given the month a symbolic connection to transition and reflection, inspiring a great number of musicians. In fact, there are more pop and classic songs with September in the title than any other month! One of my all-time favorite songs is “September,” by Earth, Wind & Fire. Hmm ... I feel like putting it on. Hey, let’s dance!
A Little History
語句 | 意味 |
rhyme | 韻 |
pause | 休止する |
Roman calendar | ローマ暦 |
Julius Caesar | ジュリアス・シーザー ※古代ローマの将軍・政治家 |
Julian calendar | ユリウス暦 |
replace A by B | AをBに置き換える |
Gregorian calendar | グレゴリオ暦 |
orbit | (惑星などが~の)軌道を回る |
autumnal equinox | 秋分(の日) ※equinoxは「昼夜平分時、春分、秋分」の意。 |
fall on | (日付が)~にあたる |
equator | 赤道 |
Northern Hemisphere | 北半球 |
And Now, a Little Trivia
語句 | 意味 |
rank as ~ | ~の部類に入る、~として位置付けられている |
full-term pregnancy | 満期妊娠 |
Respect for the Aged Day | 敬老の日 |
tease | いじめる、からかう |
Dow Jones Industrial Average | ダウ(ジョーンズ)工業株30種平均 ※ニューヨーク証券取引所優良株の30種平均 |
S&P 500 index | スタンダード・アンド・プアーズ総合500種株価指数 ※Dow Jones Industrial Averageと共にアメリカの代表的株価指数 |
transition | 推移、変遷 |
reflection | 内省、熟考 |
This is used when describing a romantic relationship in which one person is much younger than the other. The age of the younger person is likened to May, and the age of the older person is likened to September. “I know a May-September romance doesn’t seem like a big deal right now, but what about in 20 years ...”
The autumn years(晩年、人生の秋)
This idiom refers to the later years of one’s life. “She finally only started to relax and truly enjoy life when she reached her autumn years.”
Reap the harvest(報われる)
This is used to describe a situation where someone’s hard work has paid off. “I’m working so hard right now, but I know I will be reaping the harvest in just a couple of years.”
- reap:~を収穫する
Make hay while the sun shines(チャンスをものにする、好機を逃さない)
In many countries, September is the last month for making hay. This idiom means to make the most of an opportunity while it is available. It was one of my mother’s favorite expressions, so I always smile when I hear it. “We both have tomorrow off, so let’s go out tonight. Let’s make hay while the sun shines!”
Pitch in(協力する)
During harvest time, many people on a farm work together, sometimes pitching (lifting and throwing) hay with a pitchfork. The expression “pitch in” means to help someone work, often in a group effort. “Everyone in my office pitched in and we completed the project on time.”
収穫の時期に、農場で多くの人々が一緒に働きます。時には、熊手を使って干し草を投げる(持ち上げて放る)こともあります。「pitch in」とは、しばしばグループで協力して、誰かの仕事を手伝うことを意味します。例:「私の会社のみんなが協力してくれて、そのプロジェクトを予定通りに完了できました」
トップ画像:Peter Wendt from Unsplash
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
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