アルクのカナダ人スタッフが、日々のあれこれを英語エッセイで語る連載「Small Talk」。暑い時期は、蚊やハエ、アブなどさまざまな虫に悩まされますね。それはどこの国でも同じのようです。一方で、bug(虫)を使った英語の表現はたくさん存在します。
英語エッセイ Thoughts on Bugs(虫について思うこと)
Sleep Killers
If I had superpowers, I would rid the world of wars, cancer, bullying … and certain types of bugs.
Chief among them would be the awful, bloodthirsty mosquito. Nothing can destroy a peaceful night’s slumber like hearing that high-pitched, whiny sound in your ear. It’s such a tiny insect but one that can get my normally gentle giant of a husband thrashing around our bedroom in the middle of the night. He can’t get back to sleep until he’s found and destroyed the little critter! We actually keep score of how many we’ve killed every summer. My husband always wins.
As you likely know, it is only female mosquitoes that feed on blood. They need it to produce and develop their eggs, but somehow that doesn’t help me to feel more kindly toward them. They inject saliva into the wound to prevent clotting while they feed, and this saliva is what causes the characteristic itchiness and swelling of mosquito bites. There is always a danger that they are transmitting a terrible disease through their bite, including malaria, dengue, Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Chikungunya Virus and encephalitis. Yikes!
Horrid Horseflies
Next on my list would be the horsefly. It’s a big insect with a big bite, and it causes big trouble. On family trips, if my father spotted one in the car, he would immediately pull over onto the shoulder and stop the car. We would open all the windows and try to get that evil creature out. I think it was the only time I saw my dad looking a little frightened.
Horsefly bites are incredibly painful. The female uses its razor-sharp jaw to slash open the skin and then laps up the blood that flows out. Unlike mosquitoes, horseflies do not release any form of anesthetic, and the bites become red, swollen and itchy.
I realize that these insects do play a vital role in the ecosystem, but I sure wouldn’t miss them if they went extinct! Which ones bother you the most?
Sleep Killers
語句 | 意味 |
rid | 取り除く、なくす |
bullying | いじめ |
bug | 虫 |
bloodthirsty | 血に飢えた、残虐な |
slumber | 眠り、うたた寝 |
high-pitched | 高い、甲高い |
whiny | めそめそした、不機嫌な |
thrash | (腕・足などを)ばたつかせる、転げ回る |
critter | 生き物、動物 |
feed on ~ | ~を餌にする |
inject | ~を入れる、注入する |
saliva | 唾液、唾 |
clot | 塊になる、凝固する |
itchiness and swelling | かゆみと腫れ |
encephalitis | 脳炎 |
yikes | ひゃあ、きゃあ ※驚き・恐怖などを表す叫び声 |
Horrid Horseflies
語句 | 意味 |
horrid(見出し) | 恐ろしい |
horsefly(見出し) | アブ |
spot | 気付く、見分ける |
pull over | (車を)片側[路肩]に寄せる |
evil | 有害な、邪悪な |
creature | 生き物 |
frightened | 怯えた、怖がって |
razor-sharp | かみそりのように鋭い |
jaw | 顎(あご) |
slash open | 切り裂く |
lap up | 舌ですくって飲む・なめる |
anesthetic | 麻酔薬 |
vital | 極めて重要な |
ecosystem | 生態系 |
extinct | 死に絶えた、絶滅した |
As snug as a bug in a rug(安全で居心地がいい)
To feel as “snug as a bug in a rug” means to feel very comfortable and content. “Lying on the couch here with my mug of tea, I feel as snug as a bug in a rug.”
"snug as a bug in a rug"のように感じるとは、とても快適で満足していることを意味します。例:「ここでマグカップの紅茶を飲みながらソファに横たわっていると、とても心地よく感じます」
As cute as a bug’s ear(とてもかわいらしい)
You use this idiom to describe something as very cut. It’s a little strange, isn’t it? Who thinks a bug’s ear is particularly cute? One of the theories for the origins of this expression is that “cute” was a synonym for “acute” in the 1700s in England, and many insects do have very acute hearing and can detect very tiny and high-pitched sounds. “Oh, that little girl is as cute as a bug’s ear!”
Good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.(おやすみなさい。ぐっすり眠ってね。トコジラミに刺されないようにね)
This is what a parent might say when tucking a child into bed or roommates might say to each other when calling it a day ― kind of like “oyasumi nasai.” It just means to sleep well. Bed bugs are no longer the major problem they used to be, but the expression is still very much used.
The travel bug(旅行熱)
This idiom is used to express having a strong desire to go traveling. “I was bitten by the travel bug when I was 21 and now I can’t stop visiting other countries.”
Bug off(さっさと立ち去る、出て行く)
You use this expression to tell someone who is annoying you to go away. (By the way, the British version is “Bugger off.”) “I told you I don’t want to buy it, so just bug off.”
あなたを困らせる人に「あっちへ行け」と言うときに使う表現です。(ちなみにイギリスでは “Bugger off.”と言います)例:「買いたくないと言ったんだから、あっちへ行ってくれ」
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!
現役の高校英語教師で、書籍『子どもに聞かれて困らない 英文法のキソ』の著者、大竹保幹さんが、「英文法が苦手!」という方を、英語が楽しくてしょうがなくなるパラダイスに案内します。