アルクのカナダ人スタッフが、日々のあれこれを英語エッセイで語る連載「Small Talk」。皆さんは、運転免許や車はお持ちですか?今回は車や運転についての情報が満載です。
英語エッセイ Thoughts on Driving(運転について思うこと)
The Romance of the Open Road
The elderly lady, hair still in curlers, was sitting in the front seat of the red convertible, with a road map spread out in front of her. Her husband, equally elderly, was stretched under the car, busily scraping mud off its underside. The couple were on a road trip across Canada, and they had spent the previous night at the same small-town motel that my work colleagues and I were staying at. Happily, I had a brief chance to hear about some of their enthralling adventures before they continued on their way that morning. This occurred many years ago, but the image stayed with me. They looked so happy and free, and I thought that I would like to take such a long trip one day ...
I still want to do it, but it would take some time and a lot of planning. Driving across the width of Canada from Newfoundland to the border with Alaska – that’s 8,581 km – would take 23 days of straight driving! If I want to stop and actually see things, I would need three months! Who has that kind of time during their working years?
今もやってみたいと思ってはいますが、それには時間がかかるし綿密な計画が必要です。カナダを、ニューファンドランド島からアラスカ州の国境まで、8581キロメートルに及ぶ距離を車で横断するには、休まずに走っても23日間かかります!止まって実際に見て回りたいなら、3 カ月は必要でしょう。働いている間にそんな時間のある人がいるでしょうか?
Car Ownership in Japan
The first thing that surprised me when I arrived in Japan was the abundance of white cars. Coming from a city where it snows for nearly half the year, I had always thought that a white car was just too dangerous! And when it’s not snowing, that slushy weather can make a white car look really dirty very quickly. I have since learned that white is actually the safest color for a car – at least in most of the world.
The other thing that surprised me was the number of “paper drivers” here. Actually, I had never heard of that term before arriving. It’s actually a “Japlish” (Japanese English) expression to describe people who haven’t driven for years. They have the actual license – which is now plastic, not paper – but they just don’t drive and likely have forgotten how.
You might think that car ownership is not high in Japan, but at about 1.03 per household, the rate is comparable to a lot of European countries. Of course, you don’t need a car if you live in Tokyo, and the ownership rate there falls to only 0.32 cars per household.
日本の自動車所有率は高くないと思うかもしれませんが、1世帯あたり約1.03台であり、その割合はヨーロッパの多くの国に匹敵します。もちろん東京に住んでいるなら車は必要なく、東京の所有率は1世帯あたりわずか0.32台にまで下がります。(※参照:一般財団法人自動車検査登録情報協会 2022年資料)
In Command of a Machine
I myself have now turned into a paper driver, but I used to love gripping the steering wheel and shifting gears upward as I accelerated down a stretch of open highway. It gave me such a feeling of freedom and adventure. On the flip side, there was nothing worse than being stuck in a long traffic jam as I approached a city, breathing in nasty fumes and realizing that my vehicle, too, was contributing to global warming. It would drive me crazy!
The Romance of the Open Road
語句 | 意味 |
Romance(見出し) | 冒険心、冒険物語 |
convertible | オープンカー |
equally | 同じように、平等に |
stretch | 伸ばす、広げる |
scrape ~ off | ・・・から~をそぎ落とす |
underside | 下側、底面 |
motel | モーテル |
colleague | 同僚 |
enthralling | 興味を引き付けて放さない、とりこにする |
Newfoundland | ニューファンドランド島(※カナダ東端にある島) |
Alaska | アラスカ州(※北アメリカ大陸北西端にあるアメリカの州) |
Car Ownership in Japan
語句 | 意味 |
car ownership(見出し) | 自動車の所有 |
abundance | 多量、豊富さ |
slushy | 雪解けの、ぬかるみの |
term | 用語、言葉 |
Japlish | 日本風[和製]英語 |
comparable to ~ | ~と同等な、~に匹敵する |
In Command of a Machine
語句 | 意味 |
in command of ~(見出し) | ~を指揮している |
turn into | ~に変わる |
grip | ~を握る |
steering wheel | (自動車の)ハンドル |
shift gears | 変速する、シフトチェンジする |
upward | 上へ、上向きに |
accelerate | 加速する |
stretch | (連続した)長さ、距離 |
on the flip side | その一方で |
there is nothing worse than | ~より悪いものはない、~は最悪(の事態)だ |
be stuck in | ~にはまり込んで抜け出せない、~で身動きできない |
nasty | 不快な、汚れた |
fume | (有害な)煙、ガス |
contribute to ~ | ~の一因となる、~の原因の一つになる |
global warming | 地球温暖化 |
drive someone crazy | ~(人)の気を狂わせる、~をひどくイライラさせる |
Backseat driver
This expression is used when a passenger is giving unwanted advice, but we can also use it in other situations where someone is happy to give their opinions but not taking any responsibility for them. “At the meeting, there were a lot of backseat drivers talking about what we should have done.”
Driving blind
Not only is this expression used to describe driving in actual conditions with poor visibility, such as in a snowstorm, but it is also used to describe how you feel when you don’t have enough information about something. “No one explained anything to me at my new job, and I felt like I was driving blind every day!”
Drive home
This expression is used when you want to highlight that something is important. “We want to drive home the point that we need this new software.”
In the driver’s seat
When you are in a position in which you are able to control what happens, you can say that you are in the driver’s seat. “My boss had to go into the hospital, so I suddenly found myself in the driver’s seat.”
Put the pedal to the metal
This means “Speed up!” The picture it paints is of pressing the accelerator pedal all the way down. “We will never finish this project on time unless we put the pedal to the metal.”
Put the brakes on
This has the exact opposite meaning of that last one. It means to slow down or stop something’s progress. “A lack of funding is putting the brakes on the program.”
これは、1つ前のフレーズ(Put the pedal to the metal)とは正反対の意味です。成長を遅らせたり止めたりすることを意味します。例:「資金不足によって計画にブレーキがかかっている」
Drive me crazy / drive up the wall / drive around the bend
All three of these idioms express annoyance or irritation with something or someone. “My children were driving me up the wall today!”
Asleep at the wheel
This idiom refers to a person whom you believe is not paying enough attention to something. For example, if you disagree with a decision your boss has made, you might say, “What was he thinking? He must have been asleep at the wheel.”
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!