アルクのカナダ人スタッフが、日々のあれこれを英語エッセイで語る連載「Small Talk」。夏本番!な8月はただ暑いだけじゃありません。Augustは実りの季節だったり、人気のファーストネームだったり。夏の暑さに負けないくらい燃え上がる「ひと夏の恋」は、英語でなんて言うのかも紹介します。
英語エッセイ Thoughts on August(8月について思うこと)
Origin of the Name
Wow, August is already upon us! Are you a fan of this month, or is it just too hot for you? The original name for this month, “Sextilius,” sounds quite sexy, but actually that was the Latin word for six, as it was the sixth month of the year in the old Roman calendar. (The months of January and February were added later, turning it into the eighth month.)
In 8 B.C., Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor, had the month renamed after himself – just like his great-uncle Julius Caesar had done with July. This was a month when Augustus had some of his greatest military victories, including the conquest of Egypt. The month’s name later was shortened to August.
In the days of the Anglo-Saxons, August was known as “Weod Monath” or Weed Month, because it is the month when weeds, along with other plants, grow the fastest – at least in the Northern Hemisphere. August is still known as “harvest month,” as it marks the time when farmers begin to gather their crops in preparation for the fall harvest season.
Growing in Appeal
The given name August, meaning “great, magnificent,” has recently been rising in popularity. Long common in countries such as Sweden and Denmark, it is now becoming trendy in the United States – even for girls. It is now the most popular month name in the United States, ahead of June and April. And you don’t have to be born in August to be named August.
A Month for Travel
In Europe, the residents of major cities often go on vacation in August. In fact, you’ll find cities such as Paris almost completely empty of locals. Here in Japan, many families return to their hometowns during the Obon period to clean and decorate graves and honor the spirits of ancestors.
August is truly a vibrant month. Dazzling firework displays and fun summer festivals are held across the country. Try to forget the heat and enjoy the month!
Origin of the Name
語句 | 意味 |
Roman calendar | ローマ暦 |
Augustus Caesar | アウグストゥス・シーザー ※ローマ帝国の初代皇帝 |
Julius Caesar | ジュリアス・シーザー ※古代ローマの将軍・政治家 |
military victory | 軍事的勝利 |
conquest | 征服 |
Anglo-Saxon | アングロサクソン人(民族) |
weod monath | 雑草の月 ※古期英語 |
weed | 雑草 |
Northern Hemisphere | 北半球 |
crop | 作物、農作物 |
in preparation for ~ | ~に備えて |
Growing in Appeal
語句 | 意味 |
appeal(見出し) | 魅力、訴求力 |
given name | (姓に対する)名 |
magnificent | 壮大な、堂々とした |
ahead of ~ | (立場などが)~より優位に |
A Month for Travel
語句 | 意味 |
resident | 居住者 |
grave | 墓 |
ancestor | 先祖、祖先 |
vibrant | 活気のある、活力のある |
dazzling | 魅力的な、素晴らしい |
firework display | 花火大会 |
The adjective august(形容詞のaugust)
When used as an adjective – note the lowercase “a” – august means having an impressive quality. You can use it to describe something that inspires reverence or admiration. “The venue was suitably august for the awards ceremony.”
An august occasion(厳粛な行事)
This refers to an event full of dignity. “The queen’s visit was an august occasion.“
The dog days of August(8月の猛暑日・真夏日)
This idiom refers to what is often the hottest and muggiest time of the year, where lethargy sets in due to the heat. Its origins come from astrology, referring to the period when Sirius – the “dog star” – appears to rise alongside the sun. Ancient Greeks believed the combined power of the stars is what made this the hottest period of the year. “I sleep with the air conditioning on during the dog days of August.”
Summer fling(ひと夏の恋)
A summer fling is a summer love affair, usually short and sweet. The romance is over by the time September arrives. “It was fun while it lasted, but it was just a summer fling.“
summer flingはひと夏の恋のことで、普通は短く甘いものです。9月になるまでにその恋は終わります。例:「続いてる間は楽しかったけど、ただのひと夏の恋だったわ」
トップ画像: Vidar Nordli-Mathisen 、本文画像:Arnel Hasanovic from Unsplash
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