



読書の秋 (autumn of reading / Autumn is for reading.)
食欲の秋 (autumn of appetite / Autumn is for enjoying food.)
スポーツの秋 (autumn of sports/ Autumn is for sports.)
芸術の秋 (autumn of art / Autumn is for appreciateing art.)
恋の秋 (autumn of romance/ Autumn is for romance.)



「○○の秋」(autumn of ~)だけでは通じないかもしれませんが、英語で説明することは可能です。例として、以下のように説明することができます。

In Japan, fall is often associated with specific activities and pleasures, such as reading, eating, and participating in sports. Phrases like “autumn of reading” and “autumn of appetite” emphasize the delights of indulging in these activities during the fall season.






The colorful fall leaves always inspire me to get out my paintbrush. So, for me, it’s the “autumn of art.”

Since it’s now the “autumn of reading,” I plan to tackle my ever-growing reading list.

Celebrating the “autumn of sports,” I’ve signed up for a half marathon next month.

Autumn is for art. I’m thinking of visiting all the major art galleries in Tokyo.

Given that it’s the “autumn of sports,” is there a new activity or sport you’d like to try?

Autumn is for reading! Any books you’re hoping to dive into?



Embracing Japan’s “○○の秋”: A Season of Specific Joys

Autumn, globally recognized as a season of change and reflection, takes on a unique hue in the cultural landscape of Japan. The season here is not only associated with harvest festivals – and now – Halloween, as in the West, but with a variety of activities that can be placed in the the expression “○○の秋” – literally translating to “autumn of ○○.” This concept allows every individual to fill in the blank with their own personal passion or pursuit.

秋は変化と内省の季節として世界的に認識されていますが、日本の文化的景観においては独特の色合いを帯びています。日本の秋は収穫の祭りや――今は――西欧と同じハロウィーンといったものだけでなく、「○○の秋」という表現に当てはまるさまざまな活動とも関連付けられます――文字通り「autumn of ○○」と翻訳されます。このコンセプトにより、個人がそれぞれの情熱や追求を、空白の部分に当てはめることができるのです。

The tradition emerged from the country’s profound connection to nature and its shifting seasons. Historically, “読書の秋” (autumn of reading) and “芸術の秋” (autumn of arts) are popular sayings, implying that fall is an ideal time for deep reading or immersing oneself in art. However, the beauty of “○○の秋” is its fluidity. It could be “スポーツの秋” for a sports enthusiast or “音楽の秋” for someone who finds solace in music.


An underlying attractive feature of this “fill-in-the-blank” concept is the encouragement to be introspective. It’s a nudge from society to ask ourselves, what our passions are or might be. It inspires us to rekindle past hobbies or jump into new interests.


This concept also reinforces the importance of mindfulness. In the age of digital distractions and fast-paced lifestyles, “○○の秋” reminds us to take a moment, slow ourselves down, and immerse ourselves in a singular pursuit or passion. It celebrates the philosophy that every season offers a new beginning or, in this case, a new or renewed focus.


Non-Japanese people experiencing their first autumn in the country are highly encouraged to give this concept a try! Can you come up with your own “○○の秋”? Maybe it’s “旅行の秋” (autumn of travel) as you explore the fall foliage in Kyoto or “料理の秋” (autumn of cooking) while trying your hand at some seasonal Japanese dishes.


In essence, “○○の秋” is more than a phrase; it’s a mindset. It’s an invitation to align one’s actions with the season’s rhythm. So, as autumn begins blanketing much of Japan in a tapestry of reds, oranges and yellows, let’s ask ourselves, “What will be my “○○の秋” this year?”





英語を学び、英語で学ぶための語学情報ウェブサイト「ENGLISH JOURNAL」が、英語学習の「その先」にあるものをお届けします。 単なる英語の運用能力にとどまらない、知識や思考力を求め、「まだ見ぬ世界」への一歩を踏み出しましょう!

文・校正:Margaret Stalker、構成:山本高裕(ENGLISH JOURNAL編集部)

トップ写真:Weiqi Xiong from Unsplash 本文写真:Ken Cheung from Unsplash


2024 09
大学入試 飛躍のフレーズ IDIOMATIC 300