アルクのカナダ人スタッフが、日々のあれこれを英語エッセイで語る連載「Small Talk」。6月は、世界的にも重要な記念日や祝日が多い月だと言います。
英語エッセイ Thoughts on June(6月について思うこと)
Lush and Lovely
Yay, summer is in the air! It’s now June! I love this month. The days are so wonderfully long, and all those colorful hydrangeas and vibrant green landscapes are truly a feast for the eyes. But, sigh, June is also notable for the arrival of the rainy season – at least in the Tokyo region. My fold-up umbrella becomes a constant companion.
Important Dates
June is especially packed with important dates. Among them is World Oceans Day, on June 8, held to remind us of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. One special day that you already likely know is Father’s Day, on June 18, held to honor all fathers. And, of course, there’s the summer solstice on June 21, marking the longest day in the year.
There is a new federal holiday in the United States. Called “Juneteenth” – a combination of the words “June” and “nineteenth,” Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day when enslaved Black Americans in Galveston, Texas, were informed of their freedom.
A Little History
June was originally called “Junius.” One theory says that the name comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter. Juno was closely associated with energy, fertility and youth – perfect for a month linked with growth and abundant vegetation.
Lush and Lovely
語句 | 意味 |
(見出し)lush | (植物が)青々とした、実り豊かな |
(見出し)lovely | 素晴らしい、すてきな |
yay | わーい、やったー、よーし |
hydrangea | アジサイ |
vibrant | 力強い、鮮やかな |
landscape | 景色、風景 |
feast for the eyes | 目の保養、目を楽しませてくれるもの |
sigh | はぁ、ため息 |
notable | 注目に値する[すべき]、有名な |
fold-up umbrella | 折り畳み(式の)傘 |
constant | 持続する、絶えず続く |
companion | 仲間、友 |
Important Dates
語句 | 意味 |
be packed with ~ | ~でいっぱいである、~で混んでいる |
World Oceans Day | 世界海洋デー |
remind A of ~ | A(人)に~のことを思い出させる[連想させる] |
likely | たぶん、恐らく |
summer solstice | 夏至 |
federal holiday | 連邦祝日 |
Juneteenth | ジューンティーンス、奴隷解放記念日 |
combination | 組み合わせ、結合 |
commemorate | 祝う、記念する |
enslaved | 奴隷となった、奴隷にされた |
Galveston | ガルベストン ※アメリカ、テキサス州南東部の都市 |
A Little History
語句 | 意味 |
theory | 学説、理論、見解 |
Roman goddess | ローマ神話の女神 |
Juno | (ローマ神話の)ユノ、ジュノー |
Jupiter | (ローマ神話の)ユピテル、ジュピター |
be closely associated with ~ | ~と密接に結び付いている |
fertility | (土地が)肥沃[多産]であること、生産力 |
be linked with ~ | ~に関連している |
abundant | 豊かな、富んだ |
vegetation | 植物、草木 |
June bride
June is a very popular wedding month in many countries. Some young women express their hopes of becoming a “June bride.”
多くの国において、6月は結婚式を行う月としてとても人気です。 若い女性の中には「6月の花嫁」になりたい、という願いを口にする人もいます。
June bug
This is a large beetle that is most active during the month of June. They feed on flowers and foliage at night, sometimes causing considerable damage.
June gloom
This expression refers to a weather pattern characterized by overcast or foggy conditions that occurs along coastal areas during June.
トップ画像:Vitolda Klein from Unsplash
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