
「英語で誕生日メッセージを贈りたい!」と思っても、いざ書こうとするとHappy Birthday以外の言葉が思いつかない・・・という人も多いのでは。本記事では、親、きょうだい、同僚、特別な女性・男性など、贈る相手別の英語のおしゃれな誕生日メッセージを一覧で紹介します。


外国人の友達や同僚、ホストファミリーなどに誕生日のお祝いの言葉を贈る人も多いでしょう。でも、Happy Birthdayだけじゃつまらない!今年は少しひねりを加えたメッセージを贈ってみませんか?






May your birthday be as wonderful as you. Happy birthday!

Wishing you a very happy birthday and a splendid year ahead.

Sending lots of birthday wishes your way!

Hope your day is filled with love (and lots of birthday cake).

Thank you for all you do, and may this be your best birthday yet.

Wishing you a very happy birthday and a year filled with love, adventure and prosperity.

It’s a day to celebrate you and everything you’ve accomplished in life. Can’t wait to see what you do next.

Happy birthday—―may this year be filled with adventures, blessings and lots of laughs.

May not just today, but the whole rest of the year, be one for the books.

※one for the books 「記念すべき出来事、特筆すべき偉業」

Thank you for the incredible memories—―can’t wait to make more with you this year.

Another year in the books. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

※in the books 「終わった」「完了した」を意味するイディオム

Words can’t express how lucky I am to have you in my life. Thank you for being you and giving your all every day.



A one-of-a-kind birthday message for a one-of-a-kind gal. May all your birthday wishes come true this year.

※one-of-a-kind 「唯一無二の、比類のない」、gal=girl

You’re truly a ray of sunshine in my life. Happy birthday, my girl!

※ray of sunshine 「(周囲の人々を)幸せな気分にさせる人・物」

Today, I celebrate you and the beautiful life you have. May your birthday be as wonderful as you are.

If I had a dollar for every time you’ve made my life better, I’d be the richest person in the world. Here’s to you, my girl—―happy birthday!

※Here’s to you. 「君に乾杯」★パーティーなどでする乾杯の挨拶。

The journey continues! And yours is truly special. Happy birthday to a wonderful ray of sunshine in my life.

A sweet day celebrating a sweet girl―—how lucky I am to know you. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I can’t wait to see your beautiful smile light up the room for years to come.

Another trip around the sun is in the books, my dear. May this next trip shine just as bright.

Happy birthday to a smart, kind and truly gorgeous soul. Blow out those candles and take the next year by storm.

※take ~ by storm 「~に旋風を巻き起こす、~を圧巻する」

It was tough finding a gift that outshines your lovely smile, but I did my best. Enjoy, and happy birthday.

※outshines 「~より勝る、~よりよく輝く



To a great guy on his birthday: May this year be filled with joy and success. Wishing you the best!

Happy birthday to the guy I couldn’t picture my life without. I’m so grateful for you and love all that you are.

Cheers to the man of the hour! Happy birthday, hope it’s a great one.

An awesome day to celebrate an awesome guy! Hope this birthday is one for the books.

Wishing the guy I can count on most a very happy birthday. You rock!

※count on ~ 「~を頼りにする」

I could write a novel, but the space on this card is limited, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. You’re the absolute best, man—―wishing you the happiest birthday yet.

※short and sweet 「短く簡潔な、手短な」

Well, it’s that time of year again―time to celebrate a real special guy. Happy birthday!

To an amazing man: You are nothing short of incredible, and you deserve the world and then some. Happy birthday!

※nothing short of ~ 「まさに~に他ならない」、and then some 「~とそれ以上にもっと多く」

I already got you the best present—―my presence! No wrapping paper needed. Hope your birthday is filled with laughs and smiles!



Don’t worry, I already know my present is your favorite. You should open the rest anyway—―you know, to be polite. Have a fabulous birthday!

Another year older? Yep. Another year wiser? That’s up for debate! Have an awesome birthday and enjoy the cake!

To a very special friend: Thank you for being in my life. I’m so happy to celebrate you today and hope you have a great birthday.

Congrats on getting another candle on the cake, bud!

※bud=buddy 「友、おまえ」

Thank you for being such a great friend. I appreciate you so much and hope you have an unforgettable day. Cheers!

Happy birthday to the person who has made such a positive impact on my life. I’m forever grateful for you and our friendship.

Wishing my dearest pal a big happy birthday! May this be one for the books!

※pal 「友達、仲間

Happy birthday to someone who defines what a good friend is—―honest, caring, loyal and incredibly kind. I’ve learned so much from you and can’t wait to see you thrive this year.

※thrive 「目標に向かって前進する、繁栄する」

A great day to celebrate a great friend! Happy birthday, and cheers to many more.

May all your birthday wishes come true this year—―happy birthday, friend!

You’re the definition of a good friend, and I’m grateful we get to celebrate your latest trip around the sun together. Happy birthday!



Thank you for all you do, both at work and in life. I hope this is the best birthday yet!

To a great coworker: May your birthday be filled with joy and love. Have an awesome day!

You’re truly the best to work with. Happy birthday to the office superstar!

I’m so grateful you’re on our team. Happy birthday to a phenomenal coworker!

※phenomenal 「驚くべき、目を見張るような」

Happy birthday! I’m so thankful we met through work and that we’ve gotten to know each other. Hope you have an extra special day!

You work hard, and now it’s time to enjoy your special day. Happy birthday to a one-of-a-kind coworker.

Words can’t express how appreciative I am for your work. Thank you for all you do, and I hope your birthday is extra special this year.

It’s an honor to work alongside someone as kind and hardworking as you. Happy birthday, and cheers to many more!

Enjoy your birthday, [name here]—―and thank you for bringing your can-do attitude to our work!

※can-do attitude 「積極的な態度、やる気のある姿勢」

Happy birthday to a hard-working, caring and simply incredible coworker. Have a phenomenal day!

Happy birthday, [name here]—―can’t wait to celebrate with you at happy hour!



Happy birthday to my role model and biggest supporter. I love you dearly and hope your day brings you nothing but happiness.

Time to celebrate the best of the best! Happy birthday, [Mom/Dad], and enjoy the presents and cake.

Happy birthday to the best [mother/father] anyone could ask for. Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do. Sending you lots of love on your special day!

[Mom/Dad], words can’t describe how grateful I am for you. Thank you for all the laughs and life lessons. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays!

Break out the cake! Happy birthday to the best parent in the world (in my totally unbiased opinion). I love you and wish you the best year yet.

[Mom/Dad], another candle on the cake means another incredible year has come and gone. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings you. Happy birthday!

As we celebrate you today, I can’t help but think of all the wonderful things you’ve done for our family over the years. I’m forever in awe of you, [Mom/Dad]. Happy birthday, my hero.

There’s no one like you, [Mom/Dad]. I’m so happy to celebrate your special day with you. Happy birthday, and here’s to many more!

※Here’s to many more. ★祝いの席で健康や幸運を祈って乾杯する際に使われる挨拶。

Happy birthday to the most important person in my life. Thank you for being my confidant, cheerleader and best supporter. I love you so much, [Mom/Dad]—―cheers to your special day!

※confidant 「友人、親友」

My dearest [Mom/Dad], I really lucked out getting you as a parent. Thank you for helping me live my very best life, I’m eternally grateful.

Don’t worry, your birthday wish already came true―—your favorite kid (me) is here! But hey, maybe make another wish when you blow out the candles so the others aren’t suspicious. Love you lots, happy birthday!



Happy birthday to a fabulous [brother/sister]. I can’t picture my life without you and am so glad you’re in my life. Let’s celebrate!

Brilliant, hilarious, gorgeous—―you really are a triple threat! Sending you lots of love on your special day.

※triple threat 「三拍子そろった人」

The cake’s looking a little crowded with those candles, huh? Just kidding, of course—―wishing you a happy birthday!

We were born siblings, but I’m so grateful for the friendship we’ve built over the years. Cheers to you on your birthday, and here’s to many more.

You’re like a fine wine: You’re only getting better with age. Cheers to a fantastic birthday!

Don’t forget to save the biggest slice of cake for your favorite sibling. Happy birthday to a one-of-a-kind [brother/sister]. I love you endlessly!

Happy birthday to the person who’s been my go-to buddy since day one. Here’s to many more years of shenanigans!

※go-to 「頼りになる」 shenanigan 「いたずら、悪ふざけ」

Happy birthday to one of the greatest people I know. I wouldn’t trade our sibling bond for anything. Enjoy your day filled with love and celebration!

I can’t count how many lessons you’ve taught me. But the biggest one I’ve learned from you is this: Live well and love big. May you live well and love big on your birthday.

※live well 「健康に暮らす、裕福な生活をする」

Remember, we could be thousands of miles apart, but our hearts will always be close. Happy birthday to my other half!

I may not be rich, but I definitely hit the sibling jackpot with you. I’m so grateful for you and all we’ve experienced together. Have a wonderful birthday.





英文校正:Peter Branscombe


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