今、ヒュッゲやフォルケホイスコーレで注目を集める国、デンマーク。ピーター タクソ-イェンセン駐日デンマーク王国大使に、デンマークとはどんな国か、デンマークでの英語教育、日本人がデンマークに行くべき理由などについてお伺いしました。インタビューの英語音声も交えて、全3回でお届けします。

それでは早速、ピーター タクソ-イェンセン駐日デンマーク王国大使に、デンマークがどんな国なのか、「世界幸福度ランキング」で常に上位に位置する理由、昨今日本でもよく耳にする「ヒュッゲ」について聞いてみましょう。インタビュー音声の一部を掲載しているので、実際の大使の語りをぜひ聞いてみてください。デンマーク語訛りはほとんどなく、分かりやすい英語で話されています。※音声には周囲の雑音が入っています。ご了承ください。

(How would you describe Denmark? Is there something in particular you would like Japanese people to know about your country?)
「Happy, cosy country.(幸せで居心地の良い国)」と言えるでしょう。デンマークは現在、「世界幸福度ランキング」の2位に位置しています。日本の皆さんも耳にしたことがあるかもしれませんが、私たちには「hygge(ヒュッゲ)※」という概念があります。これはデンマーク人のDNAに組み込まれているもので、簡単に言うと「ライフワークバランスをうまく取る」ということです。家族と一緒に過ごす時間を作るなど、こういったさまざまなことが「幸せ」につながっているのです。ですからデンマークは、家族や友人と過ごす時間を多く持てる「幸せな小さな国」と言えるでしょう。
I would say, ”Happy, cosy country.” And happy is because we are, I think, ranked as the second happiest country in the world, at the moment. And ”cosy” because we have this concept of – what do you call it? – ”hygge” which many Japanese have heard about, which is basically something which is part of every Dane’s DNA. It’s a question of having a good life-work balance. It’s a question of creating space where you can be with your family and many other things that I think all contribute to the first part, which is happiness. So I would say we are a small happy country with a lot of time to not just work all the time but also be able to live life and be with your family and friends...
※ヒュッゲ hygge:デンマーク語で「勇気、慰め、喜びを与えること」を意味し、満足な感情がもたらされ、居心地がよく、快適で陽気な気分であることを表現する言葉。コリンズ英語辞典の2016年新語流行語大賞(イギリス版)第2位に選ばれた。
(Recently, the term ”hygge” has been heard more often in Japan.)
Hygge is something that many other cultures because there's an understanding that this is actually something nice and a way of life that actually can make you happier. And it's being interpreted in many, many different ways by different cultures and people, but it's something where I think people understand that there's some value in this concept and so therefore want to dig deeper into this and try to understand it better. I'm not sure I can explain everything about it, but I can just say this is really something that is special in Denmark – that we have this concept.
(Apart from hygge, what else has had an impact on the well-being of the population?)
I would say the Nordic social model. We have built our welfare system well. In Denmark, medical costs are, in principle, covered by taxation, so people do not have to worry about money when they fall ill. Free education is also well established, with the state and local authorities paying all expenses for public schools. Students can attend from first grade to university without having to pay school fees. In addition, university students receive approximately 100,000 yen per month in subsidies from the state, allowing them to concentrate on their studies without worrying about money. In Denmark, where self-determination is emphasized, the impression is that many people leave their parents earlier than in Japan and become independent.
In this way, the state takes care of the foundations of life, such as health and education, so there is no need to worry about these things, and the country is a place where people can truly enjoy their time with family and friends.
(What do you emphasize when it comes to Danish children's education?)
We educate children to question things and to discuss why things are the way they are rather than just being told things by their teachers and ending up with “I see.” As a result, Denmark has produced many people who can assert their opinions and are conscious of participating in the democratic process, and the voting rate in Denmark's national and local government and in all elections remains between 75 to 80 percent. People seem to feel strongly that voting is part of their rights.

(Do you see any similarities between Denmark and Japan?)
I wonder a little bit how it can be that, when I go around Japan, that Denmark actually has a good name. Of course, there could be different reasons for this, but I think there is a sort of a common ground, a common basis that one should not ever underestimate. I think, even though the culture is extremely different, we still have some of the same virtues. We have something called Jante Law, the Law of Jante, which is basically something where there is a focus on not focusing on your individual accomplishments but more focus about how the group is doing. I think the same was, I think, the case here in Japan to some extent. I think there's a concept like "wa" or something like that.
※ヤンテの掟 Law of Jante:デンマークの作家アクセル・サンデモーセが書いた『逃亡者はおのが轍を横切るEn flyktning krysser sitt spor』(1933)に出てくる戒法。「自分が他人より優れていると思ってはいけない」「他人より物知りだと思ってはいけない」など、個人の優越を戒め平等と協調性を重んじるための10の条文でできている。
The approach to architecture and design is also similar. Japanese and Danish houses may look different, but there is an appreciation for them. I believe this appreciation comes from the simplicity that permeates the design of homes in both countries. I also believe that Japan has the oldest monarchy in the world (the Emperor System), and the Danish people are also proud that they have one of the oldest monarchies. Thus, Japan and Denmark share some common human foundations, such as their ways of thinking and their national systems. Another important commonality is that they share the same values at the national level, such as democracy, respect for human rights and a desire to preserve the international order.

取材:知夏七未 構成・文:古川(編集部) 大使写真:安宅雅美(編集部)
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