アルクのカナダ人スタッフMargaret Stalkerが、気になるトピックについて英語でつづります。今回は、コミュニケーションツールとして、まだ家の固定電話だけしかなかった頃のカナダの電話事情について語ります。
英語エッセイ Thoughts on Phones(電話について思うこと)
連載「アルク・ネイティブスタッフのSmall Talk」では、アルクのカナダ人スタッフMargaret Stalkerが、日々のあれこれを英語エッセイで語ります。
Phones No Longer
Should phones now even be called phones? These days, we use those magical little devices to check our messages, snap photos, update our social media and browse the internet. It seems that actually talking on them is now a rare thing!
It wasn’t always like that.
During my teenage years, I spent long hours stretched out on the bed chatting to friends. Sometimes it seemed a little silly because my pals often lived only a block away, but there was something about chatting on the phone that provided a deeper connection. Perhaps we just felt more comfortable or were less distracted. (By the way, Canadian householders paid a flat rate every month, so if you talked all day to local friends or never made any calls at all, the charge was the same. I remember wondering why there was a coin jar by the phone at a friend’s home in Australia. Stupidly, it never occurred to me that people had to pay for local calls elsewhere!)
Party Lines
When I was growing up, nearly every house in the city had a private line, but it was a different story in some rural areas. It’s now hard to believe, but those places had party lines. And, no, that doesn’t mean they were having parties over the phone! Having a party line meant sharing your telephone line with people in other homes. When the phone rang, you would have to listen carefully to see if it was your own home’s ring pattern before you answered. For example, one household might have a short ring followed by a long ring while another might have a specific number of equal-length rings.
There was no privacy. Anyone from any of the households serviced by the line could pick up the phone and listen in! Oh, and no one else could use the phone while someone else was gabbing on it. Even worse, if a person in one household left the phone off the hook or incorrectly positioned it back in its cradle, no one else could make any calls – even in an emergency!
The Romance of Old-Style Phones
Poor younger people. They will never know the pleasure of pacing up and down during an intense phone conversation with a long phone cord dragging behind. They won’t know the joy of twisting the curly phone cord around their fingers as they listen attentively to a friend. They will never know the feeling of being able to slam a phone back into its cradle after a passionate argument with a lover. (Pressing the red button on an iPhone just doesn’t have the same drama!)
But then again, they will never know the misery of waiting for friends for hours on a cold street corner because there was no way of getting in touch with them once they had left their homes. I guess I really should say “Lucky younger people!”
Phones No Longer
語句 | 意味 |
magical | 魔法のような |
snap | ~(写真)を撮る |
update | ~を更新する |
browse | ~を閲覧する |
rare thing | 珍しいこと、なかなかないこと |
stretch out | 大の字になる、手足を伸ばす |
chat | おしゃべりをする |
pal | =friend |
there is something about ~ | なんとなく~だと思う |
distracted | 気が散っている |
householder | 世帯主 |
flat rate | 定額 |
coin jar | 小銭を入れるびん |
stupidly | 無知なことに |
occur to ~ | ~の心に浮かぶ |
local call | 市内通話 |
elsewhere | 他の場所では |
Party Lines
語句 | 意味 |
(見出し)party lines | 共同加入回線 |
nearly | ほとんど~の |
private line | 専用回線 |
it is a different story in ~ | ~では話が変わってくる |
ring pattern | ベル音(の鳴り方) |
followed by ~ | ・・・の後に~が続く |
specific | 特定の |
serviced by ~ | ~を利用する・・・ |
listen in | 盗み聞きをする |
gab | 無駄話(をする)、おしゃべり(をする) |
even worse | さらに悪いことに |
leave ~ off the hook | ~(受話器など)を外れたままにする |
incorrectly | 間違えて |
position ~ back | ~を戻す |
cradle | 受話器受け |
emergency | 緊急事態 |
The Romance of Old-Style Phones
語句 | 意味 |
pace up and down | 行ったり来たりする |
intense | 集中した |
drag | 引きずる |
twist ~ around one’s fingers | ~を指に巻き付ける |
curly | 渦巻き状の |
listen attentively to ~ | ~に熱心に耳を傾ける |
slam ~ into ... | ~を・・・に叩き付ける |
passionate argument | 激しい口論 |
but then again | とはいうものの、でもよく考えてみると |
misery | みじめさ |
上記で紹介したエッセイに関連する表現をご紹介します。 本文には出てきていませんが、普段よく使われる電話に関するフレーズです。
Hold the phone!
This is an American expression that is used to tell someone to listen very carefully because you are about to say something very interesting or surprising.
And then they – hold the phone – actually offered me a job!
Or you can use it interrupt the speaker because he or she has just said something unexpected.
What? Hold the phone! Are you saying that Jack and Diane are dating now? I thought they hated each other!
Phone it in
This means to perform a duty in a disinterested way. You are completing a task but with little enthusiasm or effort.
The teacher seemed to be phoning it in this morning. She didn’t seem to be very engaged.
Sometimes movie critics will say an actor “phoned in” his performance. He wasn’t giving it his all.
Play phone tag
Maybe this expression will no longer be needed since few people seem to be making actual calls these days! It describes making a series of phone calls with another person in which each time one party calls,
the other is not available to answer. Often you end up leaving this message on the other’s phone: “Your turn!”
トップ画像:Wesley Hilario from Unsplash
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!