







  • Berniさん
  • 60代
  • ドッグスタイリスト
  • イングランド、マンチェスター出身


私たちが使う表現には他とは全く異なるものもあります。例えば、“ta-ra”は「さようなら」を意味し、“Leg it”、“Let’s leg it”は「走る」、“chuffed”は「喜んでいる」、“brew”は「1杯の紅茶」、“sound”は「良いですね」、“our kid”は「兄弟姉妹」を意味します。“It’s spitting”は「霧雨」という意味です。


There’s[There’re] many, many different accents in England. They reckon every 25 to 30 miles you’ve got a different accent. My brother who was born in the same place as me, obviously, in England met a girl from Bolton ― which is 25, 30 mile(s) outside of Manchester ― she has a totally different accent than him. You can virtually tell when someone starts speaking whereabouts they’re from ― whether they’re from the north or the south.

We have totally different expressions. Like, “ta-ra” means goodbye. “Leg it,” “Let’s leg it” ― run. “Chuffed” ― you’re pleased. “Brew” ― cup of tea. “Sound” ― that’s good. “Our kid” is your sibling ― your brother or sister. “It’s spitting,” means fine rain. So, they’re just a few, and that’s just local. People from the northwest, where Manchester is ― northern people ― are very straightforward people. I guess the comparison is like the New Yorkers. They’re very straight, matter-of-fact, kind of in your face, kind of nononsense kind of people.



  • Alexさん
  • 60代
  • スコットランド、グリーノック出身


スコットランドの一部の地域では、そこの言語に慣れていない人だと戸惑ってしまうでしょうね。例えば、大半とは言わないまでも多くのスコットランド人は、質問に対して「yes」とは答えず「aye」と答えます。他には東海岸や北部では特にそうだと言えると思いますが、例えば誰かに「タムさんをご存じですか?」と聞いたとします。そうすると相手は「I ken. I ken Tam fine.」と答えるのですが、kenは「知っている」という意味なんです。

もう一つ、人への呼び掛け方について、スコットランドでは親しみを込めた女性の呼び方があります。親密になることを目的とするようなことではなく、単に親しみがあってくだけた呼び方で「Hello, Agnes, hen. How are you?」と声を掛けます。「やあ、アグネス」とか、そんな感じでしょうか。これはよくある呼び方です。hen(めんどり)だからといって、卵を産むだろうとかそういう意味ではありません。

There are three officially recognised languages in Scotland. The main language is, of course, English, or some form of English; Scots language; and Gaelic. Depending on where you grew up in Scotland, you’ll have other language influences. On the West Coast, because of the comparatively small distance between Scotland and Ireland ― it’s only 16 miles out ― there were many Irish immigrants came over. And there were also Scotch who went to Ireland, lived there for generations and then come back. So, there’s a heavy Irish influence in the West Coast of Scotland.

In several areas of Scotland, the language can be confusing if you’re not familiar with it. For instance, many Scots, if not most Scots, will not answer a question with “Yes.” It will be “Aye.” Another thing you might say is ― in the East Coast particularly and in the north ― somebody would say, “Do you know Tam?” And they’d say, “I ken, I ken Tam fine,” meaning “know.”

Another thing about the mode of address to people, a familiar form of address to a female in Scotland ― and it’s not meant to be intimate, it’s just a friendly, informal form of address ― they’ll say “Hello, Agnes, hen. How are you?” “Hello, Agnes, dear,” or it’s like that. It’s a familiar form of address. It doesn’t mean that they expect you to lay eggs.



  • Pádraig Lawlorさん
  • 20代
  • 学生
  • ウェールズ、ブリジェンド出身





The Welsh language is gorgeous. It’s having a revival at the moment. I would say probably most people that are adults speak Welsh, or especially older adults will speak Welsh most of the time over English. But a lot of younger people don’t ’cause they go to schools that don’t teach it. I would say, to answer your question about people being bilingual, most people can speak it to a certain degree, but I wouldn’t say most people are bilingual. When you go west and north, then people probably don’t even speak English.

In English, they don’t really spend a lot of time on a vowel. For example, you’d say like, “Hello.” Whereas in a Welsh accent, they just spend a little bit more time on each vowel. So, it’d be like, “Helloo.” It’s sort of quite nuanced, but it’s like a(n) “ohh” sound as well, instead of an “o.”

When you go further up, especially up in the north, they’re very nasal. I’m from Caernarfon. The language up there is a lot more like the sort of Celtic language. They roll their R’s, and they have a specific, distinctive, “a” vowel. Specifically, as well, up in the north, it’s very nasal, so you, the larynx is raised. They sound a bit like they’ve got something stuck in their throat or something like that. Ha-ha. People from the south like to make fun of them, but I actually like the accent.



  • Dvoraさん
  • 写真家
  • 北アイルランド、ベルファスト出身



北アイルランド人の話し方の例を幾つか挙げますね。「やあ、元気ですか?」「全て順調ですか?」と聞かれたら、「So, it is.」と言うんです。「今日は本当に良い天気ですね、so it is.」のように「so it is」をたくさん使います。


My accent is a bit softer than it used to be. The Northern Irish speak very quickly, and the words can roll into each other so it can become one big word. So when I go home, they think that I’m quite posh because I’ve had to slow down to speak and I’ve had to change the pronunciation of some of my words.

When I came to here for university, they used to make fun of the way I would ・・・Because I was a photography student, and I was working with film, they used to make fun of the way I would say film because at the time it was “fil-lem.” Not film. Fil-lem. And snooker. They used to ask me to say the word “snooker” a lot ’cause we would say “snugger.” Northern Irish tends to speak, it’s quite nasal, the accent.

So, I’ll give you an example of some Northern Irish speak(er). They say, “Hi, how’re you doing?” “Are you doin’ all right, there?” “So, it is.” They use “so it is” a lot. “It’s a really lovely day today, so it is.”

Your southern Irish accent, I think, it’s a bit more kind of like, in a way, Welsh. It’s more sing-songy. If you think of the way maybe Bono from U2 would talk, I don’t know if ev—anybody’s ever seen “Father Ted.” So that’s the difference between the accents. Father Ted is southern Irish. Southern Irish are softer with their language. I’d say maybe the Northern Irish have a harder accent ― because of the speaking through your nose.




※本記事は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2021年12月号に掲載した記事を再編集したものです。



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