
2022年2月24日、突如始まったロシアのウクライナ侵攻から、まもなく1年。日本の報道だけに頼らず、英語を通じてウクライナ情勢を知ることを目的に『英語で読む・聞く・理解する ウクライナ戦争』を刊行しました。ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領のスピーチをはじめ、有識者へのインタビューとニュースを一冊にまとめた音声ダウンロード付きの英語学習本です。ここでは、本に掲載できなかった、在日ウクライナ大使への独占インタビューから、「日本人が英語を学ぶ重要性」についてご紹介します。英語と日本語の両方でお楽しみください。


聞き手:この本(『英語で読む・聞く・理解する ウクライナ戦争』)の目的は、読者が英語を学ぶことで、日本のメディアだけでなく、より幅広い視点から英語で情報を得られるようになることです。もしかしたら、英語で世界中の人に意見を言えるようになるかもしれません。国際的に活躍する大使というお立場から、読者にメッセージをお願いします。

Interviewer: The goal of this book is to help readers learn English so that they can obtain information in English from a wider range of perspectives than merely that of the Japanese media. Possibly they can voice their opinions in English to people worldwide. Please give the readers a message as an ambassador who has worked internationally.


Sergiy Korsunsky: When I arrived in Japan, I asked one very well-educated senior Japanese person why English is not that popular in Japan. And his answer was extremely interesting. He said, “That’s because the Japanese people have everything they love or they want in Japan. They have no need to go outside to get goods or services or food or see nature. They have everything in Japan.”


It is true that Japan is a country of enormous richness. But what we see now is that the world is changing. It’s not because Japan wants it to, but because the outside world is changing, and the role of Japan is changing. And very soon, you will see a completely different Japan. Trust me. It is unavoidable that Japan must be much more active in the international arena. More Japanese companies must go global, and they will not be able to rely just on the local population, local staff. They will need managers and entrepreneurs who speak English because English is an international language, I mean, for international communication. I cannot say that German or French is less popular. But, definitely, if you speak English, you will cover the majority of your communication.


And if only young Japanese specifically could understand that knowledge of English is an extremely important instrument for them, that it’s an advantage in a competitive world where they will compete for good jobs or for opportunities! I would urge them to study English and to communicate and even try to find a way to get out of Japan for a year or two when they are still young to explore the outside world.


By the way, being an ambassador and communicating with the political elite and business elite in Japan, I can say that nearly 95 percent of them have spent some time abroad and they speak some English. I mean, they lived or studied or worked abroad. And that is really important because the role of Japan is changing. Japan will be different. It is outside forces that are bringing this upon Japan and Japan must respond. And it is extremely important to understand and to attach special attention to language.




Korsunsky: When it comes to Ukraine, it’s a little bit different. I would like to stress that more than 35 universities in Japan accepted Ukrainian students. Almost all of them have been integrated into Japan, almost everyone has studied a little bit of Japanese. They have Japanese friends, they understand Japanese culture and they speak real Japanese. So, from my perspective, those students now who’ve spent a year, maybe two, in Japan, they will have gorgeous opportunities to be a real force in Ukraine when they are back.


Because the Japanese language is very complicated, and without studying in Japan, you can’t even think of speaking proper Japanese. I mean, you may speak about basic things, but not in detail, not with a clear understanding of cultural differences. So, very soon, we will have a serious number of Ukrainians who have studied Japanese in Japan and Japanese lovers. They will be able to help in establishing business contacts and academic contacts between Ukraine and Japan. This is a huge advantage. But, at the same time, I would like to stress again, all those students, they speak English, too. In Ukraine, English is obligatory from the first grade in school. You go to school, you must learn English.


So that is why now, in Ukraine, English is spoken very widely, specifically by young people. And they’re not afraid to speak, they’re not afraid to travel, because that’s the level of communication they have. But with Japan, it has a special flavor in that we have them speak both. That’s very good.


Interviewer: English remains the international language.


Korsunsky: Yes, of course. I mean, I’m a mathematician, and I can tell you that English best suits math – it’s a mathematical language. It’s well suited to a concise explanation of things, which is very useful for science. So that is why, of course, we don’t see any deviations from this.

英語で読む・聞く・理解する ウクライナ戦争

コルスンスキー大使のインタビュー本編は『英語で読む・聞く・理解する ウクライナ戦争』に掲載しています。ぜひお手に取ってご覧ください。



『ENGLISH JOURNAL BOOK 2』発売。テーマは「テクノロジー」


日本人インタビューにはメディアアーティストの落合陽一さんが登場し、デジタルの時代に生きる英語学習者にメッセージを届けます。伝説の作家カート・ヴォネガットのスピーチ(柴田元幸訳)、ノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞のカタリン・カリコ、そして、『GRIT グリット やり抜く力』のアンジェラ・ダックワースとインタビューも充実。どうぞお聴き逃しなく!





2025 01
言いたい!をかなえる 韓国語レッスン【入門編】

