
環境問題やSDGs、デンマークデザインや建築への関心の増加とともに、フォルケホイスコーレ(職業教育)留学が検討されることも多くなった昨今。デンマークで働く・学ぶメリットは何か、また、今後どのように教育や環境問題に関する活動を進めていきたいかなど、ピーター タクソ-イェンセン駐日デンマーク王国大使に伺いました。インタビュー音声の一部を掲載しているので、実際の大使の語りをぜひ聞いてみてください。



(What do you think are the advantages of working and studying in Denmark for Japanese people?)


I think, first of all, where I started, we actually have something to offer in terms of our approach to life – the whole concept of “hygge” and the balance between work and life. I’m trying to get my Japanese colleagues to leave the office not at 10:00 but earlier. And in Denmark, when I go around the foreign ministry offices, people will come in at maybe 8:00 or 9:00. They have to drop off their kids at the kindergarten. And then they will leave at 4:00 or 4:30 in the afternoon. And then they have the evening and late afternoon for their families. All these things are the sort of things that when people come to Denmark, they actually really appreciate this balance between work and life that we have created. One thing I can’t brag about is the weather because it’s normally not so nice. It’s dark in the winter, but in the summer, you have very long, light evenings, which are extremely beautiful.

※ヒュッゲ hygge:デンマーク語で「勇気、慰め、喜びを与えること」を意味し、満足な感情がもたらされ、居心地がよく、快適で陽気な気分であることを表現する言葉。コリンズ英語辞典の2016年新語流行語大賞(イギリス版)第2位に選ばれた。


And then of course, the whole concept of folk high school. Vocational education course is something that I have been surprised to see how appealing that is to Japanese. I think it has to do with the difference between how you are teaching in school and how we’re teaching, but this is actually brought into the Folkehøjskole as well. And the Japanese students come to experience this. They are very, very appreciative of getting this experience. And as you know, it has also been brought back to Japan, where you have all these schools around the country as well.

※フォルケホイスコーレ Folkehøjskole(デンマーク語)、folk high school(英語) :19世紀のデンマークを中心に発達し、北欧全土に広がる成人教育機関。哲学や文学、心理学、芸術、技術、ジャーナリズム、スポーツなどが学べる。学習目標は民主主義の向上。日本には大正初期に伝えられ、その後の農民教育に大きな影響を与えた。

© Niclas Jessen

(Denmark is a leading country in terms of environmental measures. What activities do you carry out?)


I think that is something, that is also a big question, because that’s something we need to address at many, many different levels. I think the first level is a global level, where we need to maintain a global consensus that climate change is a threat to humanity and somebody needs to do something about it. And we’re trying to do something about it. Second thing is the individual and bilateral work that we do. And Denmark have[has] moved a lot on, can you say, the “decarbonization” of our society? We are the first country in the world to build an offshore wind farm, back in 1992. The first one was opened here in Japan in December of last year. In Akita. But what we’re doing is to basically decarbonize our society by using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels, and I think the move here is going in the same direction. So that's the next level. And we’re working closely with the Japanese government to share our experience about introducing offshore wind and using nuclear energy – all these things.


We also explain about Danish society in Japanese high schools. We explain how we work on decarbonization and the SDGs in Denmark and the importance of this. There are significant differences between the Japanese and Danish approaches to climate change issues, which can be seen from the education system. In Europe, young people are putting pressure on businesses and politicians to tackle environmental issues to protect their future. Young people raise their hands and demonstrate and even take time off school to demand action on environmental issues. In Japan, however, we do not see much pressure from young people. This is probably because they have been educated to be respectful to their elders and not to raise their hands too often. Therefore, we try to build bridges so that young people in Japan understand why it is important to work on environmental issues.

※SDGs:持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals)。2030年までに持続可能でより良い世界を目指す国際目標で、17のゴールと169のターゲットから構成される。

© Daniel Brandt Andersen

(Denmark is also making good progress on the SDGs. Why is that?)


In Denmark, many companies have integrated the SDGs into their business plans and strategies. And, in most years, Danish companies are among the top five most sustainable companies in the global sustainable companies ranking. When we spoke to these companies, they told us: “We are working on the SDGs for the good of society, and as a company, we need to give back to society. We also do it as a matter of course because our shareholders also want us to do so.” In other words, their customers want environmentally sustainable products. Furthermore, they are also keen on the SDGs in order to attract the best employees. Danish employees, voters and young people want to work for cool companies, and as such, sustainable companies have recently attracted a lot of attention. I want to play a role as a bridge between Danish and Japanese companies. I am aware that Japanese companies are also starting to move in a sustainable direction, so we can offer a range of advice.

© Niclas Jessen

(What kind of PR activities do you carry out to promote Denmark to the Japanese?)

毎年11月の最初の週末に、デンマーク王国大使館がある代官山で「Denmark Open Days(デンマーク オープン デイズ)」というイベントを行っています。今年は通りを封鎖して、地域の方々と一緒に盛大なお祭りにしたいと考えています。また、素晴らしいことに、北海道に住む織田憲嗣(のりつぐ)教授が世界で一番多くのデンマーク家具をコレクションしており、展覧会の開催に向けて大使館が支援しています。デンマーク家具収集の世界的第一人者が日本にいることは、とても幸運なことです。地域社会を支援すると同時に、デンマークの価値や文化を広めることにも努めています。

Every year, on the first weekend of November, we organize an event called “Denmark Open Days” in Daikanyama, where the embassy is located. This year, I’m trying to have the street closed off and have a big festival with the local community. Also, wonderfully, Professor Noritsugu Oda, who lives in Hokkaido, has the largest collection of Danish furniture in the world, and the Danish Embassy is supporting him in organizing the exhibition. We are very fortunate to have a world leader in Danish furniture collecting in Japan. In this way, we strive to support the local community and at the same time promote Danish values and culture.

(Finally, is there anything you would like to say to our Japanese readers?)


The waterfront measures against COVID-19 are no longer in place and people are able to travel again. And I know Japanese people actually love traveling, so therefore we hope they will also come to Denmark because there are even more good reasons to do so than we have discussed.


ピーター タクソ-イェンセン
ピーター タクソ-イェンセン


取材:知夏七未 構成・文:古川(編集部) 大使写真:安宅雅美(編集部)


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