
北欧の小さな国、デンマーク。母国語はデンマーク語ですが、英語能力指数ランキング(EF EPI)で111カ国中5位にランクインしています。なぜデンマークの英語力は高いのでしょうか。デンマークの英語教育について、駐日デンマーク王国大使のピーター タクソ-イェンセンさんに伺いました。インタビュー音声の一部も掲載しているので、実際の大使の語りをぜひ聞いてみてください。


――デンマークは、英語能力指数ランキング(EF EPI)で第5位にランクインしています。英語能力が高い理由は何かあるのでしょうか?
(Denmark is ranked fifth in the EF English Proficiency Index. What are the reasons for such a high proficiency?)


Well, I think it’s important to start with the fact that Denmark is a small country. We have 5.8 million people, a little less than 6 million. I think in (the) Tokyo metropolitan government[area], you have 14 million people living. The second point is that Danes, we don’t have a lot of natural resources. We have some agriculture, we have some fish, but apart from that, we live and have lived for centuries off trading. So we’re a trading country and we’re a seafaring country. And if you want to trade, you need to talk to those you trade with. And they will not talk Danish or speak Danish because ... OK, there’s some Swedes and some Norwegians who understand Danish, but apart from those, you’ll need to have some skills in order to be able to conduct whatever you do. And so therefore, a second language in a small country like Denmark is so much more important than in a country where you are now 124,009,000 Japanese people living here.

(How is English now positioned in Denmark?)


Of course, there have been changes in what languages were the important ones. We are very close to Germany, and Germany is a much larger country. So for some time, it was German, especially in the part of Denmark where it was closer to Germany. In the old days, you had this saying that the nobility would speak French and they would talk Danish to their servants and they would talk German to their dog. But that has totally changed because of the, you could say, the fact that English is now the language that is spoken by most people in the world, followed by Chinese. So if you want to be able to make your way as a trading nation in the world, English is the logical first language after Danish.

コペンハーゲン、ニューハウン。埠頭となる水路がある。© World Mappers

(What is English education like in Denmark?)


We start by having children learn English from the first or second grade in school and through high school as well. So this is something that is a very important part of our education. Mostly they’ll start with conversation. Of course, you need to learn the grammar as well and things like that. You’ve got to at some stage learn grammar, but I think for us, the main focus is using the language and thereby learning also the grammar. But, of course, if you specialize in English, you will have to have more grammar to be perfect. But most people are not sort of thinking, “OK, I spend a lot of time sort of sitting and reading grammar books.” It’s more, “I spend a lot of time discussing in English and reading English, and therefore I’m learning it.”

(Apart from the education system, do you think there is any reason why Danes are so fluent in English?)


In Denmark, television, music and internet research are mostly presented in English. Compared to Japan, the influence of the United States and the U.K. is much greater, and there are many opportunities to come into contact with English outside of school. Interestingly, people who come to Denmark, especially Americans, are surprised that most people in Denmark speak English. Danes speak English a lot to practice their English. Japanese people are a bit shy and not very positive about speaking English. They seem to have a tendency to want to speak only when they can speak perfect English. The Danes just try to get into conversations and talk. I think this is one way of developing their language skills.

コペンハーゲン、Copenhagen canal © Kim Wyon

(Do you think it is difficult for Danish speakers to learn English?)


Scandinavian languages come from the same language family as English and German, so if you look at the Danish language, you will see that it has been heavily influenced by English, German and also French. Vice versa, some English words have been influenced by Scandinavian languages. For example, Thursday is derived from the Norse mythological god of thunder, Thor. Similarly, Friday comes from “Freija,” the goddess of Norse mythology. There are some similarities in grammar, so it is easier to learn English than for speakers of a completely different language system such as Japanese.

※北欧神話 Norse mythology:デンマーク、ノルウェー、スウェーデン、アイスランドおよびフェロー諸島に伝わる神話の総称。インタビュー内で紹介した曜日以外に、Tuesdayは北欧神話の「戦いの神チュール」、Wednesdayは「主神オーディン」が語源とされる。




ピーター タクソ-イェンセン
ピーター タクソ-イェンセン


取材:知夏七未 構成・文:古川(編集部) 大使写真:安宅雅美(編集部)


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