
言葉に かかわらず 、すてきな歌は、皆すてき。でも、音楽の作り方には違いがあります。中でも今回注目したいのは、英語詞の作り方。アジアを中心に活躍中の音楽プロデューサー、ジョベット・リベラさんにお伺いします。



作詞といえば、 ご自身はどのようにされるのでしょうか?書くことのインスピレーションをどのように得ていますか?

inspiration for writing?">Talking about writing lyrics, how do you do it yourself? How do you get inspiration for writing?


すてきなストーリーを語ること、それはどこから来るかといえば、人生からです。ほかになんと言えばいいのかわかりませんが、とにかく経験すること―経験し、すてきな人生を過ごすことです。毎日家にいるだけでは多くを経験することはできません。すてきな人生が歌詞に大きな 影響 を与えます。あなたによりよい歌詞を書かせてくれます。自身の経験だけである必要はありません。ほかの人たちと一緒にいるだけで、彼らの経験を学び、そこから歌を作れることもあるでしょう。名前は出しちゃダメですけどね。映画を見ることも経験です。歌詞のアイデアはさまざまなところにあるんです。

Do I want to make it fiction, like a fictional situation , or a nonfictional situation ? Like, really what I’m feeling? Or am I just going to tell a story about these two people in love. Even though I use the word “I,” it’s not actually about me. I am also a storyteller , and so that helps. In order to be a good lyricist, you need to be able to tell a story. So , in any language, no matter what, you need to be able to tell a cohesive story that people will want, that is almost relatable and that people want to read.

So telling an interesting story, where does that come from ? Life. I’m not sure what else to really say about that. It’s just experience ? experience and leading an interesting life. If you’re in your house every day, you’re not going to experience much. And so having an interesting life will greatly influence your lyrics and allow you to write better lyrics. It doesn’t only have to be your experiences. Just being around other people, you learn about their experiences, and maybe you can make a song about that. Don’t use their names, though . Watching a movie is an experience , too. Ideas for lyrics can come from all sorts of different places.


What is the most memorable piece of yours?

誰もご存じないと思いますが、一番初めに売れた曲でしょうか。日本のCM曲でした。でも最も記憶に残るメジャーな楽曲といえば、KAT-TUNの「Dead or Alive」というシングルA面の曲です。いくつかの理由からとても大きな意味を持った曲でした。一つには楽曲制作の(サッカーで言う)ハットトリックだったからです。作曲、作詞、編曲を手掛けました。こういう機会はなかなかありません。レコード会社はよく、これらの仕事を別々に発注したがるんです。だから、あの曲はすべてが完璧な形で融合した作品となりました。映画『ジョーカー・ゲーム』のタイアップでもありました。だからとても思い入れのある一曲です。

It’s probably one of the first songs I ever sold, that nobody even knows. It was a song for a Japanese commercial . But the most memorable song I’ve written, like on a major scale , would be “Dead or Alive,” which was an A-side single for KAT-TUN. I think that song had a big impact for quite a few reasons. One, it was a hat trick of writing music. I was a songwriter, lyricist and arranger. That doesn’t happen very often. Sometimes the record company wants to divide the jobs. So that was just the perfect storm of everything came together. Also , the song was a tie-up with the movie Joker Game. So , it is very important to me.

今後 どのようになっていくと思いますか?">音楽の役割は 今後 どのようになっていくと思いますか?

role of music in the future ?">What do you think is the role of music in the future ?



OK, so since the beginning of mankind, the reason for music has been self- expression . And I don’t think the role of music will change , but the access to the music will change . A long time ago, if you wanted to hear music, you had to go somewhere to hear it. So , the invention of the radio was what really started music to become more widespread . You could hear it, and then you could see it, and then you could idolize the artists. Now, from the ’90s, with the widespread use of the internet, and now with YouTube and SoundCloud and stuff , it’s everywhere all the time ? you can’t escape it. Maybe the next thing is to see it directly in your mind.Because science fiction is slowly becoming a reality, right ? Maybe next will be holograms. There’s already a hologram star ? what’s her name? Hatsune Miku? ? with hologram live concerts and things like that. Personally, I don’t want that to become more and more common because it’s going to replace us. That’s dangerous. Because there are already AI singers, and AI music creation software. That’s scary .


for you?">What is music for you?


Music is the bridge that connects the imagination to reality. So I think our thoughts and our ideas are what turn into music when we are able to properly express them through instruments and through our vocal cords. Music is necessary . It’s a part of life. It’s a very important part of creativity . It’s how we can show what we’re thinking and express our imagination through making it into a reality through music. Happiness, sadness, anger, frustration , love, hate ? every emotion can be expressed through some form or another of a different type of music. And that’s also constantly evolving ? how we express ourselves. And the music goes hand in hand together with society. So I think as society changes, music will change along with it naturally.


※本記事は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2021年5月号特集の内容を再構成したものです。


Jovette Rivera(ジョベット・リベラ) 音楽プロデューサー。2003年よりハリウッドでモデル・アーティスト活動を行う。2006年、ジャニーズ・エンターテイメント所属アーティスト「Ya-ya-yah」への楽曲提供で作曲家としてデビュー。アジアを中心にさまざまなアーティストへ楽曲提供を行うほか、タレント・モデルとして活躍中。


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