
英語のニュースを読むのは好きだけど、読んだだけで終わってしまう。本当は、英語ニュースで知ったことについて、英語でいろいろ話してみたい! そんな皆さんのために、『DMM英会話 Daily Newsで身につける 英語ニュースを読める!語れる!技術』(アルク)を監修したDMM英会話の教材開発チームが、英語のニュース記事を読み、その話題について英語で話すための表現やコツをご紹介します。第5回となる今回は、みんな大好きな「イタリア料理」に関する記事と、料理に関する英語表現や会話例を見ていきます。



Don't Make These Mistakes When Cooking Italian Food

From pizza to lasagna and more, Italian food is popular for home cooking, perhaps because of its simple ingredients and recipes — but that doesn't mean mistakes don't happen.

Here are some common ones, and a few ways that you can eat like an Italian:

Make sure your pasta is al dente

In Italy, pasta is enjoyed al dente — meaning it's still a bit hard when you bite it. The reason is it's easier to digest than pasta that's very soft.

Cooking time may vary between types of pasta, so it's best to follow what's written on the packet, and only throw your pasta into water that is boiling and salted.

Don't put cream in a carbonara

Many carbonara recipes and store-bought sauces include cream. But a real carbonara has only five ingredients: eggs, cheese, pepper and guanciale, a meat made from pork cheek that tastes a bit like bacon. And, of course, the pasta — traditionally spaghetti or rigatoni, a tube-like pasta.

Mix the sauce and pasta together

A common mistake is putting the sauce on top of the pasta. Instead, you should pour the cooked pasta into the pan you've cooked the sauce in, and mix together until every part of the pasta is covered in sauce.

You should also add a bit of the water you cooked the pasta in. The starch will help thicken the sauce so that it can stick to the pasta.

You won't find these things in Italy

Although it's popular all over the world, spaghetti bolognese is not found in Italy — that's what Virginio Merola told RAI in 2019, when he was Bologna mayor. The famous meat sauce is served with tagliatelle, which is wider and flatter than spaghetti and holds the sauce better.

Another common opinion in Italy is that milk after a meal affects digestion, so it's not likely that you'll see an Italian drinking cappuccino after midday. However, espresso after a meal is fine — and even encouraged.

(元記事と日本語訳はこちら!⇒ DMM英会話 Daily News






You can adjust the seasoning of this dish to your liking.



I expected the curry to be full of flavor but, disappointingly, it was very bland.



Ashley sautéed the shrimp before adding it to the sauce.



After browning the beef, I added it to the pot of vegetables and let it simmer for two hours.

mortar and pestle

mortarは乳鉢、pestleは乳棒のことを指します。ハーブやスパイス、ナッツなどの食材をすり潰したり、砕いたりするのに使います。乳鉢は石や陶器、木でできた小さなボウルで、乳棒は重くて丸いもので、乳鉢の中の食材を砕いてすりつぶすのに使います。上の記事の中の写真は、mortar and pestleを使ってジェノベーゼソースを作っている様子ですね。

My homemade pesto tastes so much better since I started using a mortar and pestle to make it.


  •  to your liking(あなたの好みに合わせて)
  •  flavor(味わい、風味)
  •  add A to B(AをBに加える)
  •  brown(~に焼き色をつける)



John: Hey Lucy, have you tried that pasta sauce recipe yet?
Lucy: Yeah, I tried it last night, but it tasted quite bland. I followed your instructions step by step, so I'm not sure what went wrong.
John: Hmm, that's strange! Did you add enough seasoning?
Lucy: I added some salt and pepper, but perhaps I didn't add enough. What else could I have done?
John: Well, you could also try sautéing the onions and garlic before adding the tomatoes.
Lucy: Oh, I didn't think of that! I just mixed all the raw ingredients together and let the sauce simmer.
John: How long did you simmer it for?
Lucy: About 10 minutes. Is that alright?
John: Well, I usually leave it for at least an hour, to allow more time for the flavors to come out. It helps thicken the sauce, too.
Lucy: Okay, I'll keep that in mind. By the way, do you have anything I can use to grind some herbs for the sauce? I used dried herbs this time, but I think fresh herbs would make a big difference.
John: Yeah, I think they would! You can borrow my mortar and pestle if you like. I find that grinding them slowly really helps to release the flavors.
Lucy: Thanks, John! I'll give it a try.

ジョン: ねえルーシー、あのパスタソースのレシピはもう試してみた?
ジョン: うーん、おかしいなぁ。味付けはしっかりした?
ルーシー: 塩と胡椒を少し入れたけど、足りなかったのかも。他に何かすべきことがあったかしら?
ジョン: そうだね、トマトを入れる前に玉ねぎとニンニクを炒めてみるのもいいかもしれないね。
ルーシー: ああ、それは思いつかなかった! 私はただ生の材料を全部混ぜて、ソースを煮込んだだけなの。
ジョン: どのくらい煮込んだの?
ルーシー: 10分くらい。それでよかった?
ジョン: なるほど、僕はいつも最低1時間煮込んで、もっと時間をかけて風味を引き出すようにしているよ。そのほうがソースが濃くなるしね。
ルーシー: わかった。覚えておくわ。ところで、ソースのためのハーブをすりつぶせるようなものを何か持っている? 今回、ドライハーブを使ったのだけど、フレッシュなハーブを使うとかなり違うと思うんだよね。
ジョン: ああ、そうだと思うよ! よかったら、僕の乳鉢と乳棒を貸してあげるよ。ハーブをゆっくりと挽くと、風味がよく出るんだ。
ルーシー: ありがとう、ジョン! 試してみるわ。

いかがでしたか。「会話に役立つ表現」で紹介したものだけでなく、会話の中に登場したthicken the sauce(ソースを濃くする)、make a big difference(かなり違う)、release the flavors(風味を出す)といった表現も便利そうですね。

本連載では、数カ月にわたりDMM英会話の人気教材Daily News の記事をご紹介していきます。こうした学習を楽しいと思っていただけたら、書籍『DMM英会話 Daily Newsで身につける 英語ニュースを読める!語れる!技術』もぜひ手に取ってみてください。そして、DMM英会話の Daily News では、毎日記事を更新中です!


2025 04
韓国語の先生になろう ~ 準備からスキルアップのコツまで

