Changes in Japan’s Defense Policies
Anchor: And Japan also(*1) this week marked the 79th anniversary of the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a time when the entire country is changing its attitude towards war. Henry Ridgwell reports.
Reporter: At 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday – the exact time that the atomic bomb exploded 600 meters above Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 – Japan held a minute’s silence to remember the horrors visited on the city.
The manner of Japan’s defeat changed the country, driving an aversion to war and military power that lasted for generations. But analysts say that is changing – as the country faces numerous regional threats.
Yee Kuang Heng (Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo): The(, uh,) DPRK's nuclear missile(, uh,) programs,( uh,) Chinese military assertiveness, territorial claims in the East China Sea, Russia's(, uh,) closer military cooperation with China in the past couple of years.(*2)
Reporter: Those threats prompted Japan to last year announce a doubling of defense spending to 2 percent of GDP by 2027.
Last week, the United States – Japan’s closest ally – announced a major upgrade of its military command in the country. Tokyo has repeatedly sought assurances from the U.S. that it would be prepared to use “extended deterrence” or its nuclear weapons to defend Japan.
Responding to Japan’s changing military posture, China last month said that Tokyo needs to “seriously reflect on its history of aggression.”
Analysts say Japan is facing up to multiple threats – not least from China itself.
ⒸVOA News, August 8, 2024
- (*1) also:
元の放送では直前にも日本に関する内容を伝えており、それを受けている。 - (*2) ※編集部注:
語句 | 意味 |
mark | (記念日など)にあたる、~を記念する |
bombing | 爆撃 |
atomic bomb | 原子爆弾 |
silence | 黙とう(通例 a ~) |
defeat | 敗北、敗戦 |
drive | ~を駆り立てる |
aversion | 反感、嫌悪、忌避 |
military power | 軍事力 |
numerous | 多数の |
the DPRK | 北朝鮮 ※Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (朝鮮民主主義人民共和国)の略 |
nuclear missile | 核ミサイル |
assertiveness | 主張の強さ |
territorial claim | 領有権の主張、領土の要求 |
East China Sea | 東シナ海 |
prompt ~ to ... | ~に…するよう促す |
double | ~を2倍にする |
defense spending | 防衛支出 |
ally | 同盟国、協力者 |
upgrade | 格上げ ※ここでは、在日米軍を、作戦指揮の 権限を持つ「統合軍司令部」として 再編成することを意味する。 |
military command | 軍司令部 |
Tokyo | 日本政府 ※首都名によってその国の中央政府を 表している。 |
seek ~ from ... | …に~を求める、…から~を引き出す |
assurance | 保証、確約 |
extended deterrence | 拡大抑止 ※ある国が、同盟国が攻撃を受けた際に 報復を行うという意思を示しておくこ とで、その同盟国への攻撃を防ぐこと。 |
posture | 姿勢 |
reflect on | ~を熟考する |
aggression | 侵略、攻撃 |
face up to | ~に立ち向かう |
- トップ画像出典:首相官邸ホームページ(https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/101_kishida/actions/202408/06hiroshima.html)