Voters react to first presidential debate
Anchor: From New York to Los Angeles, in Michigan and Las Vegas – even passengers on a flight from Minneapolis to Miami – millions of Americans tuned in to watch the first 2024 debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
At pro-Trump watch parties, voters suggested Biden’s performance shows he’s not fit to be reelected to the nation’s highest office.
Armani Torres (New York Trump supporter): I don’t wanna be disrespectful towards the elderly, um, but, like, Biden is, you know … He slurs his words a lot. I just don’t think he’s fit to be a leader.
Sandra Bastian (California Trump supporter): I’d pick Donald Trump. I think he did well tonight. He kept his, um, his calm and his cool.
Jerry Piani (California Trump supporter): He was holding back quite a bit, and I wish he would have torn into him more. Ha-ha. But, you know, he’s gotta be polite.
Anchor: At a watch party for Democrats in Los Angeles, Biden’s supporters focused on the issues rather than assessing the performance of either candidate.
Liza Serrano (California Biden supporter): Trump is a complete liar. Everything he says is just one lie after another after another. Uh, and he’s never gonna protect us as women. He’s not gonna protect minorities across the nation, and he’s gonna make things worse for us. He’s gonna put us into more wars.
Mark Ramos (LA County Democratic chair): There is no crime wave from immigrants coming into this country. It doesn’t exist. President Trump – former President Trump – is only using those words to gin up a base that only wants to create a xenophobic, racist country.
Anchor: There are less than five months until Election Day. Voters will have another opportunity to assess the candidates at the next debate, which is scheduled for September 10.
ⒸVOA News, June 28, 2024
ライザ・セラーノ(カリフォルニア州のバイデン支持者): トランプは完全な嘘つきです。彼の言うことはすべて嘘に次ぐ嘘です。それから、彼は私たち女性を決して守ってくれないでしょう。彼は国中のマイノリティーを守るつもりもないし、私たちの状況を悪化させるでしょう。彼は私たちをさらなる戦争に巻き込もうとしています。
語句 | 意味 |
tune in | チャンネルを合わせる |
former | 前の、元の |
pro- | 親~、~支持派の |
voter | 有権者 |
be fit to ~ | ~するのにふさわしい |
reelect | ~を再び選ぶ |
office | 公職 |
disrespectful | 失礼な、敬意を欠いた |
slur | ~を不明瞭に言う[発音する] |
hold back | 尻込みする、ためらう |
tear into | ~を激しく非難する、~を引き裂く |
have gotta (=have got to) | ~しなければいけない |
Democrat | 民主党員 |
assess | ~を評価する |
candidate | 立候補者 |
one ~ after another | 相次ぐ~、~に次ぐ~ |
be gonna (=be going to) | ~するつもりだ |
crime wave | 犯罪の急増 |
gin up | ~をかき立てる 、あおる |
base | 支持者層、基盤 |
xenophobic | 外国人嫌いの |
racist | 人種差別主義の |
be scheduled for ~ | ~(時間)に予定されている |