Zambia Rolls Out New HIV Prevention Medicines
Reporter: For two years, Precious Mbomboli took pills daily to prevent infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, but the 21-year-old is among the first in Zambia to receive a new injectable prevention drug.
Mbomboli 〔※voice-over〕: I changed the new injectable on (the) 25th of February because the pill was difficult for me, as I used to forget to take it. Sometimes I was not at home at the time of taking the medication, so the injection makes me feel better and confident.
Reporter: The new drug is known as cabotegravir long-acting. Each shot prevents infection for six months. Zambia is the first low-or-middle-income country to offer the drug to the public.
Reporter: The U.S. government has donated nearly 15,000 vials of the drug known as cabotegravir. That’s enough to protect 2,000 Zambians against HIV for one year, the U.S. Embassy says. But experts say people who get the shot still need to take precautions.
Dr. Kebby Musokotwane (Zambia National Aids Council): People get the injection and then they think it's a, it’s a silver bullet in that then they can go out and, um, you know, sleep around. And then, then, really the message here is that, um, that’s not why this drug has been, has been brought on board. Um, to realize that, um, this drug does not prevent pregnancies. It doesn’t prevent other, uh, sexually transmitted, uh, um, infections.
Reporter: About 1.4 million Zambians are living with HIV, with about 33,000 new infections per year. Experts hope the new drug can help bring those numbers down.
ⒸVOA News, March 10, 2024
語句 | 意味 |
pill | 錠剤 |
daily | 毎日 |
infection | 感染 |
HIV =Human Immunodeficiency Virus | ヒト免疫不全ウイルス、エイズウイルス |
be among the first to ~ | ~する初めての人[もの]である |
injectable | 注射可能な、注射による |
medication | 薬剤 |
injection | 注射 |
long-acting | 長期作用の |
shot | 注射(の量) |
vial | (薬・香水などを入れる)小瓶 ※ここでは薬剤の単位(本数)として用いられている。 |
precaution | 予防措置 |
silver bullet | 特効薬 ※「銀の弾丸はおおかみ男をも倒せる」という言い伝えが語源。 |
go out | (異性と)交際する |
sleep around | 多くの異性関係を持つ |
bring ~ on board | ~を導入する、採用する |
pregnancy | 妊娠 |
sexually transmitted infection | 性感染症 |