Trump Comments on NATO Send Shock Waves Throughout Europe
Reporter: Speaking Saturday at a campaign rally in Conway, South Carolina, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump veered from his prepared remarks to talk about his view that European countries are taking advantage of the United States and not paying their fair share for their security.
Reporter: Trump‘s apparent fondness for Russian President Vladimir Putin and distrust of NATO allies are not new. But this comment, encouraging Moscow to attack a NATO ally, triggered a more than normal slew of European reactions. In a statement, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the U.S., and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk.”
Reporter: No country has debts to NATO, as Trump suggests. In 2014, alliance allies pledged to move toward spending 2 percent of their Gross Domestic Product on defense by 2024. NATO estimates that, as of early 2023, 10 of its 30 member states were close to that 2 percent mark. One expert noted that Trump has also asked the Republican-led House of Representatives not to provide any more U.S. military aid for Ukraine, which is fighting a defensive war against Russia.
ⒸVOA News, February 12, 2024
記者 : トランプが示唆するように、NATOに負債を抱えている国はありません。2014年、加盟国は2024年までに国内総生産の2%を国防費に充てることを目指す誓約を立てました。NATOは2023年初頭の時点で、加盟30カ国のうち10カ国がその2%の目標に近づいたと推定しています。ある専門家は、ロシアとの防衛戦を繰り広げているウクライナに対し、アメリカの軍事支援をこれ以上行わないよう、トランプが共和党主導の下院へ要請したとも指摘しています。
語句 | 意味 |
campaign rally | 選挙集会 |
Republican | 共和党の |
front-runner | 最有力候補 |
veer | (意見・話題などが)急に変わる、脱線する |
remark | 発言 |
share | 負担金、割り当て |
security | (国の公安維持の)安全保障 |
fondness | 好み、好意 |
distrust | 不信 |
ally | 加盟国 |
Moscow | モスクワ ※「ロシア政府」の意味でも使われ、ここではその意。 |
a slew of | 多数の、大量の |
Secretary-General | 事務総長 |
undermine | ~(信用・権威など)を傷つける、損なう |
debt | 負債 |
alliance | 同盟 |
pledge | ~を誓う |
gross domestic product | 国内総生産(略語:GDP) |
defense | 防衛(手段)、防御 ※ここでは「国防費」の意。 |
as of ~ | ~の時点で |
mark | 目標、基準 |
-led | ~主導の |
House of Representatives | 下院 |
defensive | 防衛の |