World’s Elections Held This Year
Sheikh Hasina won a fifth term as prime minister of Bangladesh, Saturday, the first in a series of major elections across the world this year.
Taiwan will hold its presidential election on January 13. China’s threat to retake the island by force looms over the vote.
Indonesia is set to choose a new president next month to rule the nation of 277 million people, making it one of the world’s biggest votes held on a single day.
Russians will vote in presidential elections in March, and incumbent Vladimir Putin is all but certain to win.
On June 2, Mexico is due to hold presidential elections, which could herald a new milestone.
The European Union is set to hold parliamentary elections in June, representing more than half a billion people, amid a resurgence in support for right-wing populist parties.
Britain is scheduled to hold elections before the end of the year, with polls suggesting opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer is on course to end a tumultuous 14 years of Conservative rule.
On November 5, Americans will decide whether to give Democrat Joe Biden a second term as U.S. president or choose a Republican alternative, with Donald Trump seemingly his most likely opponent. Either result will have global ramifications.
In the coming year, voters are set to wield their democratic power on an unprecedented scale, and the consequences will likely be felt for decades to come.
ⒸVOA News, January 9, 2024
語句 | 意味 |
term | 任期、期間 |
presidential | 大統領の |
retake | ~を取り戻す |
by force | 力で、暴力によって |
loom | ぼんやり現れる、そびえ立つ |
be set to ~ | ~する予定である、~することになっている |
incumbent | 現職者 |
all but ~ | ほとんど~、~も同然で |
herald | ~の前触れとなる、~の到来を告げる |
milestone | 画期的な出来事、重要な事件 |
parliamentary | 議会の |
amid | ~の最中に、~の真ん中に |
resurgence | 復活、再生 |
right-wing | 右翼の、右派の |
populist | ポピュリストの、大衆迎合の |
be scheduled to ~ | ~する予定である |
poll | 世論調査、投票 |
opposition | 野党 |
Labour Party | 労働党 |
be on course to ~ | ~することができそうだ、~する見込みだ |
tumultuous | 波乱に満ちた、激動の |
Conservative | 保守党の |
Democrat | 民主党の、民主党員 |
Republican | 共和党の、共和党員 |
ramification | 影響、展開 |
voter | 投票者、有権者 |
wield | ~を行使する |
unprecedented | 前例のない |