Climate change affecting human health
Pakistan suffered the worst flood in its history last year, which scientists say was likely exacerbated by climate change. Thousands were killed and homes and livelihoods destroyed. The floodwaters also provided a vast breeding ground for mosquitoes, leading to a 400 percent increase in cases of malaria countrywide – the worst outbreak since 1973. Scientists say this is just one example of how climate change is having a big impact on human health. For the first time, the U.N. Climate Change Conference is addressing that impact at its annual meeting this year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Diseases like river blindness and sleeping sickness are spread through parasitic worms and flies, organisms that could proliferate in a warming world. Air pollution from fossil fuel burning kills an estimated 7 million people globally every year.
COP28 host the United Arab Emirates, along with several charities, pledged $777 million Sunday to help fight neglected tropical diseases that could be worsened by climate change. More than 120 countries at COP28 signed a declaration acknowledging responsibility to safeguard human health in a warming world. But critics say it made no mention of cutting fossil fuels, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate change.
ⒸVOA News, December 6, 2023
語句 | 意味 |
exacerbate | ~を悪化させる |
livelihood | 生計、生活手段 |
floodwater | 洪水の水 |
case | 事例、症例 |
countrywide | 全国的な、全国的に |
outbreak | 勃発、(突然の)発生 |
United Arab Emirates | アラブ首長国連邦 |
river blindness | オンコセルカ症、河川盲目症 ※川で繁殖する寄生虫による、失明に至ることもある感染症。 |
sleeping sickness | 眠り病、睡眠病 ※寄生虫による感染症。中枢神経系が侵され、放置すると死に至る。 |
parasitic worm | 寄生虫 |
organism | 生物、有機体 |
proliferate | 繁殖する、激増する |
fossil fuel | 化石燃料 |
charity | 慈善団体 |
pledge | ~を誓う、~を約束する |
neglected tropical diseases | 顧みられない熱帯病 ※WHOが指定する、熱帯地域を中心に蔓延する感染症。 |
worsen | ~を悪化させる、~を悪化する |
declaration | 宣言 |
safeguard | ~を守る、~を保護する |
make mention of ~ | ~に言及する |
greenhouse gas | 温室効果ガス |
emission | 排出 |
drive | ~を駆り立てる、~を促進する |