Present and Future of AI
AI began to recognize our voices, to carry on conversations and to appear almost human. The capabilities of both symbolic AI and neural networks have merged in today’s chatbots and autonomous vehicles, and AI is evolving rapidly as it is combined with other technologies.
Training in some areas of machine learning will take much longer. It will take millions – and some say billions – of miles of training before self-driving cars are considered as safe as human drivers.
But we have now reached a moment that even some AI researchers expected to be far in the future. Experts will see major advances in health care and drug discovery, weather prediction and food production.
Yet, even among AI’s proponents, there are great concerns about the harm these powerful technologies could cause. Use in warfare, massive job displacement, surveillance, discrimination and copyright infringement are among the many ethical challenges posed by AI.
We have shaped these tools in our likeness. It remains to be seen how they will shape us.
ⒸVOA News, February 1, 2024
語句 | 意味 |
carry on ~ | ~を続ける |
human | 人間の、人間的な |
symbolic AI | シンボリックAI ※明示的なルールに基づき、記号的推論を行う種類の人工知能。 ※symbolicは「記号的な」の意。 |
neural network | ニューラルネットワーク ※人間の脳を模した人工知能の手法で、学習に長けている。 ※neuralは、「神経の」の意。 |
chatbot | チャットボット ※AIを用いて人間と会話するプログラムのこと。 |
autonomous vehicle | 自動運転車、自律走行車 |
evolve | 進化する、発展する |
self-driving | 自動運転の |
prediction | 予測、予言 |
proponent | 支持者、擁護者 |
warfare | 戦争(行為)、武力衝突 |
displacement | 置き換えること、解雇 |
surveillance | 監視、偵察 |
discrimination | 差別 |
copyright infringement | 著作権侵害 |
ethical | 倫理的な |
pose ~ | ~を引き起こす、~を提起する |
in one’s likeness | ~に似た見た目[性質]で |
it remains to be seen ~ | ~はまだ分からない |
画像:from canva