Turkey/Syria Earthquake
Anchor: The death toll from the massive earthquakes that have devastated Turkey and Syria is continuing to rise – at least 4,000 people killed and thousands more injured in what Turkey’s government says is the worst such disaster to hit that country in decades. A Reuters correspondent, Matthew Larotonda, reports.
Reporter: Dozens of countries and international organizations are scrambling to rush in aid. Civil defense or search and rescue teams, some including dogs, are coming from places such as the U.S., U.K., Spain, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Taiwan and Russia. Even war-torn Ukraine has said it's ready to send support to Turkey.
Anchor: Reuters correspondent Matthew Larotonda. Families in Turkey’s epicenter of Monday’s deadly earthquake gathered around a bonfire, desperate to stay warm in the freezing cold weather. Temperatures in some areas were expected to fall near freezing overnight, worsening conditions for people trapped under rubble or left homeless. Rain fell on Monday after snowstorms swept the country over the weekend. While international aid has poured into the country, search and rescue teams have struggled to set up shelters for survivors.
© VOA News, February 6, 2023
キャスター:トルコとシリアを襲った大地震による死者数は、増加し続けています――少なくとも 4,000 人が死亡、数千人が負傷し、トルコ政府はこの数十年で同国を襲った最悪の災害であると発表しています。ロイター通信のマシュー・ラロトンダ特派員が報告します。
語句 | 意味 |
death toll | 死亡者数 |
massive | 巨大な |
devastate | ~に大打撃を与える |
in decades | 数十年ぶりの |
correspondent | 特派員 |
scramble to do | 大急ぎで~する |
rush in aid | 救助を急派する |
civil defense | 民間防衛隊 |
war-torn | 戦争で荒廃した、戦時下の |
epicenter | 震源地 |
deadly | 犠牲者が出た |
bonfire | たき火 |
desperate to do | 必死に~する |
be expected to do | ~することが見込まれる |
near freezing | 氷点下近く |
overnight | 一晩中、夜を通じて |
worsen | ~を悪化させる |
trap | ~を閉じ込める |
rubble | がれき |
sweep | ~を素早く通過する |
pour | 殺到する |
struggle to do | ~することに悪戦苦闘する |
set up | ~を建設する、~を開設する |
shelter | 避難所 |