


What's the difference between mochi made with a mortar and that made with a machine?


Rice cake, mochi, is now usually only made for special celebrations such as New Year, but it used to be eaten year-round.

To make rice cake, mochi, steam short-grain japonica glutinous rice, mochigome, and pound it while it's hot using a rice mortar, or usu, and a pestle, or kine. A mochi pounding machine kneads, rather than pounds, the rice, and while the finished product seems to be the same as mochi made with an usu and kine, it is actually very different. Mochi made with a machine becomes very soft, has no body, contains a lot of air bubbles and easily melts in soup.

Let's take a look at how to prepare mochi by pounding in the traditional way.






【Preparation on the day before the rice cake pounding, or mochi-tsuki】

1. Wash 1.4 kilograms of sticky rice and soak it in water.
2. Pour water into the wooden rice mortar and put the wooden pounder into a bucket filled with water to avoid the wood cracking and the rice getting into the wood cracks.

1. 前日にもち米1.4キロをといで、水に漬けておきます。
2. 臼には水を張り、杵はバケツなどに入れて水に浸します。これで、木が割れたり、餅が木に入り込んだりすることが防げます。


【Mochi-tsuki introduction】

1. Steam the sticky rice 45 to 60 minutes using a strong heat until it reaches the correct softness.
2. Warm the usu and kine in hot water.
3. Throw away the hot water when the rice is steamed and put the rice in the usu.

1. 蒸し器で45~60分超強火で蒸し、食べてちょうどいい固さに仕上げる。
2. きねと臼をお湯で温める。
3. もち米が蒸し上がったら、お湯を捨てて拭き取り、もち米を臼に入れる。


【Pounding mochi】

1. With all your weight focused on the kine, pound the rice.
2. Hold the kine up to your waist and bring it down several times.
3. While pounding the rice, have someone shift it around to ensure evenness. That person should keep his or her hands wet to help keep the rice moist and prevent it sticking to the usu and kine.
4. Hold the kine high above your head and bring it down. The mochi should be turned immediately after each pound.
5. Pound until the texture becomes smooth.

1. 杵に体重をかけてギューッともち米をつぶす。
2. きねを腰高に持ち上げて、振り下ろす動作を2、3回。
3. 餅が均一につけるように、一人が座って水を手に含ませながらひっくり返す。杵や臼に餅がくっつくようになったら、水を付けて繰り返す。
4. 杵を高く持ち上げて振り下ろし、一度ついたらすぐに一度餅をひっくり返す。
5. 米粒がなくなり、滑らかに伸びるようになったら出来上がり。


Put the mochi into a moistened bowl or on a pad and tear it into bite-sized pieces. Dip the mochi into azuki sweet bean paste, sweet soy powder, kinako, ground radish with soy sauce, etc. To make flat sheet-like mochi, put powdered starch on a pad and flatten the mochi with a rolling pin. Wash the usu and kine and dry them for about two days before putting them away.




Mochi made with a machine becomes very soft, has no body, contains a lot of air bubbles and easily melts in soup because the machine kneads, rather than pounds the rice. Mochi made with a mortar is firm and becomes very elastic.



著述・翻訳家。コミュニケーション・アナリスト。カナダ、オーストラリアに留学後、ボストン大学コミュニケーション学部修士課程ジャーナリズム専攻、東北大学博士前期課程人間社会情報科学専攻修了。通信社の国際金融情報部、出版社勤務を経てフリーに。著書に文庫版『コトバのギフト~輝く女性の100名言』(三笠書房 知的生き方文庫)、『オンライン英会話でどんどん話せるトレーニングBOOK』(日本実業出版社)、『1週間で英語がどんどん話せるようになる26のルール』(アスコム)、『スティーブ・ジョブズに学ぶ英語プレゼン』(日経BP社)ほか多数。仕事と趣味で世界50カ国以上を周る旅好き。



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