Why are temple bells are rung 108 times on New Year's Eve?
Most Buddhist temples start ringing their bells 108 times late on New Year's Eve and continue into the early hours of New Year's Day. Most people think that the 108 tolls of the bell symbolize the casting away of 108 earthly desires, bonnou, which are believed to cause human suffering. There are desires such as sexual appetite, materialistic desires and so on. However, there are competing explanations for why the bell is struck 108 times. Let's take a look at the three main views.
1. The number of earthly desires, bonnou 煩悩の数を表す
In Buddhism, it is said that humans have six physical elements: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. These six elements are classified into three categories: good, evil and normal, representing 18 desires. These 18 desires are classified into purified and contaminated to become 36. There are past, present and future aspects for each of those 36 desires, so the total is 108. It is said that each bell sound erases one of your 108 bonnou so that you can begin the new year feeling refreshed.
2. The seasonal divisions 1年間の季節の変遷を表す
The number of months, 12, is added to 24, which is the number of seasonal divisions in the solar calendar. Then a further 72 seasonal divisions that were in the ancient Chinese calendar are added. Therefore, the 108 total comes from the seasonal calendar of a year.
3. The Struggle 四苦八苦を表す
Struggling and suffering is conveyed by the word shiku-hakku (four, nine, eight, nine: nine = ku is the homonym of ku, meaning suffering and struggling) in Japanese. The four represents four types of pain and suffering; life, age, disease, death, and the eight represents eight such types. When you multiply multiply 4×9 and 8×9 and add the results, you get a combined total of 108.
四苦八苦は四つの苦(生老病死)と八つの苦を取り払うということで、4×9 + 8×9 = 108をかけたとも言われている。
It is said that the 108 tolls of the bell symbolize the casting away of 108 earthly desires, bonnou, and each bell sound erases one of your 108 bonnou so that you can start the New Year feeling refreshed.
参考:国立天文台サイト 暦計算質 こよみ用語解説/暦Wiki
※1 太陽年を日数(平気法)か太陽の黄道上の視位置(定気法)によって24等分し、その分割点を含む日に季節を表す名称を付けたもの。全体を春夏秋冬の4つの季節に分け、さらにそれぞれを6つに分けて、節気(せっき)と中気(ちゅうき)を交互に配している。
※2 古代中国で考案された季節を表す方式の一つ。二十四節気をさらに約5日ずつの3つに分けた期間のこと。 各七十二候の名称は、気象の動きや動植物の変化を知らせる短文。
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