月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。

Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a grocery store
b) In a maternity ward
c) Underground
d) In a rowboat
Q2 What will probably happen to the speaker when she gets bigger?
a) She’ll meet her sisters and brothers.
b) She’ll be dried in the sun.
c) She’ll have babies of her own.
d) She’ll be buried underground.
Q3 Who is speaking?

「Still a Little ➊in the Dark」
I’m only little. But I’m still growing! ➋Me and my brothers and sisters, we’re all about the same age — wait, does that make us twins? Haha! No, there’s more than two of us. ➌Quadruplets? No ... ➍Quintuplets? What do you call ➎a whole bunch of brothers and sisters the same age? Is that ... is that ... ➏multiplets? ➐Tee-hee. That would be a funny word. Anyway, we’re all here together, underground. That’s where we live! Well, at least for now.
I can’t wait to grow up, but I don’t know much about what’s above the ground. ➑After all, I’m just a little brown thing with hard, ➒wrinkly skin and two little sections with seeds inside. ➓I’m still attached to my mother. I mean, really! By the roots! But half of her is up in the sunlight, and she knows everything about the world up there. She says there are thousands of other mothers like her, all ⓫in long rows. She also says that our closest relatives are really different from us — they grow their babies ⓬above the ground! It sounds dangerous to me! But mother is up there, too, so it can’t be all that bad, I guess.
Oh! Oh! She also says that when my brothers and sisters are big enough, we’ll be ⓭pulled up out of the ground and dried in the sunlight — whatever that is. After that, we’ll be ⓮separated from her and cleaned. Being cleaned sounds nice! And then a human will roast us and maybe eat us! Or, or ... we might become a special ... butter? Or even oil! I don’t know what any of that means ... but it sounds exciting! Mother says we’ll be delicious no matter what. So I can’t wait to grow up and see what happens!
➊ in the dark 暗闇の中で、何も知らずに
➋ me and ~ 私と~ ★文法的には「~ and I」が正しいが、会話ではよく使われる言い方。
➌ quadruplets 四つ子 ★単数形のquadruplet は「四つ子の一人」の意。
➍ quintuplets 五つ子 ★単数形のquintupletは「五つ子の一人」の意。
➎ a whole bunch of ~ 非常にたくさんの~
➏ multiplets 多胎児 ★通例、複数形。
➐ Tee-hee イヒヒ ★忍び笑いを表す。
➑ after all 何しろ
➒ wrinkly しわの多い、しわの寄った
➓ be attached to ~ ~に付着する
⓫ in rows 列を成して
⓬ above the ground 地上で
⓭ pull A up out of B AをBから引き上げる
⓮ separate A from B AをBから切り離す
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a grocery store(食料品店)
b) In a maternity ward(産科病棟)
c) Underground(地下)→○正解
d) In a rowboat(ボートの中)
Q2 What will probably happen to the speaker when she gets bigger?
a) She’ll meet her sisters and brothers.(きょうだいたちに会う)
b) She’ll be dried in the sun.(日に干される)→○正解
c) She’ll have babies of her own.(自分の赤ちゃんを産む)
d) She’ll be buried underground.(地下に埋められる)
Q3. Who is speaking?
A peanut(ピーナッツ/落花生)

トップ写真:JÉSHOOTS from Pexels、本文写真:Jonathan J. Castellon from Unsplash 、Blie from pixaby
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!