月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。
Q1 What was the speaker made from?
a) Whalebone
b) Tree bark
c) Metal
d) Glass
Q2 What is the speaker’s job?
a) Trying on clothes
b) Cutting down trees
c) Playing music
d) Sealing bottles
Q3 Who is speaking?

「Getting Out of a Tight Space」
Ooh, ooh! ➊My goodness, that is better. Whew! Oh, ha-ha, now I think I can imagine what it’s like to wear one of those ➋oldfashioned ➌whalebone 4corsets … except one covering my entire body. Well, never mind. Let’s celebrate, shall we? What time is it? Is it evening yet? Oh! Is that the year? My, my! I have been away for a long time, haven’t I!
Almost five years. Well, if that isn’t cause for celebration, then I don’t know what is.
Did you know that I started my life in a tree? Well, as ➎tree bark ➏to be exact. I don’t remember it that clearly, since I wasn’t quite me yet. But as I understand it, someone ➐cut all of the bark away from the ➑trunk of a lovely, ➒leafy tree. Then they ➓carved it all up into thousands of little ⓫plugs ⓬of perfection, just like me. I ⓭was less stained in those days, of course — a light golden brown. But I still hadn’t … shall we say “⓮squeezed” into my new position in life.
I’m a simple thing, really. I’m made of one material and one material only. And, well, if you know what that is, you know my name, too. My name is even my job. And my job is to get pushed into that tiny, little, glass neck. Squeezed in so tight, in fact, that nothing can ⓯get past me. Not liquid, not even air! And that, my lovely friend, is how I lived until you so kindly removed me with that sharp and ⓰curly metal instrument.
So, yes! Time to celebrate. I know every flavor of that drink you’re ⓱pouring into your glass now. After all, we’ve been next to each other in a dark wine cellar for years — waiting for someone like you to free us and let us breathe.
➊ my goodness まあ、おやおや ★goodnessはGodの婉曲表現。
➋ old-fashioned 昔風の
➌ whalebone クジラのひげ ★中世ヨーロッパで、クジラのひげはコルセットなど衣類の材料として使われていた。
➍ corset コルセット
➎ tree bark 樹皮
➏ to be exact 正確に言うと
➐ cut ~ away ~を切り取る
➑ trunk (木の)幹
➒ leafy 葉の多い
➓ carve A up into B Aを刻んでBにする
⓫ plug 詰め物、栓
⓬ ~ of perfection 完璧な~
⓭ be stained 染みが付いている
⓮ squeeze into ~ ~に無理に入る
⓯ get past ~ ~を通り抜ける
⓰ curly くるくると曲がった
⓱ pour A into B AをBに注ぐ
Q1 What was the speaker made from?
a) Whalebone(クジラのひげ)
b) Tree bark(樹皮)→ 正解
c) Metal(金属)
d) Glass(ガラス)
Q2 What is the speaker’s job?
a) Trying on clothes(洋服を試着すること)
b) Cutting down trees(木を切ること)
c) Playing music(音楽を奏でること)
d) Sealing bottles(瓶[ボトル]を密封すること)→ 正解
Q3. Who is speaking?
A (wine) cork([ワインの]コルク栓)

画像:Arek Socha from Pixabay、Jonathan J. Castellon from Unsplash 、NunoSantos_21 from pixabay
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!