月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a forest
b) Attached to a tower
c) Inside a car engine
d) In a river
Q2 What is the speaker’s job?
a) Launching satellites
b) Finding things in water
c) Pointing in one direction
d) Drawing maps
Q3 Who is speaking?

「Where Are You Going?」
Ah, it sure is beautiful in these woods. This is the only way to be, isn't it? Just me hanging around my owner's neck ... the two of us finding our way through the ➊wilderness. We're a ➋dying breed, I tell you. A dying breed.
He likes to think of himself as a bit of a ➌survivalist, and I suppose I do, too. Being able to ➍live out here with only a few basic tools—that's the true test of a person! I mean, who needs cars and televisions? And don't even get me started on cellphones! Those guys think they're so smart. Well, maybe they are, but my kind have been ➎around for a thousand years, and we'll be around for a thousand more!
Sure. Maybe a pile of computer chips can do my job. But they still need ➏cell towers and ➐satellites to work properly. And then, of course, there’s the electricity! Do you see an ➑electrical outlet around here? Nope. No cell towers either!
But me? I work just fine without it. ➒Heck, you could drop me in a river and I'd be fine. I've got a clear, round plastic case with a few ➓markings on it, a bit of liquid ⓫sealed inside and a tiny, ⓬pointy piece of metal floating in there, with one end painted red. That's it. That's me.
Sure, it takes a little time to learn how to use me correctly. Let's face it, that little red needle only ⓭points in one direction, and it's ⓮up to you to figure out where you are. It definitely helps to have a paper map. But I don't need ⓯GPS to tell you what direction you're moving in. And as long as my owner knows where to go, I'll always point him in the right direction.
Speaking of which ... Hey, hey! Hey, ⓰hold it! North is that way!
➊ wilderness 荒野、未開の地
➋ dying breed 消えつつある種族
➌ survivalist サバイバリスト、生存主義者
➍ live out 生き延びる
➎ around 存在して、出回って
➏ cell tower 携帯電話の基地局
➐ satellite 衛星
➑ electrical outlet 電気のコンセント
➒ heck えい、いいや、かまうもんか
➓ marking 印、マーク
⓫ sealed 密封された
⓬ pointy 先の尖った
⓭ point (方向を)指す ★4行下のpointは他動詞で「(方向を)~に指し示す」の意。
⓮ up to ~ ~次第で
⓯ GPS ★=Global Positioning System。衛星を使って地上の現在地を測定するシステムのこと。
⓰ hold it (そのまま)待つ
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a forest(森の中)→ 正解
b) Attached to a tower (塔に取り付けられている)
c) Inside a car engine(車のエンジンの中)
d) In a river(川の中)
Q2 What is the speaker’s job?
a) Launching satellites(衛星を打ち上げる)
b) Finding things in water(水中で物を探す)
c) Pointing in one direction(ある方向を指す) → 正解
d) Drawing maps(地図を描く)
Q3. Who is speaking?
A compass(コンパス)

画像:Arek Socha from Pixabay、Jonathan J. Castellon、Jamie Street from Unsplash
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!