月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。過去に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。

Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a laboratory
b) In a volcano
c) In a football field
d) In space
Q2 What do the people working with the speaker need?
a) A good view
b) Oxygen
c) Train tickets
d) Guns
Q3 Who is speaking?

「No ➊Stopping for a Chat」
Look at that. Another perfect sunrise. You know, I never really ➋get tired of looking at the sunrise — and I see more of them than most people. After working all night, ➌there’s nothing like seeing the sun come ➍streaming into your windows ... if you have windows, that is.
I’ll explain, of course, but I suppose I’d better make it quick. ➎After all, I’m ➏zipping along and can’t really stop for a proper chat. And I have work to do — or rather, the people inside me have work to do. And it’s dangerous where we work. Not exactly like a ➐war zone or a ➑volcano or something. Although ... ➒in a way, it might be even worse. I usually have about 15 people from all over the world working with me, and not a single one of them could live here without me. It’s called “the final ➓frontier” for a reason! I mean, these people are scientists and pilots and engineers, but they’re only human, after all. I’m about the size of a football field, and I give them a relatively safe place to work, a place to sleep, and most important of all ... a place to breathe.
But as I was saying, yes, sunrises happen every 90 minutes where we work. No, it’s not “impossible.” We’re travelling at a rather ⓫incredible speed — 28,000 kilometres an hour. That’s faster than a train. Or a jet. Or even a bullet! So, yes, when you’re circling ⓬the planet at high speed, you’re going to see 16 sunrises a day. And as long as I make sure everyone is safe inside, has plenty of air to breathe, electricity to run their equipment — and my ⓭orbit is ⓮stable — I can ⓯sit back and watch the sun rise every time. OK. Almost ⓰out of range. See you next time I’m ⓱overhead.
➊ stop for ~ ~のために止まる
➋ get tired of doing ~することに飽きる
➌ there’s nothing like ~ ~に勝るものはない
➍ stream into ~ (光が)~に差し込む
➎ after all 何しろ(・・・だから)、やはり
➏ zip along 非常に速く進む
➐ war zone 戦場、交戦地帯
➑ volcano 火山
➒ in a way ある意味では
➓ frontier 未開拓地
⓫ incredible 信じられない、途方もない
⓬ the planet 地球
⓭ orbit (惑星や衛星の)軌道
⓮ stable 安定した
⓯ sit back くつろぐ
⓰ out of range 圏外で
⓱ overhead 頭上の
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a laboratory(実験室)
b) In a volcano(火山)
c) In a football field(サッカー場)
d) In space(宇宙)→◯正解
Q2 What do the people working with the speaker need?
a) A good view(いい眺め)
b) Oxygen(酸素)→◯正解
c) Train tickets(電車の切符)
d) Guns(銃)
Q3. Who is speaking?
The International Space Station/A space station (ISS/国際宇宙ステーション/宇宙ステーション)

トップ写真:Pixabay from Pexels 本文写真:Jonathan J. Castellon from Unsplash 、flflflflfl from pixaby
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!