Thoughts on January(1月について思うこと)
Gateway to 2024
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
(Alfred Tennyson)
Yes, a new year begins! January carries the promise of fresh beginnings, a new start. But it also can be weighted down a little by those pesky New Year’s resolutions. Have you come up with yours yet?
These pledges to drink less and exercise more are not a new thing. In fact, the Babylonians left records of making such resolutions some 4,000 years ago. Probably the annual tradition of breaking those resolutions began around that same time! I have never been able to keep mine, but it seems I am in good company. Some research shows that 23 percent of people quit their resolutions by the end of the first week and 43 percent quit by the end of January. Oh, well.
A Little History
January is like a gate opening onto the calendar year, so it is fitting that this month is named after Janus, the Roman god who was in charge of gates and transitions. You might recognize this god’s profile, because he is usually portrayed as having two faces. This allowed him to look forward into the coming year and backward into the year gone by.
In the early Roman calendar, said to have been created by Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, the year originally began in March. The months of January and February were added later, moving the beginning of the year to January 1. That calendar went through various changes over the centuries, and by the time of Julius Caesar, it was revised into the Julian calendar. With the spread of the Roman Empire, that calendar started affecting many cultures and societies, and they also began to adopt January 1 as the start of the new year.
The Anglo Saxon name for January was Wulf monath, or Wolf Month. At this time of year, howling wolves often came into the villages in search of food. The first full moon, known as Wulf Moon, was named after these hungry wolves.
アングロサクソン語での1月の名称は「Wulf monath」または「Wolf Month」でした。この時期、遠吠えをするオオカミが食べ物を求め、よく村に現れていました。最初の満月は「Wulf Moon」として知られ、この飢えたオオカミにちなんで名付けられたのです。
Let’s Celebrate!
Cultures all around the world have commemorated the ending of one year and the beginning of another with special rituals and food. In some places, New Year’s Day involves cleaning up from a big New Year’s Eve party ... or nursing a wicked hangover. In fact, January 1 is known as “National Hangover Day” in several countries. This contrasts greatly with Japan, where the day is believed to be representative of the year that has just begun and should be spent with family, full of joy and free of stress. Many people here in Japan wake up in time to watch the first sunrise, while in other countries, partyers might be watching it on their way to bed!
In the Netherlands, brave individuals start the year with a dive into the cold North Sea. No matter how freezing it is, at least 25,000 people take the plunge. Others go to cheer on the divers or just watch them shiver.
Similarly, Scotland has a tradition of an outdoor swim in the sea or a river. An especially famous event in Edinburgh is known as the “Loony Dook.” (“Loony” is short for “lunatic” – an insane person – and “dook” is a Scottish term for a dip.) The Loony Dook involves people dressing up in wacky outfits and jumping into the Firth of Forth, an estuary that ends up connecting with the North Sea. Brrrr ... No thank you.
There are countless other unique and interesting ways people celebrate the New Year around the globe. Of course, common themes include joy, hope, and the anticipation of a fresh start. I hope this is the start of your best year ever!
Gateway to 2024
語句 | 意味 |
promise | 兆し、気配 |
weight down | ~(人)の気を重くさせる、~(人)の重荷になる |
pesky | うるさい、厄介な |
New Year’s resolution | 新年の誓い[抱負] |
pledge | 堅い約束、誓約 |
Babylonian | バビロニア人[語] |
in good company | 同じだ、仲間[同類]がいる |
A Little History
語句 | 意味 |
Janus | ヤヌス ※ローマ神話で門の守護神。二つの顔を持つ。 |
transition | 移り変わり、変遷 |
profile | 側面、横顔 |
Romulus | ロムルス ※伝説上のローマの建国者。 |
Julius Caesar | ジュリアス・シーザー ※古代ローマの将軍・政治家。 |
Roman Empire | ローマ帝国 |
Anglo-Saxon | アングロサクソン人[語]の |
howl | (犬などが)遠吠えする |
Let’s Celebrate!
語句 | 意味 |
commemorate | ~を祝う[記念する] |
ritual | 儀式、典礼 |
wicked | たちの悪い、ひどい |
hangover | 二日酔い |
partyer | パーティーによく行く人、パーティーマニア |
plunge | (海などへの)飛び込み |
shiver | (寒さ・恐怖などで身体が)震える |
Edinburgh | エディンバラ ※スコットランドの首都。 |
loony | 気が狂った、愚かな |
lunatic | 愚かな、ばかげた |
insane | 正気でない、ばかげた |
wacky | 変わった、奇抜な |
Firth of Forth | フォース湾 ※スコットランド中部東岸にある北海の湾。 |
estuary | 河口、入り江 |
globe | 地球、世界 |
anticipation | 期待、予想 |
Out with the old, in with the new.(得るは捨つるにあり)
This saying is about letting go of the past and embracing new beginnings. It can even be applied to getting rid of unwanted items. “I am going to throw out this old bathrobe. Out with the old and in with the new!”
new year, new me(新しい年、新しい自分)
This phrase is used when people express their intentions to make positive changes in their lives. “I am not going to allow minor setbacks to hinder my success. It’s a new year, new me!”
cold snap(寒波)
This refers to a sudden, brief period of cold weather. “The weather forecaster has predicted a cold snap later on this week.”
January blues(一月病)
Some people experience a dip in mood after the festive season, and this is sometimes referred to as the “January blues.” “I am planning a trip to Okinawa this month to help me get over the January blues.”
January sales(冬のバーゲン、ウインターセール)
The post-holiday period is the best time for shopping. Many stores offer discounts and promotions at this time. “I am heading over to the mall to check out the January sales.”
cabin fever(ストレス、イライラ)
This is used to describe the feeling of restlessness or irritability that can occur when someone is stuck indoors for an extended period, often during January. “It’s freezing out there, but I have to get out. I am suffering from cabin fever.”