【Part 7:長文問題編】何問解ける?TOEIC問題トレーニングに挑戦!

TOEIC(R) L&Rテストでスコアアップしたいなら、とにかく問題を解いて、形式に慣れることも重要です。本記事にはTOEICのリーディングPart 7形式の問題を6セット掲載。毎日1セットずつ解いたり、一気に実力試したりと、さまざまな方法でTOEIC対策に役立ててください。全問正解できるまで、何度も挑戦してみてくださいね!



Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6

Part 7 長文問題ってどんな問題?


Set 1


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following report.

Meetings with Ridgewood Glen:

May10: Met with head greenskeeper Hugh Wallace regarding becoming their fertilizer supplier. Ridgewood Glen is a prestigious golf club outside of Hastings, with two separate18-hole courses. It has over 8,000 members and has hosted the National Golf Tournament several times. Mr. Wallace said that they have used the same fertilizer provider for the past five years Scott and are "mostly satisfied." He said they pay $6.75 per gallon for Scott's basic fertilizer, a price I said I was confident we could beat by at least ten percent.

May 12: After getting price authorization from Marsha McBride at the central office in Brighton Hills, I contacted Ridgewood Glen again. Mr. Wallace was unavailable, so I spoke with assistant greenskeeper Julio Forte. I told him we could offer them a price of $6.00 per gallon if they agreed to a two-year contract to make us their sole fertilizer provider. He said it sounded like a good deal and would pass the information on Mr. Wallace.

May 14: Received a phone call from Mr. Wallace asking that we send along a sample of our fertilizer, along with a basic two-year contract and a written quote at the $6.00 per gallon price.

Submitted to Sales Dept. by Jim Finch

  1. What is NOT true about Ridgewood Glen?
    (A) It has held large golf tournaments.
    (B) It is doing business with Scott.
    (C) It is located near Hastings.
    (D) It wanted to change suppliers.

  2. What did Jim do before offering the reduced price to Ridgewood Glen?
    (A) Calculated a competitive offer
    (B) Contacted Scott to discuss fertilizer prices
    (C) Received permission from headquarters
    (D) Looked at other golf course rates

  3. Why did Mr. Wallace contact Jim on May14th?
    (A) To ask about his product
    (B) To ask for an estimate
    (C) To discuss the price and terms
    (D) To offer a 2-year contract


1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (B)







  1. リッジウッド・グレン社に関して該当しないのはどれですか。
    (A) 大規模なゴルフ大会を開いている。
    (B) スコット社と取引している。
    (C) ヘースティングズの近くにある。
    (D) 供給業者を変えたいと考えていた。

  2. ジムは何をしてから、リッジウッド・グレン社に値引き後の額を申し出ましたか。
    (A) ほかに負けない付け値を計算した
    (B) スコット社に連絡して肥料の価格について話し合った
    (C) 本社から許可を得た
    (D) ほかのゴルフコースの料金を調べた

  3. なぜウォレスさんは5月14日にジムに連絡したのですか。
    (A) 製品について尋ねるため
    (B) 見積りを依頼するため
    (C) 金額と条件について話し合うため
    (D) 2年間の契約を申し入れるため



第1段落の後半にMr. Wallace said that they have used the same fertilizer provider for the past five years (Scott) and are "mostly satisfied."とあります。リッジウッド・グレン社のウォレスさんが、いま取引している供給業者に満足していることが読み取れれば、(D)を正答に選ぶことができます。

ちなみに(A)については同段落半ばのIt ... has hosted the National Golf Tournament several times.で、(B)については同段落後半のMr. Wallace said that they have used the same fertilizer provider for the past five years (Scott) ...で、(C)については同段落前半のRidgewood Glen is a prestigious golf club outside of Hastings ...で述べられています。


第2段落の最初にAfter getting price authorization from Marsha McBride at the central office in Brighton Hills, I contacted Ridgewood Glen again.とあります。続く文にI told him we could offer them a price of $6.00 per gallon ...とあることから、(C)が正答になります。


第3段落にReceived a phone call from Mr. Wallace asking that we send along a sample of our fertilizer, along with a basic two-year contract and a written quote at the $6.00 per gallon price.とあります。送付するよう頼まれているのは、肥料のサンプル、2年の契約の基本事項、見積りの3つです。3つ目に該当する(B)が正答となります。

Set 2


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following notice.


The City Parks Department is holding a rally to bring awareness to preserving our city parks this Saturday, June 5, at 11:00 a.m. The event will be held on the South beach at Lakeside Park in the Brier neighborhood.

There will be speakers, live music and events for children. The speakers will include City councilors Mike Sweeney and Jeff Richmond, Parks Department Chairperson Melissa Wu and Mary Murphy, who personally has led the fight to rescue more than 100 city parks nationwide.

Hilly Park and Stanton Park was closed last month, and at least four of our city parks are in danger of being closed and sold for land development. This is due mostly to the city being unable to budget for maintenance. This rally is intended to bring awareness to these facts and promote dialogue on how to keep these parks open and limit development in the urban center. This city has a number of beautiful and famous parks, and we intend to do everything possible to preserve all of them.

All are encouraged to attend this free event. If you are unable to attend and would like more information, visit www.parkprotect.org.

  1. Who is NOT a city official?
    (A) Jeff Richmond
    (B) Mary Murphy
    (C) Melissa Wu
    (D) Mike Sweeney

  2. Where can one go to listen to live music on June 5?
    (A) Any city park
    (B) Hilly Park
    (C) Lakeside Park
    (D) Stanton Park

  3. Why are so many parks in danger of being closed?
    (A) Developers are more aggressive in their planning.
    (B) Fewer and fewer people go to parks.
    (C) Maintenance funding is low.
    (D) There is not enough public support.


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C)







  1. 市の職員ではないのはだれですか。
    (A) ジェフ・リッチモンド
    (B) メアリー・マーフィー
    (C) メリッサ・ウー
    (D) マイク・スウィーニー

  2. 6月5日にどこへ行けば、音楽の生演奏を聞くことができますか。
    (A) いずれかの市立公園
    (B) ヒリー公園
    (C) レークサイド公園
    (D) スタントン公園

  3. なぜ多数の公園が閉鎖される危機に直面しているのですか。
    (A) 開発業者がいままでより熱心に計画を進めている。
    (B) 公園に行く人の数が減っている。
    (C) 保守管理のための財源が少ない。
    (D) 公的支援が十分でない。



第2段落にThe speakers will include City councilors Mike Sweeney and Jeff Richmond, Parks Department Chairperson Melissa Wu and Mary Murphy, who personally has led the fight ...とあることから、ジェフ・リッチモンドとマイク・スウィーニーは市議会議員、メリッサ・ウーは市の公園局の職員だと分かります。「メアリー・マーフィー」が市の職員だという記述はありません。


第2段落の最初にThere will be speakers, live music and events for children.とありますが、これは第1段落で述べられている集会の詳細を説明したものだと考えられます。第1段落の最後にThe event will be held on the South beach at Lakeside Park in the Brier neighborhood.とあることから、(C)が正答だと分かります。


第3段落の最初に公園が閉鎖されつつある状況が述べられ、This is due mostly to the city being unable to budget for maintenance.とその理由が説明されています。これを「保守管理のための財源が少ない」と説明した(C)が正答です。

Set 3


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following product review.

The Walk Smart Pedometer

Everyone is concerned with their health and fitness these days. One of the best, easiest and most overlooked ways to get daily exercise is walking more. It's free, it's easy, and most people can start today.

The folks at Walk Smart realize that more people are walking for weight loss and fitness today than ever before. That means they want more information. How far did I walk today? How fast am I walking? How many steps in a mile? How many calories am I actually burning?

The Walk Smart pedometer answers all of those questions and more. In a package that you can clip on your belt that's smaller than the average cellphone, they've created a wealth of walking information. It operates in two modes: everyday mode and workout mode. The first measures your step total throughout the day and your total distance; you just leave it on and do your regular routine. That's great to get an idea of how much you walk (or don't walk) on an average day. The exercise mode can tell you anything you want to know. Your speed, your distance in the last hour, how many calories you are actually burning, how far you need to walk to burn 1,000 calories, etc. Just about any information you might want is right there at your fingertips.

It's light, small, well-made and at a retail price of $75.00, a bargain. I highly recommend it.

  1. What is mentioned about walking for exercise?
    (A) It is often not considered a form of exercise.
    (B) It is one of the fastest growing fitness trends.
    (C) It is recommended by doctors.
    (D) Millions of people do it every day.

  2. What does the everyday mode measure?
    (A) Daily average of steps
    (B) Pace
    (C) Total calories burned
    (D) Total distance

  3. What does the reviewer NOT praise about the product?
    (A) Its design
    (B) Its functions
    (C) Its price
    (D) Its size


1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (A)







  1. 運動のために歩くことについて、どのように述べられていますか。
    (A) 運動の一種とは考えられていないことが多い。
    (B) 急増している運動の流行のひとつだ。
    (C) 医師によって薦められている。
    (D) 非常に多くの人が毎日行っている。

  2. 日常モードでは何を測りますか。
    (A) 1日の平均歩数
    (B) 速度
    (C) 総消費カロリー
    (D) 総移動距離

  3. 評者が褒めていないのはこの製品の何ですか。
    (A) デザイン
    (B) 機能
    (C) 価格
    (D) 大きさ



第1段落後半にOne of the best, easiest and most overlooked ways to get daily exercise is walking more.とあります。これを「運動とは考えられていないことが多い」と説明した(A)が正答となります。overlookedは「…を見落とす;…を見過ごす」の意味のoverlookの過去分詞形です。


第3段落の半ばにThe first measures your step total throughout the day and your total distance ...とあります。the first(最初のもの)が、直前の文にあるeveryday mode(日常モード)を指していると分かれば、(D)を正答に選ぶことができます。


(B)については、第3段落のThe Walk Smart pedometer answers all of those questions and more.や... they've created a wealth of walking information.など、評価する言葉が並んでいます。(C)(D)については、第4段落でIt's light, small, well-made and at a retail price of $75.00, a bargain.と述べられています。bargainは「買い得の品」の意味で、値段が妥当だということが表されています。(A)については述べられていません。

Set 4


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following memo.

To: All Night Staff
From: Jim Hicks, Daytime Supervisor

We will be having visitors on Tuesday and Thursday of next week in the South and East buildings. They will be two groups from our new Swedish parent company, Hilgo. They will be touring our facilities to observe how we do things in general and look for changes and improvements that can be made both here and in their Danish and Finnish divisions.

As their visits will most likely be first thing in the morning on both days, we would like to ask the special cooperation of the night staff in making sure that the plant looks presentable. I know that Monday is a big order day and Wednesday is busy due to the garbage and recycling pickup the next morning, so I'm aware that you have a lot to do on those days already. What I am asking is for each employee to make sure his workstation and team area are clean before leaving, to make sure the common areas look spotless, and make sure that all trash and recycling are in the proper areas outdoors ready for pickup.

Thank you in advance for your extra effort. I honestly appreciate your dedication and hard work during this special week.

  1. Why are the representatives visiting the plant?
    (A) They are considering remodeling the plant.
    (B) They are doing a yearly tour.
    (C) They are doing an equipment inventory .
    (D) They are looking for increase performance.

  2. When is Mr. Hicks asking for employees' cooperation?
    (A) All this week
    (B) Most of the next week
    (C) Next Monday and Wednesday
    (D) Next Tuesday and Thursday

  3. What does Mr. Hicks ask each employee to do?
    (A) Clean their work areas
    (B) Meet the representatives
    (C) Remove recycling from outside
    (D) Work overtime to fulfill orders


1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A)


回覧先 全夜間従業員
差出人 ジム・ヒックス 昼間従業員管理者




  1. なぜ代表者たちがこの工場を訪れるのですか。
    (A) 工場の改築を検討している。
    (B) 年に1度の見学を行う。
    (C) 備品の在庫を調べている。
    (D) 生産性を高める方法を探している。

  2. ヒックスさんはいつ従業員の協力を求めていますか。
    (A) 今週中ずっと
    (B) 来週のほとんど
    (C) 来週の月曜日と水曜日
    (D) 来週の火曜日と木曜日

  3. ヒックスさんは各従業員に何をするよう頼んでいますか。
    (A) 作業場を掃除する
    (B) 代表者たちに会う
    (C) 資源ごみを外からなくす
    (D) 残業して注文に応じる



第1段落の最後にThey will be touring our facilities to observe how we do things in general and look for changes and improvements ...とあります。これを「生産性を高める方法を探している」と説明した(D)が正答として妥当です。


第2段落にAs their visits will most likely be first thing in the morning on both days, we would like to ask the special cooperation of the night staff...とあります。冒頭文からboth daysは翌週の火曜日と木曜日だと分かります。夜間従業員はその前日の「来週の月曜日と水曜日」に協力する必要があると判断できます。


第2段落の後半にWhat I am asking is for each employee to make sure his workstation and team area are clean before leaving, to make sure the common areas look spotless, and make sure that all trash and recycling are in the proper areas outdoors ready for pickup.とあります。make sure...(かならず…する)が3度繰り返されていますが、最初の2つが(A)に合致します。

Set 5


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Jphelps@Phelpsandsons.com
From: MichelleBaxter@Green.com
Re: Green Database data solutions
Date : 05/15/10

Dear Dr. Phelps,

As director of the University Medical School, I'm sure you have quite a busy schedule, so let me get straight to the point. Green Database Company has new medical records software that is so revolutionary, we believe that if you give us five minutes of your time, you will see the benefits of it immediately.

I would be very grateful for the opportunity to meet with you at some point in the near future to give you a brief demonstration of what our new system can do. It is called MedPro, and is the only database designed from the ground up to meet the needs of hospitals and medical institutions. It is already in use in over 5,000 such locations worldwide. We feel that the vast records and confidentiality needs of the medical field are unique and require a unique database system. MedPro is better suited to classifying, storing and searching for complex medical records than any available software. We also designed this system to be cross-platform on all current operating systems, so no hardware upgrade is required.

If you would be interested in a live demonstration, you can visit our website at www.green.com to see a video of the system in action. Also, I would be happy to drop by your facility to give you and your staff a quick look at what the system can do.

Thank you for your time,

Michelle Baxter
Chief Sales Representative
Green Database Company

  1. Why is Michelle e-mailing Dr. Phelps?
    (A) She is confirming a purchase.
    (B) She is responding to his questions regarding MedPro.
    (C) She needs some medical data.
    (D) She wants to arrange a sales meeting.

  2. The word "ground" in paragraph 2 line 3 is the closest in meaning to which word?
    (A) base
    (B) land
    (C) reason
    (D) view

  3. Where does Michelle want to see Dr. Phelps?
    (A) At a hospital
    (B) At a medical equipment exhibition
    (C) At Green Database headquarters
    (D) At the University Medical School


1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (D)


宛て先 Jphelps@Phelpsandsons.com
差出人 MichelleBaxter@Green.com
件名 グリーン・データベース社のデータソリューション
日時 2010年5月15日

前略 フェルプス博士






  1. なぜミシェルさんはフェルプス博士に電子メールを送っているのですか。
    (A) 購入を確認している。
    (B) メドプロに関する質問に返信している。
    (C) 医療のデータを必要としている。
    (D) 売り込みのための面会を設定したい。

  2. 第2段落3行目のgroundに最も意味が近い語はどれですか。
    (A) 基礎
    (B) 土地
    (C) 理由
    (D) 見解

  3. ミシェルさんはどこでフェルプス博士に会いたいと考えていますか。
    (A) 病院で
    (B) 医療機器の展示会で
    (C) グリーン・データベース社の本社で
    (D) 大学の医学部で



第1段落の後半の... we believe that if you give us five minutes of your time, you will see the benefits of it ...や、第2段落最初のI would be very grateful for the opportunity to meet with you at some point in the near future ...といった部分から、ミシェルさんがフェルプス博士と面会の約束を取り付けようとしている様子がうかがえるので、(D)が正答です。


設問の語はIt is called MedPro, and is the only database designed from the ground up to meet the needs ...のように用いられています。この文がデータベースの設計の基礎となっているものについて述べていると読み取れれば、(A)を正答に選ぶことができます。


最後に... I would be happy to drop by your facility to give you and your staff a quick look at what the system can do.とあります。冒頭文からフェルプス博士の職場を読み取れていれば、your facility(あなたのいる機関)が「大学の医学部」を指していると分かります。

Set 6


Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following memo.

To: All employees
Re: Recent health survey

As you know, we recently issued an extensive and anonymous personal health survey to all employees. The purpose of this survey was to gauge how we could better provide for the health needs of our employees and how we could provide a better work environment.

What we found was that less than25 percent of employees regularly engage in vigorous physical exercise. That is slightly lower than the national average. Research has shown that healthy workers tend to miss less work, are happier and more productive than their less-healthy counterparts. So we are trying to take steps to improve this situation.

We also found that more than 60 percent of employees said that they would exercise more if they had access to proper facilities. This led us to our current plan : we will be adding a complete gym to the South building over the next year or so. To address this need right away, we have partnered with Equinox Fitness to offer all employees 50 percent off of gym memberships until our own facility is completed.

  1. Why did the company conduct the survey?
    (A) To comply with workplace standards
    (B) To find out what the employees needed
    (C) To gather information for their records
    (D) To lower their health-care costs

  2. What is the national average of people who exercise regularly?
    (A) 50 percent
    (B) 60 percent
    (C) Around 25 percent
    (D) Far below 25 percent

  3. How does the company plan to improve employees' lifestyles?
    (A) By allowing flextime for some workers
    (B) By building its own fitness facility
    (C) By installing more break rooms in the building
    (D) By offering free memberships to Equinox Fitness


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B)


回覧先 全従業員
件名 先日の健康調査




  1. なぜこの会社は調査を行ったのですか。
    (A) 職場環境の基準を満たすため
    (B) 従業員が必要としていることを知るため
    (C) 情報を集めて記録するため
    (D) 健康管理費を下げるため

  2. 定期的に運動している人の全国平均はどれくらいですか。
    (A) 50パーセント
    (B) 60パーセント
    (C) 25パーセントくらい
    (D) 25パーセントをかなり下回る

  3. 会社はどのようにして従業員のライフスタイルを改善する予定ですか。
    (A) 一部の従業員にフレックスタイムを許可することで
    (B) 自社の運動施設を設置することで
    (C) 建物により多くの休憩室を設けることで
    (D) 無料でエキノックス・フィットネスの会員になれるようにすることで



第1段落の後半にThe purpose of this survey was to gauge how we could better provide for the health needs of our employees and how we could provide a better work environment.とあります。ここで、調査の目的が「どうすれば会社が健康に関する従業員の要望にこたえることができるか」「どうすればより良い労働環境を提示できるか」を知ることだと述べられています。前者が(B)に一致します。


第2段落の最初に... less than 25 percent of employees regularly engage in vigorous physical exercise.とあります。続く文でこの25パーセント弱という数字が全国平均をわずかに下回ると述べられているので、(C)が正答となります。


第3段落の半ばに... we will be adding a complete gym to the South building ...とあります。これを「自社の運動施設を設置することで」と説明した(B)が正答です。そのあとにエキノックス・フィットネスに関する記述がありますが、半額で会員になれるとしか述べられていないので、(D)は誤りです。


リスニングセクションのPart 1~4から、リーディングセクションのPart 5~7まで全パートの練習問題を無料で提供中。すきま時間などに挑戦してみてください。


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【2023年度上半期版】TOEIC おすすめ参考書の最新ガイド[パート別 x レベル別]





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