










As we all know, only some things are actually 飲みもの. Beer? Sure. Water? Absolutely. But pizza? Cats? Absolutely not. Well, at least, absolutely not until quite recently. You see, the Japanese internet has started a fad of referring to lots of things that aren’t typically considered liquid as 飲みもの.

So what’s going on? Well, some time ago a Japanese タレント named Tora Uganda who was known for very quickly eating things once stated「カレーは飲みもの」 after someone marveled at the speed he devoured a plate of Japanese curry. The phrase made everyone on the show laugh and sort of became a long-running meme. It was borrowed by other speed eater talents, and spawned parody images and jokes.

Currently, the カレーは飲みもの has taken on a bit of an extended life online. People are dropping the カレー part to discuss foods that you can eat really fast like, well, curry. This was first expanded to include foods that have a bit of soupy consistency, but as of this article “soupiness” doesn’t seem necessary any more. In our first example below, for instance, we can see a writer literally spell out the purpose of the phrase「X」は飲みもの while using it to refer to a bread-based dish. Their tweet specifically says “this is a drink…. which means it disappeared quickly”… but it’s bread, of course, not a drink or even a liquid-ish food. So despite being much more solid than curry, the 「X」は飲みもの phrasing still works because the point is that the food is so good it disappears at the same speed you could down a cup of liquid, not that the food has a liquid consistency that makes it easy to consume quickly. In short: flavor, not soupiness.

As a spin off of this phrase, 飲める now also sees use before verbs as a modifier which means “so good you’ll eat it quickly”. Literally, of course, this means the thing is “drinkable”, but the point is again that the thing is so good that people will marvel at the speed you’ll eat it. The primary combination this use is 飲める + ハンバーグ, which usually indicates that the hamburg steak is both so delicious that you’ll eat it right up and also quite juicy. From what I can tell, this 飲めるハンバーグ combination popularized the new 飲める use.

That said, it wasn’t hard for me to find many other foods with 飲める slapped on to indicate something like おいしい. This includes 飲めるピザ、飲めるステーキ、and even 飲めるホットドッグ、飲めるドーナツ. They look tasty.






This term became extremely popular in 2020 after it was used by the former wrestler Riki Choshu on the TV show Aisekishokudo. After eating some scallops, Riki uttered the phrase “kuttemina, tobuzo“. While literally meaning something like “try it, you’ll fly”, the idea is that it’s so delicious you’ll be blown away or “trip”. The originality of the combined phrase caused Aisekishokudo‘s hosts to burst into laughter, and the sentence then spread throughout Japan.

As a slang term, 飛ぶぞ is therefore usually used to mean “extremely delicious”. In this form, it’s regularly pasted just “as is” into a tweet or similar message, complete with the kuttemina starter used by Riki. The discussion of ramen below is case in point.

Overall, I’d say that 飛ぶぞ is used to mean “delicious” around 99% of the time. However, it can also refer to any experience that causes you to be blown away, forget your worries, or just lose yourself in the moment. In this case, it’s quite similar to common phrases like すごい or やばい, and sometimes is employed in a parody of its original 食ってみな style. The poster below is case in point, using 乗ってみ、飛ぶぞ to talk about the pleasure (seems non-sarcastic) of driving an older car.




マッコーリー大学講師。言語学者。著書に”Scripting Japan: Orthography, Variation, and the Creation of Meaning in Written Japanese”。HP : https://wesleycrobertson.wordpress.com


2025 03
究極の中国語リスニング Vol. 1 ~ キクタン【入門編】【初級編】対応

