記事はこちら:Assassination of Shinzo Abe(Reuters)
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the longest-serving leader in modern Japan, was fatally shot from close range during a campaign rally on July 8, two days before a parliamentary election.
奈良市内で選挙演説中に、痛ましい事件は起きました。longest-serving leaderで「在任期間最長のリーダー」という意味です。一度目の首相就任時は戦後最年少、二度目就任中に在任期間歴代最長となりました。
記事はこちら:July 8, 2022 Shinzo Abe shot dead in Nara, Japan(CNN)
In 2018, Japan, a country of 125 million people, only reported nine deaths from firearms ? compared with 39,740 that year in the United States. Under Japan's firearms laws, the only guns permitted for sale are shotguns and air rifles ? handguns are outlawed. But getting them is a long and complicated process that requires strenuous effort ? and lots of patience.
Abe will be remembered for boosting defense spending and pushing through the most dramatic shift in Japanese military policy in 70 years. In 2015, his government passed a reinterpretation of Japan's postwar, pacifist constitution, allowing Japanese troops to engage in overseas combat ? with conditions ? for the first time since World War II.
A will be remembered for B は、「BによってAは人々の記憶に残るだろう」という表現です。大きな憲法解釈の変更が閣議決定でなされたことは、当時議論となりました。
記事はこちら:Shinzo Abe's Formidable Legacy in Japan and the World(TIME)
His conviction that Japan must play a more forceful political, economic, and even military role in Asia in response to the rapid expansion of China’s regional influence helped pave the way for establishment of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, a grouping of the U.S., Japan, India, and Australia that realizes Abe’s call for a “free and open Indo-Pacific strategy.”
play a roleで「役割を果たす」、pave the way for ~で「~への道を開く」という意味です。外交面での活躍で海外でも高い知名度を得て、今回大きく報道されていることにつながっているのでしょう。
記事はこちら:July 8, 2022 Shinzo Abe shot dead in Nara, Japan(CNN)
Abe came to office during a time of economic turmoil and soon set about rebooting Japan's economy after decades of stagnation. Soon after he was re-elected prime minister in 2012, he launched a grand experiment popularly known as "Abenomics."
It included three so-called arrows ? massive monetary stimulus, increased government spending, and structural reforms.
come to officeは「要職に就く」という意味合いで、この場合は「首相に就任する」になります。set about ~は「~に取り掛かる」という表現です。
世界各国の首脳から追悼の言葉が寄せられていますが、インドは国を挙げて喪に服し、さらにモディ首相は「My Friend, Abe San」と題した声明を出しました。安倍元首相は前述の「自由で開かれたインド太平洋戦略」や、新幹線技術を輸出するなどインドとの関係強化を推進していました。
記事はこちら:PM Modi remembers his friend Shinzo Abe(The Indian EXPRESS)
Shinzo Abe ? an outstanding leader of Japan, a towering global statesman, and a great champion of India-Japan friendship ? is not among us anymore. Japan and the world have lost a great visionary. And, I have lost a dear friend.