※本記事は『ENGLISH JOURNAL』2021年4月号に掲載した記事を再編集したものです。

behavior and controversial tweets">Erratic behavior and controversial tweets
さらに同年9月、マスク氏はテスラの株式 に関して ツイート。これが連邦証券法違反に当たるとして米国証券 取引 委員会から提訴され、会長職の辞任などの条件をのむことで和解しました。
gain ">unrealized paper gain
帳簿上の含み益通常、unrealized gain は「含み益」のこと。株式を購入したときよりも株価が上昇し、売却すれば利益が出る状態を指します。 同様に 、paper gain で「帳簿上の利益」を意味します。unrealized paper gain で「利益としてはまだ実現していない、帳簿上の含み益」といったところでしょうか。
high-speed electric tunnel travel
as world's richest man">Musk passes Bezos as world's richest man
Move over , Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk is now the world's richest man, according to one estimate .
Musk reached the (1)pinnacle on Thursday, according to (2)Bloomberg News, thanks to a (3)surge in Tesla shares, which hit another record high and has (4)skyrocketed (5)eight- fold last year. That's pushed Musk's (6) net worth to just under $189 billion , (7)besting Bezos by $1.5 billion , according to the report .
Musk has staged a stellar (8)turnaround after nearly getting forced out of the electric car maker three years ago. Erratic behavior and controversial tweets put the 49-year-old (9)in hot water with investors and the (10)SEC back in 2018, forcing him to (11)step down as company chairman. But since then he's (12)cleaned up his act , guided Tesla out of what he called “(13)manufacturing hell,” steered it to become the world's most valuable car company, turned a profit, and (14)saw Tesla get a (15)coveted spot in the (16)benchmark (17)S&P 500 index .
With a 20 percent stake in the carmaker, Musk has enjoyed a $42 billion unrealized paper gain on (18)vested options during the stock 's boom . And Tesla's not the only thing going for the (19)perennial entrepreneur. He also has his hands in space travel with SpaceX, high-speed electric tunnel travel with the Boring Company, and futuristic computer and brain technology with a company called Neuralink. But for now , his fame and his wealth remain largely tied to the (20)ever-growing success of Tesla, which has put his fortunes into the (21)fast lane.
(cReuters, January 8, 2021)

松丸さとみ フリーランス翻訳者・ライター。学生や日系企業駐在員としてイギリスで計6年強を過ごす。現在は、フリーランスにて時事ネタを中心に翻訳・ライティング(・ときどき通訳)を行っている。訳書に 『LISTEN――知性豊かで創造力がある人になれる』 (日経BP)、 『限界を乗り超える最強の心身』 (CCCメディアハウス)、 『FULL POWER 科学が証明した自分を変える最強戦略』 (サンマーク出版)などがある。
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