月刊『ENGLISH JOURNAL』の人気コーナー「Mystery Speakers」。2023年1月号に掲載した問題を聞いてGuess what‘s talking!(何が話しているか当てましょう!)。訳や音声、正解などもこちらからご確認ください。
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a university
b) In a yard
c) In a house
d) In a storm
Q2 What is the speaker made of?
a) Grass
b) Wood
c) Metal
d) Plastic
Q3 Who is speaking?

「Two Sides to a Speaker」
Ah, yes. There you are. Cutting the grass. You know, I’ve been thinking about the idea of borders between countries and whether or not they can really exist. ❶After all, I myself occupy that same kind of ... ❷liminal space, ❸if you will. Are ... are you ... are you even listening?
Ha, no. Of course not. Here I am, ❹incredibly important to these people — I mean, I practically ❺organize their entire neighborhood — and they ignore me! They only notice me if I ❻fall over in a storm!
You know, in some neighborhoods, ❼ownership of my kind can be a ❽prickly issue. ❾In many ways, each person ❿assumes they own the part of me that they can see. But their neighbor sees another side entirely. No one really sees all of me. ⓫In a philosophical sense, I’m a single structure that ⓬runs through all the backyards on this block. I belong to everyone. Hmm, but when I’m broken, there can be ⓭petty arguments about who should fix me. ⓮So much for philosophy ...
My kind exists everywhere, in every country — some of us are wooden like me, some of us are metal or sometimes even plastic. We all have posts that are driven into the ground and bodies that stretch between those posts. We can be short or very, very tall. Most of us are designed to ⓯stop people or animals from entering or leaving a place. And that is my job, I suppose — keeping all the neighbors in their own yards. An ⓰old saying says that my kind ⓱makes for good neighbors. ⓲If only those neighbors ⓳appreciated an ⓴intellectual conversation. Ha ...
❶after all 結局、やはり
❷liminal space 狭間、境界域
❸if you will いうなれば、可能ならば
❹incredibly 非常に、すごく
❺organize ~を組織する、~を体系化する
❻fall over 倒れる
❼ownership 所有権 ★後出のownは動詞で「~を所有する」の意。
❽prickly 厄介な
❾in many ways さまざまな意味で
❿assume ~と見なす
⓫in a philosophical sense 哲学的な意味で ★後出のphilosophyは「哲学」の意。
⓬run through ~ ~を通る
⓭petty けちな、つまらない
⓮so much for ~ ~はもはやこれまで
⓯stop A from doing Aが~するのを防ぐ
⓰old saying ことわざ、言い習わし ★ここではGood fences make good neighbors(親しき仲にも礼儀あり)のこと。
⓱make for ~ ~に役立つ、~を生み出す
⓲if only ... ただ……すればいいのに
⓳appreciate ~が分かる、~を理解する
⓴intellectual 知的な
Q1 Where is the speaker?
a) In a university(大学)
b) In a yard(庭)→◯正解
c) In a house(家の中)
d) In a storm(嵐の中)
Q2 What is the speaker made of?
a) Grass(草)
b) Wood(木)→◯正解
c) Metal(金属)
d) Plastic(プラスチック)
Q3 Who is speaking?
→ A fence(柵)

画像:Arek Socha from Pixabay, StockSnap, Petra from Pixabay
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!