※他のテーマの英会話表現集の記事はこちら 。
Could you tell me about some of the places I can visit?
Can you suggest any good places to visit for tourists?
What’s the most famous tourist attraction here?
※tourist attractionで「観光名所」という意味。attraction は本来「人の心を引き付けるもの」「人気のあるもの」の意味。
Are there any tourist attractions here?
Is there any particular place you’d like to visit?
Where would you like to go sightseeing ?
I’m planning to stay for five days. Where should I go?
It’s a five-day trip. Where do you suggest I go?
I’m here for five days. Where can I visit?
What are the places I should visit? I’m staying for five days.
What’s a good way to get around town in a short period of time?
I just have a short period of time. What will be a good way to tour this town?
What transportation do you suggest I use to get around town in a short period of time?
Where can I get some tourist information ?
Where can I find some tourist information on this city?
Where can I get a tourist booklet [brochure]?
Do you know where I can find tourist information on this city?
Is there a tourist information center?
There are many (tourist) attractions in Tokyo.
There are many places to visit go [to] in Tokyo.
Tokyo offers a wide variety of tourist attractions.
The night view of Hong Kong is just amazing.
The view at night in Hong Kong is indescribable.
Hong Kong offers a spectacular view of city lights at night.
※ spectacular :壮麗な
Sydney’s best tourist attraction is its Opera House.
The Opera House is certainly the number one tourist attraction.
The Opera House is by far the most popular tourist attraction.
※ by far:断然
New York is the place to visit.
New York is certainly worth visiting.
※be worth -ing:~するだけの価値がある
New York is an awesome place to visit.
The Big Apple is certainly worth visiting.
※Big Apple はニューヨークの愛称。
You should definitely visit New York.
You won’t regret going to New York.
I’ll show you around .
I’ll be your guide.
I’ll be your tour guide.
I’ll guide you.
Is there a tourist bus?
Is there a city tour bus?
Are there any sightseeing buses available in the city?
※ available は「利用できる、利用可能な」という意味なので、「市内で利用できる観光バスはありますか」ということ。
What is the fare?
How much does it cost ?
What’s the charge ?
※ charge :料金
How much do they charge ?
※ charge :( 料金)を請求する、値段をつける
How many times a day does it run ?
What’s the schedule for the tour bus?
When is the next tour?
What time does the next tour leave ?
How long is the tour?
How long does the tour take ?
Which bus goes to Tokyo Tower?
When is the last bus?
When is the last run ?
What time is the last bus?
Is there a Japanese-speaking guide?
Will there be a Japanese guide?
If you want to go to that island, take the boat.
Taking a boat is the best way to get to that island.
※ get to ~:~に到達する、到着する
Taking a boat would be your best bet.
Where do I get on the sightseeing boat?
Where can I take the tour boat?
I get seasick. Is there any medicine I can take to prevent it?
※ここでの take は「(薬)を服用する」の意味。
What time will the boat leave ?
When does it leave ?
How long will you have it for ?
How long would you like to use it?
I’d like to have it for two days, please.
I’ll have it for two days.
Can I rent it for two days?
1日50ドルで、時間内にお戻りいただけなかった場合は1 時間ごとに10ドルの追加料金がかかります。
It’s 50 dollars a day, and if you go over , you have to pay 10 dollars per hour.
※ go over :( 費用などが)超過する
The rate is 50 dollars for one day, and if you don’t bring it back in time , there’s a charge of 10 dollars per hour.
Is gas included?
Do I have to pay for gas?
※pay for ~:~を支払う、対価を払う
Should I fill it up before returning it?
※ fill up ~:~を満タンにする
If possible , I’d like a compact car.
I want a compact car, please, if you have one.
I’d prefer to have a compact car if one’s available .
I’d like an economy model.
※economy:経済的な cf. economy class:飛行機の一般席、普通席
Automatic or manual, it doesn’t really matter.
I don’t care if it’s automatic or stick - shift.
※ stick - shift :マニュアル(車)の
I can drive both automatic and manual cars.
I need car insurance.
I want to buy insurance.
Where do I return the car?
Where can I drop off the car?
Where are your drop stations located?
Do I have to return the car here?
You can drop it off at the airport.
You can leave it at the airport.
You can return it to the airport.
Let’s take a picture.
Why don’t we take a picture?
※Why don’t we ~?:~するのはどう?(提案の表現)
How about taking a picture?
Would you mind having our picture taken together?
Will you pose with me?
How about a picture?
Can I take your picture?
Can I take a picture of you?
Would you mind if I took a picture of you?
Is it OK if I take a picture of you?
You are very photogenic.
You came out really well in this picture.
I want to have this picture enlarged.
I’ll enlarge this picture.
I want to get this picture blown up.
※blown:blowの過去分詞形/ blow up:( 写真)を引き伸ばす
Why don’t we take a photo in front of those flowers?
Do you want to take a photo with those flowers in the background?
We need someone to take our picture.
Let’s find someone to take our picture.
Why don’t we ask that man over there to take our picture?
Let’s ask him to take our picture.
Should we get that man to take our picture?
Excuse me, but would you mind taking our picture?
Would you mind taking our picture?
I’m sorry to bother you, but can you take a picture for us?
※I’m sorry to bother you, but ~:ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありませんが、~
How does this camera work ?
※ work :作動する
I’m not familiar with cameras.
※be familiar with ~:~についてよく知っている
Just press the button.
Push the red button. That’s all.(赤いボタンを押してください。それだけです)
Just shoot.
Smile everyone.
Give me a big smile.
Say cheese.
※写真を撮るときの「はいチーズ」は、英語では Say cheese. と言う。
The memory card’s full up.
This memory card has no more room on it.
I’ve run out of memory.
The memory’s full.
There’s no more space in the memory.
I have to recharge the camera’s battery[batteries].
This camera’s battery[batteries] needs[need] recharging.
The battery[batteries] (in this camera) is[are] flat.
※flat:( 電池が)切れた
I’ll send you the pictures by e-mail.
写真をプリントしたら すぐに 送りますね。
As soon as I get the pictures printed, I’ll make sure to send them to you.
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
- 制限時間は6秒!瞬間発話力が鍛えられる!
- 英会話教室の【20倍】の発話量で学べる!