


Who suggested eating eel on the Midsummer Day of the Ox in Japan?

さて、いよいよ夏本番です。この時期、暑さに負けないために食べるものと言えば・・・土用の丑の日のうなぎ。でも、 そもそもなぜこの日にうなぎを食べることになったのかから、家に持ち帰って固くなったうなぎをおいしく食べる方法までを見てみましょう。



First of all, what is Doyou-no-ushi-no-hi?

Japanese customarily eat eel to regain energy and stamina and to alleviate suffering from the summer heat on the day known as the Midsummer Day of the Ox, Doyo- no -ushi- no -hi, which traditionally falls around the end of July on the ancient Japanese calendar. Those specific summer days, doyo, last for a couple of weeks before the first day of summer. The Midsummer Day of the Ox occurs around July 20, and this year's designated day is July 29. The basic idea of doyo comes from Onmyo Gogyo which links together the theory of ying and yang with the principle that everything can be divided into five elements: wood, fire, earth, gold and water. Spring is classified as wood, summer is fire, autumn is gold, winter is water and those times between seasons are classified as earth. The Day of the Ox is a calendar day of the Chinese zodiac, jyuni-shi.



Eating eel during the hot summer months was started by the well-known scholar!

It is said that the Japanese custom of eating eel during the hot summer months was started by a well-known scholar in the Edo- period, Gennai Hiraga, famous for the introduction to Japan of the erekiteru, or electrostatic generator. Apparently, he saved an eel restaurant that had been experiencing declining sales during summer by putting up a flyer saying “The Midsummer Day of the Ox Eel Day" in front of the restaurant. There is also a traditional belief that if you eat food starting with the "U" (oo) sound, such as ume-boshi (pickled plum) or uri (gourd), you won't get sick. That is another reason why it has been a Japanese custom to eat unagi (eel) during the hot summer months.



Let’s eat delicious unagi at home!

People line up outside their favorite eel restaurants on the Midsummer Day of the Ox; however , let's take a look at a recipe for cooking store-bought eel at your home.


Ingredients and Spices

  1. cooked eel
  2. 1/2 cup of Japanese sake
  3. 1/2 cup of water
  4. a pinch of Japanese pepper, sansho
  5. 3/4 cup of sweet cooking rice wine, mirin
  6. 3/4 cup of soy sauce 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugarb


  1. うなぎ1尾
  2. 酒1/2カップ
  3. 水1/2カップ
  4. 実山椒2、3粒
  5. みりん3/4カップ
  6. しょうゆ3/4カップ
  7. 砂糖大さじ2+1/2


  1. Wash the cooked eel thoroughly running water, completely washing away the sauce and grilled surface.
  2. Use kitchen paper to get rid of excess water.
  3. Put the eel skin-side down in a pan.
  4. Add one part each sake and water and soak the eel.
  5. Add a few grains of Japanese pepper to get rid of the fishy smell at your preference.
  6. Use tinfoil to cover the pan as a drop lid and heat it on medium heat.
  7. When it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for four to five minutes.
  8. Make the special sauce.
  9. Boil mirin for one minute till the alcohol content is gone.
  10. Add sugar and soy sauce and simmer for five minutes.
  11. Simmer the eel till the water has evaporated
  12. Add the special sauce and mix well.
  13. Simmer one minute.
  14. Serve while it's hot.


  1. 水道水でうなぎについているタレと焦げを完全に洗い落す。
  2. 洗ったうなぎの水気をクッキングペーパー等で取る。
  3. 皮目を下にして、フライパンにうなぎを並べ用意する。
  4. うなぎが漬かる程度に、酒と水を1:1の割合で混ぜたものを浸す。
  5. 好みで、生臭さを抑えるために、実山椒を2、3粒入れる。
  6. アルミホイルを落しぶたにしてフライパンにかぶせ、中火で温める。沸騰したら弱火に落とし、さらに4、5分程煮つめる。
  7. 別に、「特製タレ」を作ります。弱火で約1分程煮立たせ、アルコール分を飛ばしたみりんに、砂糖としょうゆを加え、弱火で更に5分ほど煮つめる。
  8. 汁気が少し残るまでうなぎを煮たら、7の「特製タレ」を加える。よく絡ませ、1分ほど煮つめる。
  9. 温かいうちにいただく。



According to one account, it was Gennai Hiraga, a scholar in the Edo period , famous for introducing the erekiteru to Japan.



著述・翻訳家。コミュニケーション・アナリスト。カナダ、オーストラリアに留学後、ボストン大学コミュニケーション学部修士課程ジャーナリズム専攻、東北大学博士前期課程人間社会情報科学専攻修了。通信社の国際金融情報部、出版社勤務を経てフリーに。著書に文庫版『コトバのギフト~輝く女性の100名言』(三笠書房 知的生き方文庫)、『オンライン英会話でどんどん話せるトレーニングBOOK』(日本実業出版社)、『1週間で英語がどんどん話せるようになる26のルール』(アスコム)、『スティーブ・ジョブズに学ぶ英語プレゼン』(日経BP社)ほか多数。仕事と趣味で世界50カ国以上を周る旅好き。


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2025 03
改訂版 キクタンイタリア語【入門編】基本500語レベル

