
Can you explain how to hold chopsticks?
use chopsticks properly ?">お箸を正しく使えますか? Can you use chopsticks properly ?
It's good to know how to use chopsticks so that you don't have to struggle with them when you're eating Japanese food. At first you might find it tough take some time to practice . Even though Japanese people practice how to use chopsticks from childhood, not all Japanese use chopsticks properly . Let's take a look at how to use chopsticks properly once again.日本食をいただくときに、箸で苦労しないように使い方を知っておきたいものです。でも、箸を使うのは案外と難しく、練習にも時間がかかります。日本人も子どものころから箸を使う練習を繰り返していますが、日本人だからお箸の使い方が正しいとは限りません。今回はお箸の基本的な使い方を見直してみましょう。
to use chopsticks">お箸の使い方 How to use chopsticks
Hold one chopstick with the index finger, the middle finger and the thumb, in the same manner as when you hold a pencil.鉛筆を持つときと同じように、一本の箸を人差し指、中指、親指で持つ。Move the chopstick as you would to write. This chopstick will be the upper one. Put the other chopstick between the bottom of the thumb and the tip of the fourth finger.
The lower chopstick should remain still and you should only move the upper chopstick when you pick up food.
箸で1を書くように動かしてみる。これが上側の箸となる。 もう一本の箸を親指の付け根と薬指の 先に 差し入れる。
to split waribashi (disposable chopsticks)">割り箸の割り方 How to split waribashi (disposable chopsticks)
Hold the chopsticks horizontally above your left knee and split them by pulling the top one up and the other down. You should not split them in front of your face. Pick the splinters off with your fingers. It's considered bad manners to rub them together. You can keep the chopsticks' bag as it is or hold it and make a chopsticks holder .割り箸を左膝の辺りで横にして持ち、上下に割る。決して顔の前で割らない。 ささくれは手で取り、こすり合わせるのはマナーが悪いとされます。割り箸の袋はそのままにしても、折り畳んで箸置きにしても良いです。
handling ">箸さばき Chopstick handling
to pick up chopsticks">箸を手に取る How to pick up chopsticks
The chopsticks' tips point left and rest on the chopstick holder while their other ends rest on the table (pointing to the right ). Pick up the chopsticks with your right hand, a little to the right of center, keeping your fingers straight and together. Rest them on your left palm and lightly hold the chopsticks between your left thumb and index finger.Slide your right hand under the chopsticks, moving your fingers into the holding position . When you put the chopsticks down, reverse the directions you used for picking them up.箸は、太い方を右側に、細い方を左側に向け、箸置きの上に置く。右手で箸置きから箸を取る。指はそろえて、中央よりやや右寄りをつかむ。持ち上げたら、左手を箸の下から添える。右手も箸の下に添え、箸を持つ後方(右側)の位置に滑らせる。箸を置くときは、箸を手に取るときと逆の 動作 をします。
Bad chopstick manners
Dripping chopsticks 涙箸
You should not put the chopsticks to your mouth if there is any sauce still dripping from them.食べ物から汁を滴らせながら箸を動かさない。
Waving your chopsticks 迷い箸
You should not wave your chopsticks above food.どれを食べようか迷いながら箸を動かさない。
Touching but not taking with chopsticks 移り箸"> Touching but not taking with chopsticks 移り箸
You should not touch a piece of food with your chopsticks and then not pick it up.一度料理に箸を付けながら、別の料理に箸を運ばない。
with chopsticks 刺し箸">Spearing with chopsticks 刺し箸
You should not use the chopsticks to spear food.箸を食べ物に刺して使わない。
with chopsticks 寄せ箸">Pulling food closer with chopsticks 寄せ箸
You should not use chopsticks to pull dishes closer to you.箸で食器を近くに寄せない。
Not putting down your chopsticks 持ち箸
You should not pick up a cup or bowl with the hand that is holding the chopsticks.箸を持ったまま、同じ手で器を持たない。
on chopsticks ねぶり箸">Sucking on chopsticks ねぶり箸
You should not suck the tip of the chopsticks to get the last bit of food.箸の 先に 付いた食べ物を取る前に、ねぶる(なめる)などしない。
Standing chopsticks vertically 立て箸"> Standing chopsticks vertically 立て箸
You should not stick your chopsticks straight up in a bowl of rice. (This practice is only used at Buddhist funerals.)お椀のご飯に垂直に箸を突き刺して立てない。(仏教式の葬儀で行われる作法)
between chopsticks 箸渡し">Passing food between chopsticks 箸渡し
You should not pass food directly from your chopsticks to another person's chopsticks. (This is another practice that is only used at Buddhist funerals.)箸と箸で食べ物の受け渡しをしない。(仏教式の葬儀で行われる作法)
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