Let’s take a Shinkansen!(新幹線に乗ってみよう!)| 日本のキホンを英語で説明


What’s the current maximum speed of the fastest Shinkansen?


希望 の星だった。 Shinkansen embodied the hope of Japan's high-speed economic boom ">新幹線は高度成長の 希望 の星だった。 Shinkansen embodied the hope of Japan's high-speed economic boom

The Shinkansen, a bullet train, began operations on October 1st 1964, nine days before the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. The Tokaido Shinkansen connects three major metropolitan areas in Japan: Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. The first bullet train ran at 210 km per hour and attracted attention as the fastest train in the world. Along with Japan's high-speed economic growth and Olympic boom , it embodied Japan's hope for future business development . Now its maximum speed on scheduled journeys is 320 km per hour, the same speed as the TGV-LGV in France.


新幹線は、東京オリンピック開会の9日前、1964年10月1日に開通し、東海新幹線は東京から名古屋、大阪という三大都市圏を結び付けました。当初世界一の時速210キロメートルのスピードで走り、世界最速の列車として注目を集め、高度成長やオリンピックとともに、日本の未来の経済発展への 希望 をかけた事業でもありました。現在ではフランスのTGV-LGV と並び最高速度320キロメートルで走るまでになったのです。

新幹線について About the Shinkansen

The following is a simplified reference table of Shinkansen services.


Hokkaido, Hokuriku and Kyushu will have new Shinkansen services in the near future. 北海道、北陸、九州は近い将来新しい新幹線が開通する予定です。


新幹線に乗ってみると  Let’s ride a Shinkansen.

There are four classes of carriage on Shinkansen: the standard carriage ( which includes non- reserved and reserved seats), the green carriage, and the grand class carriage.



Standard carriage】 You can ride a bullet train without a reservation in a non- reserved seat, or you may stand. However , Hayate and Komachi trains on the Tohoku Shinkansen service only have reserved seats. Nozomi trains on the Tokaido Shinkansen used to only have reserved seats, but now it has non- reserved seats too.




【Green carriage】The seats are very wide and comfortable and each has a footrest. These carriages have a free drink service . There aren't many green carriages so seats tend to be fully booked on holidays and weekends.


【グリーン車】普通車両よりもゆったりとして、フットレストなどもあり、飲み物のサービスも付きます。号数が 少ない ので、連休や週末などは予約が すぐに うまってしまうことが多いようです。


【Grand Class carriage】There are Grand Class carriages on Hayabusa, Hayate, Yamabiko and Nasuno trains on the Tohoku Shinkansen. A Grand Class carriage has only three seats per row . You can recline these leather sofas electronically to 45 degrees. They serve light meals and drinks, including some alcohol, for free.



All Shinkansen have a service room with seats. They are suitable for feeding babies, and provide easy access for the disabled and so on . Anybody can use this private room without a reservation . どの新幹線にも「サービスルーム」と呼ばれるシート付きの個室があり、授乳や障害者サポートなど、誰でも予約なしで自由に個室を使えます。

新幹線のデザインは誰がしているの?  Who designs Shinkansen?

There are some well known Shinkansen designers, such as Alexander Neumeister, who designed the 500 series and is also famous for his work on the ICE in Germany. Eiji Mitooka was the design adviser for the JR Kyushu 800 series, Kiyoyuki Okuyama is famous for supervising the design of the E6 series as well as the Enzo Ferrari, and Tetsuo Fukuda designed the N700 series. The unique streamlined form of the Shinkansen aims to enhance the function by minimizing noise among other things. These days JR and industrial- design companies work together to design many Shinkansen.


デザイナーとして個人名が知られているのは、500系のデザイナーでドイツのICEなどもデザインしているアレクサンダー・ノイマイスター氏、JR九州の800系デザイン顧問である水戸岡鋭治氏、E6系のデザイン責任者でフェラーリ・エンツォのデザインなどで知られる奥山清行氏、N700系のデザイナー福田哲夫氏などの方々がいます。最近の新幹線の流線型の独特のフォルムは、騒音を最小限にするなど 性能 を考慮した機能的な面がまずありき。その上で、企業とJRが共同開発をしているようです。



The maximum speed of currently operating Shinkansen is 320km per hour.



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