Origami! 英語で学ぶ千羽鶴の折り方


What is a senbazuru? Why do Japanese people make them?
(千羽鶴って何? なぜ日本人は千羽鶴を作るの?)

日本の伝統的な紙細工の折り紙。日本人なら何か一つくらいは折れる人が多いのではないでしょうか。最近では、折り紙をちょっと 加工 してアクセサリーにしたり、固めて工作にまで発展させたりして楽しむ方法も見られます。今回は、 久しぶり の方も多いであろう折り紙の折り方から、最近の手軽な 加工 までを見てみましょう!

折り紙とは? What is origami?

Origami is the traditional Japanese art of folding paper. (Ori means fold , kami means paper.) You can make various items by folding a square of paper into certain shapes, such as a flower, a box or an animal, without ever cutting the paper or using glue. Traditionally, Japanese make 1,000 paper cranes and tie them together on a piece of string to make a wish, such as to win a game or to recover from an illness.

make a paper crane ">折鶴の折り方を思い出そう!Let's make a paper crane

Use a perfectly square piece of paper. Fold it to make a triangle by bringing the diagonally opposite corners together; repeat to make it a smaller triangle. Take the top layer and place your fingers inside to open it up.Push it down to make a square.Turn it over and do the same thing with the other side.

With the sides of the square at 45 degree angles and the open edges facing toward you, fold both edges of the top layer to the middle line to make creases.

Open the top layer and fold along those creases to the center and then press and make it flat.

Turn it over and do the same thing on the other side. You should have a narrow diamond shape now.

Fold the top-layer edges to the middle line so that the point facing you is narrower than the point facing away from you. Turn it over and do the same thing on the other side.

Next, fold the bottom edge toward the top edge so that the outside layer covers the previous folds. The shape will be like a tulip flower. Turn it over and repeat.

Tuck one of the bottom points back on itself to make a head. Spread the broad parts to make the wings, blow into the hole on the bottom and you are finished.




上の重ねを開き、サイドを折り目に合わせて真ん中に向かって折り、平らにします。ひっくり返して同じように折り目を付け、4 と同様に します。折り紙は細長いダイヤモンド型になっています。

上の重ねの自分に近い方の端を真ん中に合わせて折ります。これで、自分の方に向いたサイドが狭くなります。ひっくり返して、もう一方も 同様に します。

上の重ねの下の端を上の端に合わせるように折り上げ、チューリップのような形にします。ひっくり返し同様の 作業 をします。


to make an earring, or a craft item for a summer holiday assignment , using origami">折り紙を夏休みの工作やイヤリングに変える方法!How to make an earring, or a craft item for a summer holiday assignment , using origami

After you have finished making a paper crane , brush an appropriate amount of UV Resin onto the crane . Leave it for a while to dry. You'll find the origami becomes hard, something like a carving , but it's still very light. If you put it on an earring ring, it will make a great accessory.


折り紙も日本の和紙風のものから、キャラクター柄までさまざまなものが登場し、 加工 でもアクセサリーから置き物までいろんな方法が見られるようになりました。英字新聞で風船やかぶとを折って置き物にしたり……ただの紙以上にいろいろ楽しんでみましょう!


A senbazuru is a chain of 1,000 paper cranes held together with string. Sometimes Japanese create them when they want to make a wish.



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