


What does the New Year holiday season, oshogatsu, mean to Japanese people?





The beginning of the New Year, oshogatsu, is one of the most important annual holidays for Japanese people. During oshogatsu, family members go back to their hometown and relatives gather together to celebrate the New Year. We prepare osechi-ryori ― food that is beautifully arranged in three lacquerware boxes and eaten on the first three days of the year. Osechi is an array of preserved food, the names of which signify good wishes for the family's health and prosperity. However, these days some people don't prepare these dishes at all or prepare them for just a day or so. There are many traditional customs we perform during oshogatsu. The easiest way to explain them may be by taking a look at a typical event schedule.



元日 ganjitsu, New Year‘s Day

January 1st is a national holiday. People make their first visit of the year to shrines, and visit their relatives to exchange customary New Year's greetings. Many people put on kimono to go out. Family members get together and play games, such as sugoroku, board games, the make-a-face-game known as fukuwarai, and so on. In the past, people used to enjoy paper craft games and hanetsuki, a game like badminton where two people hit a tiny ball with a small wooden bat. However, nowadays it seems like computer console games are more popular. Usually people receive nenga-jyo, special New Year's greeting postcards, on this day, too.



書き初め kakizome, writing the first calligraphy of the year

Kakizome is an event where the first calligraphy of the year is written with a brush, while facing an auspicious direction, and is usually held on January 2nd. Japanese people write their New Year's resolution, or a Chinese character that makes them feel happy, such as “dream,” “hope” and so on.



三が日 from January 1st to 3rd, sanganichi, the first three days of the New Year

During sanganichi, many companies and schools have holidays. However, department stores and shops are usually open and crowded with customers because of the first sales of the year, hatsu-uri.



七草がゆ nanakusa-gayu, eating porridge with seven herbs

People eat rice porridge prepared with the seven herbs of spring. They wish for good health throughout the year and, having previously eaten too much osechi and too many rice cakes, give their stomach a rest at the same time.



鏡割り kagamiwari, putting away the decorated rice cakes

People are definitely getting out of the mood of oshogatsu by mid-January. They take down the round rice cakes used for New Year's displays and eat them, typically dipping them in sweet aduki bean soup or something similar. (Actually, the rice cake has often already gone moldy by this time.



Oshogatsu is one of the most important events of the year for Japanese people. During oshogatsu, family members go back to their hometown and gather together with relatives, to celebrate the New Year. It's the equivalent of the Christmas holiday season in western countries.



著述・翻訳家。コミュニケーション・アナリスト。カナダ、オーストラリアに留学後、ボストン大学コミュニケーション学部修士課程ジャーナリズム専攻、東北大学博士前期課程人間社会情報科学専攻修了。通信社の国際金融情報部、出版社勤務を経てフリーに。著書に文庫版『コトバのギフト~輝く女性の100名言』(三笠書房 知的生き方文庫)、『オンライン英会話でどんどん話せるトレーニングBOOK』(日本実業出版社)、『1週間で英語がどんどん話せるようになる26のルール』(アスコム)、『スティーブ・ジョブズに学ぶ英語プレゼン』(日経BP社)ほか多数。仕事と趣味で世界50カ国以上を周る旅好き。



2024 10
改訂第2版 1カ月で攻略! 大学入学共通テスト英語リーディング