What can you do when you become 20 years old in Japan?
The meaning of being an adult in JapanWhen a person reaches 20 years of age, they are considered to be an adult in Japan. Drinking alcohol is permitted from this age and you can enjoy a greater degree of freedom. On one hand, you become a full citizen and are given the right to vote, but at the same time , you also have new responsibilities as an adult, such as having to enroll in a pension plan and other duties.日本では、20歳になると「成人」と見なされ、飲酒を認められるようになるなど、ちょっとした自由が感じられ、一市民として選挙権が与えられる反面、年金加入などの大人としての責任や、その他の義務も課せられるようになります。(※本記事は2013年1月に公開した記事を再編集しております。選挙権は昨年より満18年以上が選挙に参加できるようになっています。)People celebrate the adulthood of those reaching 20 on what is known as seijinnohi, or coming-of-age day. This celebration used to be held on January 15th, but it was moved to the second Monday of January in the year 2000.
Coming-of-age ceremony in JapanEach town and city has its own ceremony. The “new adults” go back to their hometown to attend the ceremony, so it is a good opportunity for them to catch up with old friends. Many women wear furisode, colorful, long-sleeved kimono, and have their hair dressed in a formal up-style, while some men also wear kimono with hakama. Some of the “new adults” take the opportunity to start drinking and messing around at the ceremony, displaying immature behavior . What are coming-of-age ceremonies like in other parts of the world?成人式は、市や町など地方自治体ごとに式典が開催され、新成人は実家に帰って式典に出席するため、昔からの友人との近況報告などの場でもあります。女性の多くは振袖を着て髪を正装に結い上げ、あでやかな姿で登場し、男性も羽織袴の着物姿も見られます。一部では、成人式で飲酒をして騒いだり、未熟な振る舞いをしたりする姿なども。では、世界に目を転じるとどうでしょう……。
challenge in some places.">成人式は祝いではなく試練の日という土地もある!? The ceremony is not a celebration but a day of challenge in some places.
In Japan, Coming-of-Age Day is a celebration, but it is a day of challenge in some countries. There are global differences in the age at which one is regarded as an adult. In the Masai tribe, for example , the new adults go hunting by themselves and hunt a lion. Bungee jumping from 30 meters high is customary in Vanuatu. And some tribes cover the participants in cow dung... Indeed , it can be a tough ordeal to endure, but you will be acknowledged as an adult after successfully completing the trial. When we consider these customs, it is difficult to feel comfortable about those who fail to approach the Japanese ceremony with the sobriety it deserves.日本はお祝いでも世界では試練の日というところもあるようです。年齢に違いはあれど、例えば、マサイ族は1人でハンティングに出かけてライオンを仕留める、バヌアツでは高さ30メートルからバンジージャンプ、ある部族は体中に牛の糞を塗りたくる……。そう、いろんな面から過酷な試練を乗り越えて大人と認められるようです。そうした習慣を考えると、日本人は式典にふさわしい節度を持って出席してほしいものですね。
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