「秋深き 隣は何を する人ぞ」というのは、有名な俳句ですね。そういえば、この俳句は誰が詠(よ)んだものかご存じですか? そして、そもそも俳句ってどんなものかというと・・・。芸術の秋に、英語で俳句について見直してみましょう。
What is haiku?
Essential Element : A Sense of the Season
Haiku is Japanese poetry comprising 17 syllables five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five in the last). Basically it has to contain at least one kigo, a word that expresses a season. Matsuo Basho is famous for developing an early form of haiku in the Edo period, while Masaoka Shiki perfected and established the style in the Meiji period. The following are some famous examples of haiku poetry for the autumn season.
Eat a persimmon And the bell will toll At Horyuji. - Masaoka Shiki
柿くへば 鐘が鳴るなり 法隆寺(正岡子規)
Deep autumn How does my neighbor live I wonder? - Matsuo Basho
秋深き 隣は何を する人ぞ(松尾芭蕉)
Morning glory Climbing up the well-bucket Ask for water from the neighbor. - Kagano Chiyojyo
朝顔や つるべ取られて もらい水(加賀千代女)
What are the differences between haiku, tanka and senryu?
There are other different, but somewhat similar, types of poetry to haiku: tanka and senryu. Let's take a look at the differences.
Haiku 俳句
contains 17 syllables in three lines (5-7-5 syllables) and has to contain kigo, a word that expresses a season. The main themes of haiku are nature, institutions. and customs.
Tanka 短歌
contains 31 syllables in five lines (5-7-5-7-7 syllables). It doesn't have to contain kigo.
Senryu 川柳
contains 17 syllables in three lines (5-7-5 syllables). It doesn't have to contain kigo. The main themes are human emotions and the subtleties of life. Senryu features satire, sarcasm, caricature and humor.
Here is a rough guideline to help you distinguish between the three types of Japanese poetry: The poetry in which you can feel the seasons and grace of the 5-7-5 rhythm is haiku; poetry that ends with a 7-7 rhythm is tanka; and sarcastic and humorous poetry with a 5-7-5 rhythm is senryu.
What is kigo?
Kigo is a word or phrase associated with a particular season that is used in Japanese poetry. The words "persimmon," "deep autumn" and "morning glory" incuded in the above three pieces of poetry are kigo for autumn. You have to have kigo in a haiku to provide the sense of season that is such an important element of haiku.
Haiku is Japanese poetry consisting of 17 syllables (five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five in the last) and containing at least one kigo──a word that expresses a season.
- 作成:2016年9月27日、更新:2024年9月6日
語学一筋55年 アルクのキクタン英会話をベースに開発
- スマホ相手に恥ずかしさゼロの英会話
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